Part 11: Luna

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Lunar's POV 

I was running as fast as I could and the moment that I came back on the platform where the ship and the guys were I saw that a team of stormtroopers was attacking them. Hunter ran past me and just as he jumped over the fence Wrecker hit one trooper with a mental box that he threw at the group. 

Hunter knocked out one trooper with the kick, then he grabbed a hold of another trooper's gun and pointed away from himself. He punched the trooper in the face then he shot another one with the trooper's gun. He turned around and looked at me. 

Hunter: "Lunar run!" 

Quickly turning around I saw more stormtroopers behind me pointing their guns at us. I placed my hands in the air. 

Me: "Don't shoot!"

Hunter: "Lunar!"

Me: "You don't want to shoot us."

Trooper: "We don't want to shoot you."

Me: "Return to your post and let us leave." 

 All stormtroopers in front of me placed their guns away and began to leave. I quickly turned around and began to run toward Hunter. 

Me: "Come on we don't have much time."  

I said as I came running up to him. I took hold of his hand and began to pull him after myself. The moment all of us were on the ship and the ship was far away from the planet I was able to breathe. I turned around to see Echo, Wrecker, and Tech looking at me with shock written in their eyes. 

Me: "I guess I have a lot to explain." 

I said then I looked at Hunter who was sitting behind the monitor. I could feel that he was angry and disappointed. Slowly I approached him and he turned to look at me. Hanging the chair around he placed his hands on his lap and I sat in front of him on another chair. 

Me: "I know that I should have told you guys about me being force-sensitive but...I just didn't know how you guys would react about it." 

I said as I looked away from Hunter at the guys next to us. 

Tech: "Well I had my suspicions..."

Echo: "Like always."

Wrecker: "I had no idea."

Hunter: "Guys."

All of them stopped talking so they could look at him. I looked at Hunter and he slowly looked at me. 

Hunter: "Who was your Jedi master?"

Me: "I did not have one."

Echo: "How is that?"  

Me: "I am a clone not many knew about. There is nothing that I know about myself. I didn't have a Jedi master because I only found that I was force-sensitive a few weeks ago." 

Tech: "But the Force that you were using. It was like you were in full control of it." 

Me: "That was just mind control. Nothing big. I learned that when...." 

The words suddenly disappeared from my mouth as I remembered the experiments and training that I went threw. 

Me: "I didn't have any Jedi training. I only had some training with blasters that's why I was able to shoot Crosshairs gun down without a problem." 

Echo: "It was an impressive shot." 

Me: "I appreciate everything you guys have done for me but I don't want to be burned. You can leave me on the next planet and I will go my own way." 

Wrecker: "We can't do that!" 

Hunter: "Wrecker is right. You are a part of our team now." 

I quickly looked at him. 

Me: "I don't want to be your problem." 

Echo: "You are not our problem Lunar." 

Tech: "We can teach you how to survive." 

Wrecker: "I can teach you how to blow things up." 

Tech: "I am not quite sure about that one." 

Hunter: "You can stay with us. If you want to." 

I looked at him and a small smile grew on my face. 

Me: "Thank you." 

Wrecker: "Yes she is staying!" 

He yelled so loudly that it made me jump a little in surprise. 

Echo: "Wrecker." 

Wrecker: "Oh sorry." 

Me: "Don't worry it's fine." 

Just then I felt a jawn coming and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

Hunter: "You tired?" 

Me: "No, not really." 

Tech: "Yes you are. Your body is in need of sleep." 

He said as he was pointing some kind of this at me. 

Hunter: "You guys go back to work. Lunar come with me." 

He stood up and walked past the guys. I stood up and followed him to another small room where I saw two bunk beds on each side of the room. 

Hunter: "This bed on the left is mine. You can use it." 

He said as he showed me the bed on the left. I shooed my head. 

Me: "No, I can't take your bed, Hunter. You need rest more than I do." 

Hunter: "There is no problem Luna. I can sleep on the chair." 

He turned around to look at me. 

Hunter: "What?" 

He asked as he saw me looking at him with my mouth opened a little. 

Me: "You called me Luna." 

Hunter: "Oh I'm sorry about that. I can-" 

Me: "No, no I like it. I liked it a lot actually." 

Hunter: "So that means that I can call you Luna?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

I said with a smile that grew as I looked into his brown eyes. He smiled back and that made my smile grow even bigger. Something was about Hunter that made him different from other clones and I could see it. I took one step closer to him. 

Me: "Can I ask you something?" 

Hunter: "Yes." 

Me: "I...I want to know how to protect myself. Can you teach me how to fight?" 

For a moment I could see that he wasn't really sure about this. I took a step back. 

Me: "You don't need to if...." 

Hunter: "No, no it's not that Luna. I can...I can teach you how to fight and how to protect yourself from danger." 

A smile grew on my face once more. As he left I approached his bed. 

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