Part 40: Lightsaber Training

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Lunar's POV 

When Wrecker came to wake me up I could see that he was very excited. When I asked him why, he didn't want to tell me about it. So I quickly got dressed and as I stepped out of the ship I found Echo, Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter already waiting for me. 

Me: "So how are we training today? More shooting or knife throwing?" 

Wrecker: "No and no." 

Hunter approached me. 

Hunter: "You are going to use this." 

He said as he offered me something I never saw in real life before. A lightsaber. It was black and as I took it in my hand it was heavy. Not too heavy though. 

Me: "Where did you get it?" 

Hunter: "Rex gave it to me as he saw that you had a crystal. He taught that you might learn how to use it." 

Me: "How am I supposed to use it?" 

Tech: "It's quite easy. You put crystal inside the lightsaber and activate the lightsaber." 

He said as she stepped next to Hunter. I removed the crystal that I had around my neck and removed a rope that was around it. I didn't know how to do it but as I placed the lightsaber and crystal close I would feel an energy surrounding the two. I pressed the button at the back of the lightsaber to open the place where the crystal was supposed to be. 

Tech and Hunter took a step back. I placed the crystal inside the empty spot and the moment the doors closed a strong energy flew all around me. I never felt anything like this before. Turning the lightsaber on a beautiful blue laser appeared out of it. The feeling that I felt now was something very new to me. I felt a bond. 

Wrecker: "Waw! It's gorgeous!" 

Hunter: "How are you feeling Luna?" 

Me: "I don't know. It feels okay." 

Tech: "That is good." 

Me: "So how do I use this?" 

Wrecker: "You swing it around and try the block lasers that we will be sending at you." 

I quickly looked at him with my eyes wind open. 

Me: "What?" 

Tech: "What Wrecker is thinking is that you need to first learn how to swing your lightsaber. All lightsabers are heavy and you need to learn how to move it together with your body. Blowing our sooth might be the best way to learn." 

Echo: "Of course, because it's your first time we will shoot at you one at a time." 

Me: "Is this the best way to learn?" 

Hunter: "We will be careful." 

All of them stepped around me so I was standing in the middle of the square. I wasn't really sure about this. All of them pointed their blasters at me. At that moment I noticed they weren't holding the laser blasters but stuns. 

Wrecker: "You didn't really think we would teach you with real weapons right?" 

Me: "For a moment I did." 

He laughed hard. 

Hunter: "Prepare yourself, Luna." 

I took hold of the lightsaber with both of my hands. The wine was gently touching my skin as the sun was shining down at us. 

Hunter: "Fix your position. Hold yourself more on your legs." 

I did what he said and I saw him nodding his head. I nodded back and at that moment he pointed his blaster at me. My eyes were focused on his as I waited for him to shoot. As much as I was ready for the blast, I felt tense. At that second he pulled the trigger. 

Hunter's POV 

I could see that she wasn't ready, but I still pulled the trigger. The moment the blast touched her she fell to the ground as her eyes closed and the lightsaber fell out of her hands. I quickly came running up to her guys. 

Me: "Luna." 

I began to gently shake her trying to wake her up. 

Tech: "I would be surprised if she could block the shoot on her first try." 

Echo: "The blast wasn't that strong, so she might be out for a few minutes." 

Me: "Maybe this wasn't the best idea." 

Echo: "I think differently. She is a beginner Hunter. Of course, this will happen more often than never." 

He said as he turned off the lightsaber that was next to her. She woke up a few minutes later and as she set up she looked around us confusedly. 

Luna: "What-what happened?" 

Me: "I shot at you and you didn't block the blast. It's okay. How are you feeling?" 

Luna: "Lightheaded. A little. How long was I out?" 

Tech: "Five minutes and 44 seconds." 

Me: "Do you want to do it again?" 

Luna: "Yeah." 

Me: "Sure?" 

She nodded. Standing up I offered her my hand and as she took it I pulled he to her legs. Echo gave her the lightsaber back. 

Luna: "What did I do wrong?" 

Me: "You were trying to focus but trying too hard and that's why you didn't block the blast. Try relaxing a little." 

Luna: "But how can I relax when I will need to fight the enemies?" 

Me: "This is training not real fight. First, you need to understand how to control your speed and reflexes. Trying too hard you will not be able to stop the blast." 

She nodded. 

Me: "Again. Take positions." 

We all went back to our position. Luna turned the lightsaber back open and prepared herself. She did the same potions as before but I could see by her breathing that she was trying to relax. I pointed my blaster at her. As another breath left her mouth I pressed the trigger and shock began to fly towards her. 

At that moment the look in her eyes changed. She swung the lightsaber in front of her and it hit the shock, blocking it from coming at her. 

Wrecker: "Good job Lunar!" 

She looked in shock as she was able to do it. She looked at me and I gave her a nod with a smile. 

Me: "Again." 

Lunar's POV 

We continued training until I blocked everyone's blast with the lightsaber. Of course, it wasn't easy and I got knocked out two more times. One time by Wrecker and the other time by Tech. But with each block, I began to understand how to use the lightsaber. Because it was heavy I had to use both of my hands. Today I was only standing still as I was trying to block their attack. I am wondering how to move or run with the lightsaber. 

Echo: "This was quite a good trading for the first time Lunar. Good work." 

Me: "Thank you Echo." 

Wrecker: "I am sorry I knocked you out." 

Me: "It's okay. Part of training. I bet it will happen again." 

Hunter: "With more practice, you will improve daily." 

I was glad I had them with me. Not because they were teaching me but because I could trust them as much as they trusted me. Turning off the lightsaber I placed it behind my belt. 

Me: "What are we training next?"

Tech: "Explosives." 

Wrecker: "But not before breakfast! Come on Lunar, let's go get something to eat. I am starving!"

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