Part 20: Saving Team

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Lunar's POV 

Sitting on the stairs with the cyber crystal in my hand I was busy looking at it. I was trying to kill time while waiting for the boys to return from the mission. Hearing chirping I looked away from the crystal to see that Gony approached me. 

Me: "I'm just wondering Gony. This cyber crystal can be a really powerful thing you know? Of course, I never saw the powers in real life but I heard and read a lot about it. I was always so fascinated about it." 

Gony chirped again. 

Me: "Guys will be back soon." 

Suddenly a feeling came over me that someone was standing in front of the doors. 

Voice 1: "We found their ship." 

The doors on the other side of the ship opened and I immediately stood up. As quietly and quickly as I could I opened the secret doors above my head and as I jumped into the small room I closed the doors behind me before anyone could see me. Gony went into sleep mode. 

Voice 2: "Chech the ship. Make sure no one's on board." 

I could hear someone walking just under me and I was really hoping they would not find the hiding place. 

Voice 1: "We are alone. The ship is empty." 

Hearing them leave I waited for a few moments before coming out of my hiding place. Coming out of the ship I saw them driving away with their speeders. Placing my right hand up I pressed the button on my comm. 

Me: "Hunter, do you copy?" 

I got no response. 

Me: "Tech, Echo? Wrecker?" 

No one. Something must have happened to them. Coming at the edge I took out the binoculars Tech gave them to me and began to follow the speeders. Soon I found the guys in chains next to the other prisoners. 

Me: "Great." 

Hunter's POV 

Wrecker: "It's getting loose."  

He was trying to get the electric color that was around his neck off. Suddenly he was electrocuted by the main guard. 

Echo: "Do that one more time and you will be-" 

He was electrocuted as well. 

Tech: "Save your energy. We are going to need it." 

Hearing the roar I looked to my right to see the creature flying over us and landing on the tower. The leader was standing on the tower and my eyes stopped on him for a moment. I needed to get my team out of this. The kid on the ground next to us hid behind some adults and he looked really terrified. 

Wrecker: "Relax, Muchi. We're the cavalry." 

Me: "What are our odds of this, Tech?" 

I asked as I looked at him. 

Tech. "I am not certain."

Wrecker: "So much for being smart." 

Tech sighted. 

Tech: "This is not  standard military operation and seeing as how we've never been tasked with rescuing a child from slave traders before, there is no data I can compare it to." 

Me: "We need to single Luna before their scouts find her." 

Echo: "Except our comms are over there with our weapons." 

Tech: "We won't need a comm to signal her." 

I followed his gaze and as I looked to my right I saw Luna on the top of the building looking down at us. The moment our eyes met I became worried. With her hands, she asked me what she could do to help us. I didn't know she knew sign language. With my lips, I told her to stay put. The doors of the building opened and Luna quickly hid. The leader approached us. 

Leader: "Look what we have here. Four news slaves to add to my collection. Strong ones too."

Looking away from him to my left I saw Luna walking on the rope from one building to another. Her hands were spread as she was slowly walking to the other end. 

Echo: "The Republic outlawed slaves." 

Leader: "We are not in Republic anymore, slug." 

He told him as he got closer to Echo's face. I could see Echo looking at Luna who was now in the other building. 

Echo: "You're lucky we don't have our gear, because this would go very different for you." 

He was trying to tell her to get our gear and as I read her eyes she understood the message. Seeing that the Leader was coming around towards me I quickly looked away from Luna who was trying to get closer to our gear. Suddenly a rock fell on the ground next to the building making all of us look towards it. 

I had to be Luna but thanks to the Force she wasn't seen. But the Leader still began to approach the fallen rock so he could expect it. Wrecker picked a rock that was next to him at one of the guards knocking him down and making Leader look back at us. 

Leader: "We can make do with one less slave. Maybe I will feed you to my pet." 

He told Wrecker as the creature on the tower growled and roared. 

Leader: "As for the rest of you, you will be part of a new beginning. With the meddling Republic gone, we can return to Kadavo and rebuild what was taken from us. Under this new Empire, our operation will flourish once again. And if you don't comply...the person next to you will pay the price." 

Luna: "Let go of me!" 

She was brought in front of the Leader by two guards who made her go down on her knees. 

Guard 1: "We found her speaking out of the cage." 

Luna: "I wasn't sneaking. I was unlocking." 

She said as she showed the lock in her hands. 

Leader: "Secure the cage!" 

Before they could stop a rancor jumped out of the cage and began to attack our captors. In all this mess I lost sight of Luna. 

Leader: "Stop her don't let her get away!" 

Tech: "A rampaging adolescent rancor is not the distraction I was anticipating." 

Wrecker: "That's their problem. We're getting out of here." 

He pulled hard against the rope that was holding us together and as he broke it he first saved himself of the chains around his hands and neck then he helped us and other prisoners. At that moment Luna came running up to us. 

Luna: "Are you guys okay?" 

Echo: "Thank you for your assistance." 

Me: "Are you?" 

She nodded to me then she approached the small kid next to us. 

Me: "It's okay, Muchi. We are here to take you home." 

A man stepped next to the kid and began to speak in a different language. He pointed his hand past Lunar at the rancor. 

Man: "Muchi. Muchi." 

Echo: "The rancor is Muchi?" 

The rancor growled and began to run away as the guards went after it. 

Me: "Gear up. We have to go after Muchi. If we don't capture her, we don't get our intel from Cid."

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