Part 42: Hera

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Lunar's POV 

As much as Hunter did not like my idea he still agreed for us to go on Ryloth. By the coordinates that Hera gave them to us Tech landed the ship on the shipping platform that was hidden behind the stone walls. 

Stepping out of the ship I began to look for Hera. I took a few steps forward when I saw a droid rolling on his wheels towards us. He began to swing his hands around as he drove towards me and began chirping. 

Wrecker: "What's his problem?" 

Hera: "Thanks for coming." 

Looking past the droid that calmed down I saw Hera walking towards us. 

Hera: "I wasn't sure you would come." 

Me: "You said you were in trouble." 

Hunter stepped next to me. 

Hunter: "Care to tell us why the Empire is after you?" 

Hera: "Because my father is Cham Syndulla." 

Tech: "The freedom fighter?" 

Hera: "Yes. This was his old command outpost. It's where I've been hiding. The Empire's begun targeting anyone loyal to him." 

Echo: "What do you want us to do?" 

Hera: "Free my parents from the Capitol. That's where they're being held." 

I looked back at Echo, Tech, and Wrecker who were looking at each other. 

Hera: "They can pay you if you get them out. Please. I don't have anyone else to ask." 

I looked at Hunter who crossed his arms and looked at me. I looked back at Hera and as I approached her I looked back at Hunter meeting his eyes. A sight left his mouth. 

Hunter: "Let's see what we're up against first. But no guarantees." 

Hunter's POV 

Looking through the binoculars I was able to see Admiral Rampar speaking to civilians. With the dorids's help, we were able to hear what he was saying: 

Rampar: "But the preparations of this heinous assassination attempt have been captured."

Me: "Assassination attempt?" 

I asked as I looked at Hera who was next to Luna. 

Rampar: "Rest assured, Cham Syndulla and his insurances..." 

Hera: "That's not what happened. 

Rampar: "...will answer for their betrayal." 

Luna: "Crosshair." 

Looking around I saw him standing in front of the crowd of civilians. 

Wrecker: "Great. Just what we needed." 

I removed the binoculars and gave the boys the sign to follow. We stepped a little away from Luna, Hera, and droid. 

Me: "The plasma bridge into the city's been deactivated." 

Wrecker: "Well, I say we fly in and blow our way out." 

Echo: "The Capitol scanners would detect our ship." 

Tech: "I don't like the look of this. The troop's presence here is similar to that on Raxus. This is a military occupation." 

Echo: "Ryloth's not a Separatist planet." 

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