Part 17: Bounty Hunter

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Hunter's POV 

Slowly I began to pick myself up. That woman gave me an excellent hard hit in the head. I took the radio from my pocket and began to call others. 

Me: "Wrecker, Tech, Echo. I lost Luna. Somebody attacked us." 

Wrecker: "Somebody who?" 

Me: "A woman. Highly trained. She's after Luna." 

Wrecker: "Yeah, we will see about that." 

Tech: "I'll tap into the central security network. There should be enough cameras in this city to find her." 

Me: "Listen, I made a bit of noise out here. Get the ship ready to go." 

Tech: "Well it's not technically a ship at the moment. And unless you have a team of maintenance droids it's going to be a while." 

Echo: "I can help with that." 

Me: "I'm going after Luna." 

Lunar's POV 

I was running as fast as I could throw the allies even taught I had no idea where I was going. Coming around the corner I saw a pile of crates where I hid behind them. Taking a few breaths I began to look around so I would get an idea of where I should go. 

I saw an entrance to the maintenance tunnel next to me and approached it. As I pressed the button to open it I made sure that no one saw me then I jumped in. The moment that I landed on my legs I began to run again. I had no idea what to do in this situation. I had never had someone after me before and I had no idea where others were. 

I came running around the corner and as I looked back to see if I was followed I hit something hard. I fell on my back and quickly looked up to see who it was. A dark shadow came out of the darkness and to my luck it was Wrecker! 

Wrecker: "There you are!" 

Me: "Wrecker." 

I was so relieved to see him and not another bounty hunter. 

Wrecker: "You had us worried." 

He said as he took hold of my hands and gently helped me onto my feet. He pulled me into a strong hug and I hugged him back. 

Me: "Can we get out of here please?" 

Wrecker: "You got it." 

His giant hands came around me and he picked me up bridal style. I placed my hands around his neck and he began to walk. 

Wrecker: "I'm with Lunar. We're on our way." 

Just then as I looked back I saw the woman that was after me and a gasp left my mouth making Wrecker look back. 

Wrecker: "Get to the ship. Is not far. I will handle her." 

He placed me on the ground and prepared himself. Placing his helmet on his head he began to approach the woman. Placing his helmet  I began to climb the stairs next to me and the moment I was out I closed and locked the doors behind me. 

Turning around I saw that I was on the tower. How the hell was I on the tower? I was so high in the air that there was no way of escaping just back to the way I came from. The ships were flying past me at great speed. 

Looking back to the doors someone shoots a blast from inside and destroys the locks making me jump in surprise. But with that, I lost my balance and began to fall back. Before I fell to my death I caught myself and I was hanging from the building. I was nearly holding on and I was unable to pull myself up. 

Me: "No, no, no..." 

My fingers gave in and I began to fall. Just then someone caught me. Looking up I saw that it was the bounty hunter. 

Woman: "You can thank me later. Tuck and roll when you land." 

At that moment she let go of my hand and a scream left my body. I felt something hard and my eyes closed. 

Voice: "Luna!" 

Opening my eyes opened I saw that I was on some kind of transport. The woman was standing at the other end of the same transport that I was on and she was shooting at Hunter who was trying to get closer to us with his speeder. 

I looked around and saw a handle that was not that far away from me. I didn't know what the handle was going to do but I was prepared to do anything. I took a good hold of the rope that was holding the things on the transport together. Closing my eyes I took a breath and with the Force, I was able to move the handle. The boxes under me began to move and the woman lost her balance and she nearly fell off the ship. 

Just then the two boxes that were next to me flew past me and they hit the woman making her fall off the ship. The boxes under me began to move as well and I was unable to stop them. Before I fell off the ship I grabbed a rope that was hanging from the ship. 

Me: "Hunter!" 

Hunter: "Hold on!" 

As he was getting closer he offered me his hand. I began to reach for his hand but just as we almost touched I saw the woman with another speeder. 

Me: "Watch out!" 

The woman hit his speeder and Hunter was sent flying together with his speeder. Sirens were heard and I saw two officers flying behind the woman. She took her blaster and after she was done with them she came closer to me with her ship. 

Before she could get even closer to me Hunter came behind her and destroyed the ship's motors so she had to stop. At that moment my hand gave in and I began to fall. Before I could hit the I fell right into Hunter's arms. 

Hunter: "Hold on Luna. We aren't out of this jet." 

Hunter stopped on the breaks and as the woman and her speeder came under us he threw a bomb at the ship. Before the bomb went off the woman jumped off and Hunter began to ride the speeder away.

Hunter: "Are you alright?"

He asked as he placed his left hand around me keeping me safe from slipping off the fast speeder.

Me: "I'm fine."

Hunter: "You are hurt."

He said making me slowly look down at my hands to see blood.

Me: "I'm...fine." 

The moment we came to the ship Hunter landed next to it.

Hunter: "We need to go now."

He said to Tech who came out of the ship and to Echo who came from our right. Then he picked me up and that's when I felt pain.

Echo: "What happened?"

He asked as he came to us.

Me: "I'm fine."

Wrecker: "I'm here."

Hunter took me in and placed me on the seat.

Hunter: "Tech gets us out of here." 

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