Part 33: Mr. Bane

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Hunter's POV

Me: "Any sign of that bounty hunter?"

Tech: "The only vessel in our scanners is Crosshairs and he's right on top of us."

Lasers were flying past our ship as Tech was trying to move out of the way as much as possible.

Wrecker: "It's getting back here!"

He yelled from behind the gun machine.

Tech: "Preparing to jump!"

I quickly looked at him.

Me: "Not without Luna."

Echo: "The bounty hunter that took her is long gone! We will have no chance of finding them if Crosshair shoots us down."

Tech: "Rear deflectors shields are failing."

Wrecker heard her screaming. I failed to protect her.

Me: "Make the jump."

Lunar's POV

Waking up I found myself in a small cell. Picking myself up I tried to touch the cell doors but I quickly changed my mind as I felt electricity touching my fingertips. Looking out I saw that the button for opening the doors was on the wall on the right. Hearing footsteps approaching I looked to my left to see that droid stepped in front of me on the other side.

Me: "You. Let me out of here."

Droid: "Afraid not."

Standing up I looked down at my hands. The communication system was missing.

Droid: "Looking for something? Your device has been confiscated and placed in a secure compartment."

Me: "Let me out."

The droid shows me his back as he wiggles his mental stick around. Because the blast that Hunter sent he had was missing a leg.

Droid: "I would advise you to cooperate. Mr. Bane does not respond well to difficult prisoners."

He said as he took a few steps away from him. There has to be a way out of here. Suddenly I heard someone approaching. Looking out I saw someone coming down the stairs on the left. The bounty hunter. He approached the doors and moved his hat out of the way so his eyes could look at me.

Bane: "How's my asset doing?"

I did not respond to him.

Bane: "Lunar right?"

Once again I did not respond to him. He removed his hat and placed it on down.

Bane: "I'm Cad Bane at your service."

Me: "If you are at my service. Let me out of here."

Bane: "I am afraid I can't do that Little lady."

Me: "Where are you taking me?"

He did not respond. Turning around he began to walk back towards the stairs.

Me: "You will be sorry. My friend will come after me."

Bane: "Your friends are gone. I made sure of that."

He said as he looked back at me a little.

Bane: "No one is coming for you Little lady. Now sit tight and don't cause any trouble."

Me: "Why did they hire you?"

Bane: "I think you know the answer to this question."

He said as he began to walk again. Droid quickly went after him.

Droid: "But when will you have time to fix my leg? Mr. Bane? Mr. Bane."

As they left I took a seat on the ground and then I hugged my knees with my hands.

Me: "Hunter."

Please be okay. Droid came past my prison a few moments later and began to pull a small box after him. Because of his size, he was snuggling a little.

Droid: "This is all that clone's fault. He shot my leg off."

I looked back at the red button.

Me: "He was protecting me. That's what friends are for."

I looked back towards the droid to see him sitting on the ground trying to fix his missing leg.

Me: "Why isn't he helping you?"

Droid: "Well, Mr. Bane is very busy."

He began to put his leg back on his body when the electricity shook him. He fell to the ground and the part fell in front of my doors.

Me: "If you want, I can fix your leg. It's a simple booster adjustment. I did it a few times for AZI-3 back on Kamino."

The droid picked himself up.

Droid: "I am a techno service droid. I am quite capable of completing my own repairs. You are a prisoner, and you are not to be trusted."

Me: "Have it your way then."

I said as I looked away from him.

Hunter's POV

Echo: "Your description of the bounty hunter is a match to one from the Republic's files."

I quickly approached to see the bounty hunter on the screen Luna.

Me: "That's him."

Echo: "Cad Bane. He had multiple run-ins with the Jedi and was responsible for attempting to abduct Chancellor Palpatine."

Wrecker: "First country hunter on Pantora and now this guy? Why are they all after the Lunar?"

Tech: "Because she is more valuable than we realized."

I turned to look at him as he approached us.

Me: "What do you mean?"

Tech: "I further analyzed Lunar's genetic profile, and discovered that she has the blood of a really important and powerful Jedi. I supposed it was the mother."

Wrecker: "Woah. What does that mean exactly?"

Tech: "All clones were created from a host named Jango Fett. They were created for battle. Lunar was created because they wanted the same clone of her mother. They wanted the same person. That would explain her connection with the Force."

Me: "How many clones were created?"

Tech: "To my knowledge, there is only one. Lunar."

Echo: "If she is the only one that means that she is vital to the Kaminoan's cloning operation. They must have put a bounty on her. They want her back to make more clones."

Wrecker: "So how are we going to find this bounty hunter?"

Me: "Tech, check with Cid. See if her untacks know anything. We'll keep monitoring comms." 

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