Part 6: Escape

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Lunar's POV 

It has been quite some time since stormtroopers took Crosshair away. I was sitting next to Hunter who was sitting on my right and Echo on my left. 

Tech: "I got it. Why didn't I think of this before? This is not a prison."

He said as he took a set next to me making Echo move.

Echo: "Yeah, well, I beg to differ." 

Tech: "This is a Kaminoan facility. It was built prior to the Clone Wars. There were no barracks or prisons when it was constructed."

Hunter: "Well how does that help us?"

Tech: "Because while these cells were retrofitted to hold normal individuals, they could not possibly account for someone like Wrecker." 

We all looked at Wrecker who picked himself from the ground.

Wrecker: "Oh! You mean I could punch our way out?"

Echo: "Shh!"  

Wrecker: "Oh, sorry. So you mean I can punch our way out?"

He asked a little bit quieter and Tech nodded.

Tech: "If you punch the correct spot."

Wrecker: "Right. Show me where."

Hunter: "If this is gonna work we'll need some cover. Form a wall."

Hunter stood up and together with Echo, we created a wall. We were covering Tech as he was looking for the right spot on the wall next to us.

Tech: "Hit this. Here."

Wrecker: "Right."

He stepped to the place as Tech stepped next to me. 

Wrecker: "Tell me when."

A new trooper came into the room making the two troopers that were standing guard look at him. They began to talk and Wrecker had a perfect opportunity.

Hunter: "Now." 

Wrecker hit the wall in front of him making a noise. The troopers began to turn but before they could see anything Wrecker took a seat on the bench. As they looked away Wrecker returned on the spot.

Wrecker: "Nothing happened."

Hunter: "Are you sure this is going to work?"

He asked as he looked past me at Tech.

Tech: "Try it again. A little harder."

Hunter: "You are all clear. Make it count." 

Wrecker: "Okay."

He hit the wall, much harder, and that made bigger noise. Quickly sitting back down he and I pretended that it was nothing as the three troopers looked at us. As they looked away Wrecker looked at the wall.

Wrecker: "Oh it still didn't work."

Tech went to take a look.

Tech: "Oh yes you did it."

Looking back I saw Tech removing the wall piece as much as he could. 

Wrecker: "I'll never fit threw that." 

Tech: "Astute as always, Wrecker, but I was actually going to suggest-" 

He looked at me and at that moment I knew what he was saying. 

Me: "I can do it." 

Hunter: "You sure about it?" 

I looked at him and nodded. 

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