Part 29: Best Firends

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Lunar's POV 

Rex: "Are you alright?" 

He asked as he approached me. I nodded in response as I slowly stood up. Stepping over knockedout Wrecker I did not remove my eyes away from him. 

Rex: "Hey look at me." 

I slowly did. 

Rex: "That wasn't Wrecker." 

Me: "I know." 

Hunter: "LUNA!"

He came running into the room with Tech and Echo right behind him. To my surprise, I didn't only see Hunter and Echo worried but Tech as well. I never saw him worried before. They quickly approached me. 

Hunter: "Are you hurt?" 

Me: "No." 

Echo: "That was close." 

We returned Wrecker to the room and placed him on the medical table. Tech quickly began to remove his chip. I was standing next to the machine without looking away from Wrecker. After some time I turned to look at Rex. 

Me: "Was it supposed to take that long?" 

Rex: "I am not sure. I've never been on this end of it." 

With a sigh, I looked back at Wrecker. 

Tech: "The procedure's complete." 

He said a few minutes later. The table with Wrecke came out of the machine. I took a step towards him. 

Me: "Wrecker?" 

I thought that he would open his eyes and smile like he always did. But that didn't happen. He didn't wake up. I placed my hands on his chest and shook him a little. 

Me: "Wrecker. Wake up." 

Once again he didn't wake up. I looked back at Tech. 

Me: "He would be awake by now." 

Tech looked back down at the monitor in front of him. 

Tech: "He's alive. But his vitals have not stabilized. We won't know more until he regains consciousness." 

I looked back towards Wrecker. 

Rex: "Hunter why don't you take Lunar out for some fresh air? This can take a while." 

Me: "No. I am staying until he wakes up." 

I said without looking away from Wrecker. I took a hold of his left hand. 

Hunter's POV 

An hour had passed and Wrecker still didn't wake up. Luna didn't move away from him. She stood by his side holding his hand. Stepping out of the room I found Rex with his mind who knows where. As I approached him he looked at me. 

Rex: "She is something." 

Knowing that he was talking about Luna I nodded. I stepped next to him. 

Rex: "Her name is Lunar but you call her Luna." 

Me: "" 

I didn't know what to say to this. A small smile grew on Rex's face. 

Rex: "Don't explain anything to me, brother. But she doesn't remind me of someone. That was very close to me." 

I gave him a confused look. 

Rex: "There was once a person that meant everything to me. She was kind and brave. More than I ever was or could be. Lunar reminded me of her. Not only appears but also her heart. She is prepared to do anything for you guys." 

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