Part 30: Pro In No Time

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Crosshair's POV 

The moment the doors in front of me opened I began to walk towards Lama Su and Admiral Rampar who were talking to each other. I removed my helmet as I continued to talk to them. 

Admiral Rampar: "From now on, I'm to be apprised of all matters here, Prime Minister. 

I stopped walking as they turned to look at me. 

Me: "Scrappers on Bracca reported a power surge on a Jedi cruiser." 

Admiral Rampar: "Send a scout team." 

Me: "We will need more than that." 

I took out the monotr and as I turned it on there came an image of Hunter on it. 

Me: "It's Clone Force 99." 

Lama Su: "Admiral Rampar. The clones of experimental unit 99 are highly skilled assets. It would be most beneficial to have them returned alive." 

Armiral Rampar: "I have no interest in a group of rogue clone deserters. If you find them on Bracca. Terminate them."

Lama Su: "Bring me the girl. She is very important." 

I nodded then I turned around and left the room. 

Lunar's POV 

Wrecker: "And that's how you disassemble a thermal explosive. There are tons of live ordnance buried in this shipyard. If you trip one, you need to know how to disable it."

Me: "Seems simple enough." 

Wrekcer: "Well if you're so sure, here. Disarm it." 

He gave me the thing for cutting the wires, then he stood up and pressed the button. 

Me: "Me?! But I only watched you once-" 

Wrecker: "Ten seconds till we're both goners." 

My eyes winded in shock. 

Wrecker: "Ten, nine..." 

Going down I quickly began to look threw the viers trying to find the right one to cut and stop the clock. The conducted feeds the coil expander. 

Wrecker: "...eight..." 

This connects to the transmitter. There are so many of them. 

Wrecker: "" 

What now?! I looked back at Wrecker. 

Wrecker: "...six..." 

When Hunter said that I needed to know this thing I didn't know that I had to know it instantly. Turning back around I cut two viers. One was yellow and the other one was blue. 

Wrecker: "...five, four..." 

The timer didn't stop. 

Me: "Wrecker I don't know!" 

Wrecker: "Better get it right! Three, two one!" 

I cut another vier and at that moment the light turned on. 

Wrecker: "Obviously not that one. Too late! We need to run!" 

Grabbing me by the waist he placed me over his shoulder and quickly began to run. Coming around the corner he placed me on the ground just as the time ran out. I expected a loud explosion but instead of that, only a little explosion was heard. Wrecker laughed. 

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