Part 39: Force Vision

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Lunar's POV 

I was in a dark room with a flashlight in my right hand. My clothes were wet and my hands were shaking. The water was rising from who knows where and no matter where I tried to go to get away from it there wasn't a way out. 

Me: "Hunter! Echo! Wrecker! Tech!" 

As I climbed over a big part of the broken wall I found the doors but as I tried to slide them open I was unable to. The water came to my waist. 

Me: "Hunter! Help! Please!" 

I continued to try opening the doors but I was unable to. The water was surrounding me too fast. It came over my neck. I began to swim but something began to pull me down. 


The force pushed me back and I began to draw. 

Voice: "LUNA WAKE UP!" 

I quickly opened my eyes to see Hunter's worried eyes. I was in my room inside the ship. Quickly sitting up I looked down to see that my hands were wet. 

Echo: "What happened?" 

Asked his voice from down the stairs. Hunter took hold of my hands and looked at them. 

Hunter: "I don't know." 

Hunter helped me out of my room and as I stepped down the stairs Tech immediately began to scan my hands. 

Echo: "Would you tell us what happened Lunar?" 

Wrecker: "We heard you calling our names and screaming." 

I looked at him. I was screaming? 

Me: "I had a dream. I was in a room and I was surrounded by water. I didn't know where I was and I couldn't find the way out." 

Wrecker: "That's why you were calling us." 

Hunter: "It was only a nightmare. Don't worry you are safe." 

I turned to look at him. 

Tech: "Well this is new." 

Hunter: "What is it?" 

He asked. Tech looked away from his monitor. 

Tech: "On her hands, there is a saltwater. From Kamino." 

I quickly looked at him. 

Me: "What?" 

Tech: "I analyzed the samples and found that this water is only found on planet Kamino." 

Hunter: "How is that possible?" 

Tech: "I would say that she didn't have a nightmare. But a Force vision, also known as Force promotions." 

Wrecker: "What does that mean?" 

Tech: "She saw the future. Or past. It used to be very common during Jedies but it became rare." 

Me: "This has to be a mistake." 

I said making him look at me. Hunter stepped in front of me and took hold of my hand, making me look at him.

Hunter: "Don't worry Luna. You will not see Kamino up close ever again." 

Wrecker: "She might seen the past." 

Echo: "How? She didn't know us back then and she was calling our names." 

Me: "I'm sorry for waking you guys up. Please go back to sleep."

I said before I climbed up the stairs that led back to my room. There were still some hours until morning but there wasn't a way that I could take to fall back asleep. The curtain that I was using as my door moved a little and I saw Hunter.

Hunter: "Do you wanna talk?"

Me: "I'm fine. Go back to sleep."

Hunter: "You are not fine. Don't need to lie." 

He said as he took a set next to the wall so he could place his hack against it. I was sitting the same way with my legs crossed and hands resting on my legs. 

Hunter: "I gave you a promised Luna. You will not get close to Kamino ever again."

I didn't remove my eyes away from Lola who was sitting on the wall next to him. 

Me: "I had a nig- Force vision before. It was a few days before I met you guys. The vision was that I was standing next to Nala Se. Platpanie was giving a speech and I was looking down the long rows of troopers. That's when I first saw you. Our eyes meet and...the same thing happened a few days later. That's why I knew who you guys were. I researched you and others wanting to know why I dream of you." 

Hunter: "Was that the only time you had a vision?" 

Me: "Yeah. And tonight." 

I said as I looked at him meeting his worried eyes.  

Hunter: "Why don't you go back to sleep?" 

Me: "There is no way I can go back to sleep now. Don't worry I will be fine." 

Hunter: "In a few hours we will have a training and you need to rest until then. Come on." 

I looked away. 

Hunter: "Would it help you to sleep if I stayed here?" 

I looked back at him. 

Me: "Maybe." 

Hunter: "Come on then." 

I lay back down and I moved a little giving Hunter some space as well. I placed my left hand underneath my head as I was laying on my left side. Hunter was laying on his right side. I placed a balnet around both of us and then I looked into his eyes. 

Hunter: "You okay?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

A few minutes passed but I was unable to close my eyes. I was worried that I might have a forced vision again. Water, darkness, and loneliness. Suddenly a hand was placed over my right hand that was resting next to me. I looked up to meet Huter's eyes. He placed his free hand over my other hand and smiled. 

Hunter: "I am here. We are here. You are saw with us." 

With a smile, I closed my eyes. 

Hunter's POV 

After taking hold of her hand Luna fell asleep quite easily and quickly. When I woke up the next morning I let her sleep a little longer than I went to wake up the guys. I needed to talk to them. 

Echo: "How did the rest of the night go?" 

Me: "Okay. She fell asleep after we talked." 

Techo: "What do you need to talk to us?" 

Me: "Today we aren't going to train Luna like before. She will be training with this." 

I showed them the lightsaber Rex game for Luna. 

Echo: "Is that?" 

Tech: "A lightsaber." 

Wrecker: "Waw." 

Tech: "Where did you get it?" 

Me: "Rex." 

Echo: "So you are saying that we are going to train her with the lightsaber?" 

I nodded. 

Echo: "But we are not Jedi." 

Me: "True. But she did have some training before. We saw how Jedi fight. We can try teaching her to use this weapon the same way." 

Wrecker: "This sounds exciting! Can I go weak her up?" 

Me: "Giver her five more minutes Wrecker." 

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