Part 27: Monster Inside

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Lunar's POV 

Wrecker: "I don't like this plan!" 

Hunter: "We agreed to meet Rex on Bacca. That's what are we doing." 

Wrecker: "He wants to cut open my head." 

Tech: "All of our heads actually." 

Me: "Not mine. I don't have a chip." 

Wrecker: "Why not? That's not fair." 

The only reason I did not have a chip was because of Nala Se. She convinced them that I was going to be easily manipulated and that I would be easy to control. 

Hunter: "How's the chip scanner coming?" 

He asked as he turned to look at Tech. 

Tech: "Since Rex's chip was removed, I can establish a baseline by comparing his brain can to ours. Allowing for the detection of any cellular anomaly." 

He walked away and I could see the confined faces of Hunter and Wrecker. 

Me: "By that, he means that: "It's almost finished." 

Wrecker: "Do we really have to do this?" 

Hunter: "If Rex is sure, then we have to trust him." 

As we came to planet Bacca I looked out of the window to see many, many ships everywhere. 

Me: "What is this place?" 

Hunter: "A ship graveyard." 

I am wondering how all of these ships got here. 

Echo: "I am picking up Rex's beacon." 

He and Tech landed the ship inside another ship. Stepping out of the ship we all approach Rex who approached us. 

Rex: "Right on time." 

Wrecker: "How's a junk planet gonna help us?" 

Rex placed his helmet on his head. 

Rex: "Follow me." 

As he began to walk, we all began to follow him. This planet was something. There were so many ships that it was impossible to count them all. 

Me: "So Rex. Why Bracca?" 

Rex: "Bracca may not be much to look at, but it has exactly what we need. I had my chip taken out on a Jedi cruiser just like that." 

He said as he pointed the way for me to see a giant ship not that far away from us. 

Rex: "That's the way we are heading." 

Wrecker: "Then why'd we land over here?" 

Hunter: "Everyone down." 

Quickly going down I looked forward as I saw a ship flying around the Jedi cruiser. 

Rex: "That's why." 

Tech: "It's the Screapper Guild." 

Rex: "They control this entire planet. We need to keep out of sight of their patrols. Let's move." 

As we came closer to the Jedi cruiser we began to walk and I began to look around more. No matter where you look you only see ships and sand. 

Rex: "Fives tried to warn me about the chips. But I did not understand at the time." 

Echo: "It's still hard to believe now." 

Rex: "How did you boys even find out by them?" 

Echo: "Lunar." 

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