Part 16: Run!

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Lunar's POV

I was standing next to Echo as Hunter was trying to sell some stuff that they didn't need anymore. 

Seller: "No sail." 

Hunter: "Look, it's a denton worth a least 1,800 credits." 

Seller: "Maybe in the black market, but I'm running a reputable business here." 

So far the selling wasn't going so well. Looking around I saw something that caught my eye. I approached the table on which the seller had many different things. My eyes landed on a necklace that had a small blank crystal. I carefully picked it up and took a closer look at it. It was nothing I had seen before. 

Seller: "Do you like that necklace girl?" 

Me: "What is this?" 

I asked as I looked at him. 

Seller: "Just an orderly crystal." 

I looked away from him so I could look back at the crystal in my hand. Echo stepped next to me. 

Me: "This isn't just an ordinary crystal." 

I said a bit quieter so only he could hear me. I wasn't really sure that the seller knew what he was selling. 

Echo: "What do you mean by that?" 

Me: "I-I can feel the energy from it." 

I said as I looked down at the blank crystal in my hand. This wasn't just an ordinary crystal. 

Seller: "If you are looking to sell something, how about your droid?" 

Echo: "Droid?" 

He asked as both of us looked at the Seller. 

Hunter: "Uh, he's a-- he's a military prototype." 

Seller: "Militayr, eh? Hmm." 

He taught for a moment. 

Seller: "I'll give you 2,000." 

Hunter looked back at Echo and me. 

Hunter: "Give me a minute." 

He began to approach us and Echo turned away from him. 

Echo: "No, no, no. You can't be serious." 

Hunter: "We need the credits." 

He said as he placed his hand around Echo's shoulders. 

Hunter: "Once we get the supplies, I'll give you the signal and you can leave." 

Echo: "Fine, but not at that price. I am worth more than 2,000." 

Hunter: "Right." 

They both turned towards the seller. 

Hunter: "Make it 4,000." 

Seller: "Three." 

Hunter: "We take the crystal necklace and you got yourself a deal." 

The seller nodded and Echo sighted in disappointment. Of course, he was worth more than that. As he followed Hunter back to the seller I heard an unusual noise. Looking back I saw a woman pulling a creat that was filled with small creatures that were barking. My curiosity got the best of me and I had to look at them up close. The woman stopped the creature not that far away from me and I began to approach. The moment small creatures saw me they began to wing their tails. 

Me: "Hello, there."

I petted its head and the creature was so happy that licked my cheek. I laughed and petted the creature a little more. Just then the creature took hold of the necklace that Nala Se gave me and ripped it off my neck. I didn't notice the woman plugging the creature against a bike and she began to lead the creatures away. 

Me: "Hey wait!" 

I quickly began to run after it. After running for some time I was able to catch up with them and got my necklace back. But as I looked around I figured out that I lost Hunter. 

Me: "Oh no." 

I began to look in every direction but I was unable to see him or the way I came from. I was so worried about the necklace that I didn't pay attention on my way. 

Voice: "Oh, are you alright?" 

Turning around I saw a woman with black hair and a helmet in her hand standing in front of me. 

Woman: "You seem lost." 

Me: "I just got separated from my friends." 

Woman: "I know how that feels. I can help you look for them." 

Me: "Thank you." 

I began to walk next to her. 

Me: "Thank you for helping me look for my friends." 

Woman: "You are welcome. Are you hungry?" 

Me: "No. Well, maybe a little." 

Just then the woman crashed into another woman that was holding the basket of fruit and because of the crash, some fruit fell on the floor. 

Woman: "I'm sorry about that." 

She said as she went down and began to pick up the fruit. I began to pick up the fruit as well and that's when I noticed the woman placing two fruits inside her helmet without the other woman noticing. I also noticed a blaster behind the woman's belt that got visible. 

Other women: "Thank you. You are so kind." 

She said as we placed the fruit inside her basket and then she left. Then the woman took the fruit from her helmet and threw some to me. I caught it and looked at it. 

Me: "We didn't pay for that." 

Woman: "It's okay to break the rules sometimes." 

Me: "Who sent you?" 

I asked as I looked forward but I could feel her eyes on me. 

Woman: "How do you know?" 

Me: "As much as I am clueless about the outside world I am not stupid." 

I said as I stopped walking. She stopped as well then she turned her body towards me. 

Me: "Who sent you?" 

Voice: "Luna!" 

Looking back I saw Hunter running towards us. But the moment he saw who was with me he stopped a few meters away from us. 

Hunter: "Luna step away from her." 

Turning back to the woman I saw her pointing her blaster at me. She had her helmet on top of her head and I knew that the thing was going to go down. 

Hunter: "Don't!" 

At that moment she pointed her blaster at him and pulled a trigger. Hunter quickly jumped behind the cover so the blast that she sent didn't hit him. 

Me: "No!" 

I grabbed a hold of her blaster and began to fight for it. The woman was really strong and I was unable to get it out of her grip. 

Me: "If you are after me don't hurt him!" 

She pushed me away and then she blocked the knife that Hunter threw at her with a basket cover. Hunter came running towards her and they began to fight. 

Hunter: "Luna run!"

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