Part 35: Back With Them

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Lunar's POV

Coming outside I looked over the fence to see something I now really needed. Flight pods. Turning to my right I began to run again with my hands in front of me. I hated the handcuffs. As I found the stairs that led down to the flight pods I wanted to quickly run up to them. When I heard footsteps approaching.

Bane: "Playtime is over, Little lady."

He said as he was pointing his blaster at me. Suddenly there came something lying past my head and it hit the blaster that Bane was holding. It fell to the ground and just then I was pushed aside by Shand. I fell to the floor but I quickly picked myself up and began to run towards the stairs as Bane and she began to fight each other.

Because my hands were in handcuffs I could not climb normally so I had to climb down slowly and aside. Just as I almost came to the ground the deride came flying next to me.

Droid: "Going for the flight pod?"

He tried to grab me but I quickly moved aside. Then I used the ladder to turn myself around so I was on the back side of the ladder.

Droid: "This will not get you very far."

He tried to grab me again but I moved back around and began to climb back up. He came charging at me but before he could start reaching for me I kicked him away. He didn't stop.

Droid: "You are coming with me."

He grabbed a hold of my leg and began to pull.

Me: "Let go!"

I kicked him again. This kick was much stronger, making him hit the ground beneath me. As fast as I could I climbed down the ladder and then I began to run towards the flight pod. The moment the doors of the flight pod opened I quickly stepped in and locked them behind myself. As I began to launch the droid appeared on the windows.

Droid: "Aha! Where do you think you are going?"

At that moment I pressed the button and the flight pod flew into the air.

Droid: "You will regret this-"

Because of the strong force, he wasn't able to hold on and he disappeared from the window view. I was flying perfectly when the alarms began to go off. Something was wrong. I was losing power.

Me: "No, no, no, no, no."

No matter what I tried to press or do I was unable to get the motors back to work. Suddenly I began to fall. I was falling between the clouds at great speed with no way of stopping it. This can't be happening. Not like this.

Suddenly I stopped falling as something stopped the pod. No, it can't be him. I stepped behind the seat and looked up just as the doors over me opened. Smoke covered my eyes and as I looked past it another door opened.

Voice: "Lunar! Are you there?"

Me: "Wrecker!"

I called as I saw him looking down the hole. A big smile appeared on his face. As fast as I could I began to climb the stairs. Coming close to him he offered me his hand and as he reached me he took hold of handcuffs and pulled me up.

Wrecker: "Aw! Good to have you back."

He was holding me in his arms as he placed me on the ground and gave me a strong hug. I immediately placed my head against him as I was unable to hug him back. I thought that this was my end. I had no idea it was them. As he let go of me I looked to my right to meet Hunter's eyes.

Hunter: "Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

I did not respond to him as I kept my eyes on him. I could feel tears rolling down my cheek. He placed his hands on my shoulders.

Hunter: "Luna?"

Me: "Why is this happening? Why are they after me?"

Echo: "Hunter, you have to tell her."

I heard his voice from behind me. I did not look away from Hunter who had his eyes on me.

Hunter: "You're valuable to them. More than all the other clones. Even more than us. You are different."

Me: "How am I different?"

Hunter: "You are a clone of a Jedi. Very powerful Jedi."

I slowly looked away from him and I felt my legs begin to give in.

Tech: "Lu-?"

I fell to my knees and covered my mouth with my hands as I began to cry. This can't be happening. I...I can't be... I will never have a life. I will never be free. They will always be behind me. They will never leave me alone. Hunter went down on his knees and as he placed his hands over me he pulled me into a strong.

Hunter: "It's okay Luna. You are safe with us."

Wrecker: "Yeah we will destroy anyone that tries to get close to you again."

Hunter's POV

I was sitting behind the chair looking out to the galaxy. It took us an hour to calm Luna down and it took us even longer to get her to sleep. She was terrified. Today I thought that I lost her. When I felt unable to protect her I felt like the biggest failure. How could I even let him get close to her?

Suddenly I saw a shadow on my left and as I tended to look at who it was I saw that it was Lunar. She took a seat behind the monitor next to me.

Me: "Can't sleep anymore?"

I asked. She slowly looked at me. Her beautiful eyes were still red from crying. It hated me to see her like this.

Luna: "I tried. But when I woke up I kept on thinking about it."

She looked back forward as she hugged her knees close to her chest.

Luna: "Seeing that place. I don't want to end up like those experiments that I saw today."

Me: "That's not gonna happen."

She looked at me.

Luna: "If I am as valuable as you say, Lama Su will keep sending bounty hunters after me."

She said as she looked away once more.

Me: "He can sand everyone in the galaxy. You have us."

Luna: "You can't fight them all Hunter."

I pushed myself off my chair and as I took a step towards her I went down on one knee. Taking hold of the chair that she was sitting on I pinned it around to her towards me.

Me: "Look at me, Luna."

She slowly did.

Me: "You don't need to worry. You are never going back to Kamino."

Luna: "Promise?"

Me: "I promise."

A small smile appeared on her face.

Luna: "I didn't even ask you how are you feeling?"

She asked as she looked down at the bandages that were around my chest.

Me: "I'm alright."

She pushed herself off the chair a little so she could place her hand on my left cheek. Her touch was so gentle. My eyes were on her as her eyes were on me. Suddenly she lined in and her lips touched my forehead. Removing her lips she looked down at me with a small smile.

Luna: "Good night Hunter."

Me: "Good night Luna."

I stood up and moved out of the way so she could pick herself up and go back to sleep.

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