Part 49: Left Behind

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Hunter's POV 

Troopers were right behind us and they kept on coming and coming. Suddenly one of the troopers came in front of Gregor and before he could reach the troopers shot him two times in the chest. I immediately began to shoot at the trooper and it took a lot of tries to get him down. Echo and I helped Gregor on his feet as we began to support him to a room. Tech was covering us and as we came inside the room Tech destroyed the lock shutting the doors so no troopers could get in. 

Me: "How bad?" 

I asked Gregor as he was supporting himself against the computer. 

Gregor: "Ha! Don't worry about me. This is nothing. I got blown up once and survived." 

He said making Echo look at him for a moment before he continued typing on the controls. 

Gregor: "I can survive this." 

Echo: "They have all access points to the central rings blocked off." 

Tech: "There." 

He pointed his hand up for us to see the pipes. 

Tech: "Those pipes are reactor conduits." 

Me: "And?" 

I asked as I looked at him. 

Tech: "Well, they should lead to the main reactor's external exhaust port. That is our path to the outside." 

Gregor: "The exhaust vent's halfway up the mountain. We can't survive this jump." 

Tech: "No. But we would able to signal our ship." 

He said before he threw a bomb at the gate and blew them up. Helping me up I was the first one to start crawling through the pipes. It wasn't easy but soon we came to the part where we could stand up and walk normally. Gregor had difficulty walking so Echo began to support him. 

Echo: "How did you even end up in this place?" 

Gregor: "I was sent here with other commandoes and quickly realized that I wanted out. It turns out the Empire doesn't take too kindly to desertion." 

He said as a laugh left his mouth. 

Echo: "You are not kidding." 

Lunar's POV

I was sitting on the stairs that led out of the ship. I didn't want to snap at Wrecker but disappointment in myself got to me. It was my first snapping at someone and I felt horrible for it. 

Me: "Hey Wrecker." 

Wrecker: "Yeah?" 

Standing up I stepped back into the ship and approached him. He was still sitting on the chair with his legs on the control systems and hands behind his head. 

Me: "I'm sorry for snapping at you." 

Wrecker: "Aw it's okay. We are friends." 

He said as he looked back at me with a smile. 

Hunter: "Luna, Wrecker come in." 

Hearing his voice I quickly pressed the button of the comm system. 

Me: "We read you, Hunter." 

Hunter: "We have the target but we ran into some trouble. We need a pickup." 

Me: "We are on our way." 

I said as I took a seat on Tech's seat as Wrecker prepared himself on Echo's seat. 

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