Part 13: One More Reason

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Lunar's POV 

Echo and Tech left the ship to try to fix the ship from outside as Hunter, Wrecker, and I stayed in. I was sitting on the chair looking at the mask in my hand. The same type of mask Tech and Echo were using outside so they could breathe. 

Wrecker: "Ow! Ow." 

Hunter: "What's wrong with you?" 

He asked as he saw Wrecker holding his head with his hand. 

Wrecker: "Oh! I must've hit my head in the crash. Ow." 

Me: "Are you sure about it?" 

I asked as I stood up and approached him. I didn't want to be correct but his head was hurting just on the place his chip was supposed to be. Just then Tech and Echo came to us. 

Tech: "The capacitor's in place but other systems are now failing." 

Echo: "Something's causing damage to the exterior hull." 

Hunter: "You wanna narrow that down?" 

Suddenly the power went down and I was bearly able to see the guys. Just then a tapping was heard above us and it was like someone was walking on the roof of the ship. Or something. I approached the glass as the tapping stopped. At that moment a creature jumped on the glass and snarled at me before it ran away making me jump in surprise. 

Wrecker: "What? What is it?" 

He asked as all of them came running up to me. 

Me: "It was some kind of creature with a long tail and it ran away with the part." 

Echo walked past me and pressed some buttons on the ship. 

Echo: "Lunar is right. The capacitor's gone. And that was our last one." 

Tech: "The creature is most likely an Ordo Moon Dragon. A species that feeds on raw energy. It was probably drawn to the capacitor's electric charge." 

Echo: "Well, that would've been good to know beforehand, Tech." 

Wrecker placed his hand on his head again and walked away from us. 

Hunter: "You two get those other systems online. Wrecker you stay here. I'll go after the dragon and get our part back." 

Wrecker: "I'm fine. I-" 

Hunter: "You are saying." 

Me: "I will go with you." 

Hunter: "No, that thing could be dangerous." 

Me: "So there is one more reason you shouldn't go alone." 

He turned around to look at me. Then he shared a look with Tech and Echo. Tech said nothing as Echo shrugged his arms. Hunter looked back at me. 

Hunter: "All right then. But stay close." 

I nodded. I placed the mask over my mouth and after activating it I left the ship together with Hunter. Hunter was walking first as I was following him. The wind was flowing threw my short hair but the wasn't cold. This planet really was something. No trees grew here and there was no water. Only rocks and wind. Hunter stopped walking and as he went down I stepped next to him to see what he was doing. 

Me: "What are you doing?" 

I asked as I saw him looking at the dirt on his fingers. 

Hunter: "Tracking." 

As much as I wanted to see what he was seeing I was unable to do it. He stood up and we continued walking. 

Me: "How do you do this? Tracking I mean." 

Hunter: "It's an enchanting skill. Wrecker and Tech, we each have one." 

Me: "And Crosshair." 

He looked back at me for a second before looking back. 

Me: "You shouldn't be angry at him. He can't help it." 

Hunter: "I am angry at myself. We don't leave our own behind." 

He said as he stopped walking. I could feel pain and anger inside his heart. He was blaming himself for Crosshair even though this wasn't his fault.

Me: "Maybe there is still a chance that we can get him back." 

I said as I stepped next to him. I placed my hand on top of his right shoulder making him look back at me. Then we continued walking. Soon we found the part that the dragon creature took and for some reason, the part was lying on the ground between two rocks. 

Hunter: "Wait here." 

He slowly began to approach the ship part with the flashlight already on the part. After carefully approaching it he began to reach out for the part when he suddenly stopped. The same creature from earlier jumped from behind the rock directly at him knocking him to the ground. 

Me: "Hunter!" 

The dragon then jumped away and picked the part from the ground. It quickly began to run away. Looking back at Hunter I saw him standing on his legs with no mask. He fell to his knees and I quickly ran up to him. 

Me: "Hunter, your mask!" 

He began to cough and I began to look around for his mask. It must have fallen off when the creature jumped on him. I found it on the floor and I quickly ran up to it and picked it up from the ground. Returning to Hunter who was laying on the floor with his eyes closed I quickly placed the mask back on his mouth and activated it. 

Me: "Hunter wake up! Wake up, Hunter! Hunter!" 

He wasn't waking up and I was freaking out. What was I supposed to do!?!? I picked up the radio that was on the floor next to him and began to call others. 

Me: "Echo! Tech! Wrecker! Come in! We need help!"

No one answered. It had to be the storm. Just then I saw the creature that took the part jumping inside the rock. It has to be the nest.  I looked down at Hunter to see that he was breathing. He was knocked out but there was no way we could wait for him to wake up. The creature may take the part too far inside the nest. 

I took Hunter's blaster from his hand and then I took the flashlight from the ground. I had no idea what I was doing but we needed that part back. I stood up and as I came to the whole creature disappeared I jumped in. There weren't a lot of places to stand so I needed to crawl with the flashlight posted in front of me. 

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