Part 43: What Shuttle?

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Lunar's POV 

Hera and I were in our position. With binoculars, I was watching up close ships with prisoners landing. Soon I spotted Chopper. He was the last droid leaving the sip and because troopers were not paying attention he was able to get past them, without them noticing.  

Me: "They're approaching the checkpoint."

I told Hera.

Hera: "Get ready, Chop."

With his sneaky skill, he was able to get behind the gates and jump over the checkpoints without anyone noticing him. He disappeared from the view but we soon hear him chirping threw the radio.

Hera: "What do you mean it wouldn't work? You said you could disable the cannons."

Suddenly we hard troopers threw the radio. They found him. 

Hera: "We have to help him." 

Me: "We will, but first, we must take the console offline." 

Hera: "How are we going to do that?"  

Me: "With one of those." 

I said as I looked at the shuttle that was close to us. 

Me: "You wanna be a pilot right?" 

Hera: "Yes." 

Me: "Let's go then." 

Hunter's POV 

Echo and I were climbing the wall and just as were about to come to the top I heard troopers—two of them. I gave Echo a nod and he understood. He made a little sound so one of the troopers looked down at saw him. At that moment I came to the top and took out the other trooper. 

Echo: "A little help?" 

Trooper: "What?" 

Me: "Hey." 

The trooper that was looking down at Echo turned around and saw me. Before he could do anything I took him down. I then took Echo's hand and pulled him up. 

Me: "Come on." 

Lunar's POV

Hera: "My parents would never approve of this plan." 

Me: "I wouldn't tell if you wouldn't."  

She nodded and as I made sure that we were clear we ran inside the ship. As the elevator took us up we then approached the control system. Hera took a seat behind the control as I took a seat behind her. I didn't know what we were doing. But we needed those cannons off. 

Hera: "Let's do this." 

As she began to prepare the ship Tech's voice came three my comm device. 

Tech: "Lunar, has Chopper deactivated the perimeter cannons?" 

Me: "No. But we are working on it. Just don't shoot down oy shuttle." 

Tech: "Wait. What shuttle?" 

Hera: "Here we go." 

Taking hold of the controls, she turned the shuttle sharp making us hit the ship next to us. Trying to get control over the ship, Hera began to spin us around causing chaos underneath us. 

Hera: "Sorry." 

Me: "It's okay. Try to stand still and then move forward." 

Getting the shuttle under control she flew forwards. We soon found Chopper with two troopers next to him. Hera pointed the light at them making troopers look up at us and Chopper was able to zap them down. Hera then shoots the electrical system off making the cannons turn off as well. The moment Chopper was inside the shuttle Hera began to make our way outta here. 

Tech: "Lunar, I am registering multiple explosions near the refinery." 

Me: "That was us. The cannons are down. Do some damage Wrecker." 

Wrecker: "Haha! That I can do!" 

Hera: "I am getting the hang of this."

Tech: "Yes, your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us." 

Me: "You are doing great Hera." 

Hunter's POV 

As Ehco and I saved Her's parents we saved more of the prisoners before we began to make our way out. Because of the commotion outside, there weren't any troopers. We began to make our way towards the big doors when I heard someone behind us. 

Voice: "Cham, wait." 

I pointed my blaster at a trooper who was walking towards us with a blaster down. 

Trooper: "You're walking into a trap." 

He removed his helmet. 

Trooper: "There's a squad out there waiting." 

I shared a look with Echo. 

Gobi: "Why should we strut you?" 

Trooper: "Because I'm on your side. What the Empire is doing is wrong. You have to get out of here. They have the exits blocked."

He said as he approached me and Echo. 

Eleni: "We can use Senator Taa's shuttle in his private tower hanger." 

Trooper: "I'm sorry, General. I should have stepped this sooner." 

He said as he approached the Cham that was standing behind me. Cham placed a hand on his shoulder. 

Cham: "Our fight for Ryloth is not over. We will return." 

Eleni: "You can't stay here. They will know you helped us." 

Trooper: "I will not abandon my squad. They're good men. I will try to get through to them. Go will there is still time." 

Before we left the room I looked back at the trooper who placed his helmet over his head. I knew that this wasn't going to end well for him but I also knew I couldn't change his mind. Turning around I quickly followed Echo and others.

Lunar's POV 

Me: "Hunter, Echo. You guys okay?" 

I asked as I approached them. 

Echo: "Of course." 

Wrecker: "Great work Lunar." 

He offered me his big hand and I gave him a high five.

Eleni: "Come alone, Hera." 

Turning around Hera began to approach her parents and I followed her. 

Hera: "Tech showed me how to use scramble a ship's signature." 

Eleni: "We will soon see how well it works. It is time for us to go." 

Hera looked back at me. Eleni and Cham gave me a nod before they turned around and stepped inside the ship. Hunter walked to the guys so Hera and I could say goodbyes. 

Hera: "Well, we didn't do too bad did we?" 

Me: "No, I think we were quite good. For beginners." 

Hera: "I'm sorry you have to go." 

Me: "I have a feeling we will see each other again someday." 

Hera: "I would love that. And btw..." 

He stepped a little closer to me so she could put her lips closer to my ear. 

Hera: "I think Hunter likes you." 

She whispered in my ear making a smile to paper on my face. Then she hugged me and I hugged her back. 

Hera: "Thank you. For believing in me." 

I hugged her back. Then as she let go of me I looked down at Chopper. 

Me: "Look after her." 

He chirped before he followed Hera inside the ship and I turned around so I could get back to the guys who were waiting for me.

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