Part 8: Purpose

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Lunar's POV 

I was following the guys as I kept my eyes focused on the creature in my hand. I do not know what it was but it had wings and I could feel that it was not dangerous to me. I continued walking when a hand came in front of me stopping me and making the creature fly away. Looking to my left I saw that it was Hunter.

Me: "What?" 

I saw him looking down directly in front of me when I saw a rope. 

Me: "What is that?"

Hunter: "A booby trap." 

Wrecker: "Single trip wire. Hahaha. That's cute."

He took a step back and that's when his leg touched a red laser. At that moment droids raised from the ground and surrounded him. The droids were real but they were unfunctional. 

Wrecker: "Whoa!"

He began to shoot at them.

Hunter: "Easy, Wrecker!"

Wrecker stopped shooting and slowly looked at us.

Wrecker: "Was that me?" 

At that moment I saw a man and woman coming from our left making me step back. They were pointing guns at us. The woman was a Twi'lek with beautiful pink asking and blue eyes. The man was a clone. 

Woman: "So what do we have here? More clones who have lost their way."

Man: " It's been a while, fellas."

They placed their guns away and that's when I realized that they were their friends. They took us to their home.

Woman: "I see a few new faces."

She said as she looked at me and then at Echo who I was standing next to. 

Hunter: "Echo and Lunar, Cut and Suu."

Echo: "Ma'am."

Me: "It's really nice to meet you both."

Suu: "Pleased to meet you too."

Cut: "Where is Crosshair?"

Hunter: "It's complicated."

Cut: "Sounds familiar. Rex told us about the clone troopers turning against the Jedi."

Echo: "You talked to Rex? When?"

Cut: "Well, he passed through yesterday."

Echo: "Where'd he go?"

Cut: "Didn't ask. He was going on about some behavior implant."

Me: "He must mean the inhibitor chip."

Hunter: "The what?"

He asked making me look at him. 

Me: "The inhibitor chip. The Kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behavior."

He looked past me at Tech.

Hunter: "Tech you said the regs were programmed but you never mentioned it."

Tech: "How else do you think it works?"

At that moment the doors burst open and two kids came running into the house.

Girl: "Mom, Dad!"

Boy 2: "There is a ship outside!"

They said as they came to their parents.

Wrecker: "Shaeeah, Jek! Remember me!?"

The kids looked at him and the moment that they did a big smile grew on both of their faces.

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