Part 21: Secrets

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Hunter's POV 

Going down I immediately found Much's trace as she ran away from her captures who were right behind her. She wasn't far but we needed to hurry. I pointed the way but as I stood back up Luna stopped me. 

Luna: "Hunter wait. What about them?" 

She asked making me look back at the four civilians. For a moment I forgot about them. 

Echo: "Lunar and I will get them to safety. You find Muchi." 

Me: "Right. Go for the speeders at the south entrance." 

Echo nodded, and then Tech looked at the four civilians. He began to speak with them in Fallen language making them understand the plan and that we will help them. Luna began to run first as the four civilians followed after her. Before Echo could as well I stopped him. 

Me: "Look after her." 

He nodded, and then he quickly followed them. Wrecker, Tech, and I went after Muchi. We found her surrounded by guards as they were zapping her with electricity. They were trying to get the rope around her but she was fighting back as she was hitting them and smashing them against the ground.

Wrecker: "She is doing fine on her own." 

Getting another guard on the ground she turned around and charged at us. Wrecker and Tech pull out their weapons but I stop them before they use them. We must not harm her. But just then, the Leader came flying on his flying beast. 

I tried to shoot him down of the sky, but I missed and then I quickly jumped out of the way before his beast could crush me as it landed on my spot. The leader's beast threw Tech on the ground as the Leader used a whip so he could throw Wrecker away. Then he began to attack Muchi. 

Before he could hurt her more I jumped at him and pushed him off his beast. I did not remove my eyes off the Leader who slowly picked himself up. His beast went after Muchi. 

Leader: "You are going to pay for this, skug." 

Techo and Wrecker came running up to us. 

Me: "I will handle him. Go after Muchi." 

I said as I took out my knife. 

I charged at the Leader who attacked me with his whip. I blocked it with my hand but as I tried to remove the whip that got around my hand the Leader began to electrocute me. I dropped my knife and fell to my knees. But pushing the pain aside I grabbed the whip to pull the Leader closer to me. Getting him close enough I hit him in the head with my helmet then I kicked him in the stomach sending him far away from me, knocking him out. 

Lunar's POV

Echo: "Wait." 

He looked from the cover that we were hiding behind. Suddenly he puled out his gun as he began to shoot at the guards. He got them down and then he gave us the sign to follow him. I waited for the civilians to follow him first then I followed behind. Coming to the speeder Echo looked back at the civilians.

Echo: "You're free. Go quickly."

The man spoke to him in Fallen language. The kid looked back at me and waived goodbye. I waived back and with Echo I waited that they left. 

Echo: "Let's return to others."

He said as he turned to look at me. I nodded then we ran up to the speeder that was left behind. He took a seat behind the wheel then I took a seat behind him and as I placed my hands around his waist he began to drive. Soon we found them and as Echo stopped the speeder I looked past him to see Wrecker fighting with Muchi. 

Echo: "How long's he been at this?" 

Tech: "Too long. He's loosing his touch." 

I stepped off the speeder and as I took a step closer to Wrecker and Muchi, Muchi fell on the ground. She surrendered. 

Wrecker: "Yeah Muchi. Go to sleep." 

He sounded tired. I approached them and smiled. 

Me: "Up close she looks cute." 

A sight came out Wreckers's helmet. 

Hunter: "Nicely handled, Wrecker." 

Wrecker placed his thumb up. As we got Muchi on our ship we left the planet. Coming to the control room I took a seat on the empty seat. Poor Wrecker was so tired that he took the nap the moment he stepped on the ship. 

Hunter: "You did good Luna." 

Echo: "Yeah. Great work." 

With a smile I looked towards the monitor that was in front of me. Returning to the planet Muchi was reunited with her owner who was really glad to see her. Cid came out of her bunker and approached the happy owner. 

Cid: "See, Bib? All is well. Now, about the matter of payment." 

The man nodded and signalled the Gamorrean guard to pay Cid. They he and his two guards began to leave with Muchi. 

Wrecker: "Bye Muchi." 

He said as he waved her goodbye. She looked back at us and roared before she followed her owner home. 

Cid: "Gotta say, fellas. I wasn't sure you could pull this job off." 

Echo: "You could have told us we were going after a rancor." 

Cid: "Hmm. Must've slipped my mind. You, dark and broody. My office." 

She said as she looked at Hunter, then she turned around and left downstairs. Hunter looked at us before he followed her. 

Wrecker: "Man I am hungry." 

Me: "Let's go get you something to eat. You deserve it." 

Wrecker: "Hell yeah!" 

Hunter's POV 

Cid: "Your bounty hunter is Fennec Shand. She's new to the scene but has already proved herself  to be cunning and ruthless." 

Me: "Who hired her?" 

I asked as I did not removed m eyes from the hologram infant of me. That woman was after Luna. 

Cid: "Unknown. My sources in the Guild say she's working on a direct commission. With someone like her nipping at your heels, you're going to need two things. Friends and money. A lot of money." 

She said making me look down at her. 

Me: "Well, we're not swimming in either at the moment." 

Cid: "I guess it's a good thing ya met me then, isn't it?" 

Turning off the hologram, she offered me a suitcase. As she opened it she turned it towards me. Inside there were credits. 

Cid: "This is your cut. There is more where that came from...if you're looking for work." 

Closing the case I took the credits. 

Me: "I will think about it." 

I said as I began to make my way towards the exit." 

Cid: "It's interesting. A bounty hunter after someone likes you. You fellas must be pretty valuele. Or it's maybe just her. The girl." 

She said. I stopped on my track then I looked back at her. 

Cid: "Don't worry. I am good with secrets."

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