Part 12: Designed To Do That

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Lunar's POV

After waking up I stood and left the room to see what the guys were doing. The moment I stepped out of the room I almost bumped into a droid. It was a power droid.  

Me: "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you." 

The droid turned towards me and gonk. 

Me: "I'm Lunar. You are?" 

Another gonk was heard from his chip. 

Me: "Gonky. Nice to meet you." 

Hearing steps I turned my head to look to my left to see Hunter approaching me. 

Hunter: "How did you sleep?" 

Me: "Great. Thanks for asking." 

Hunter: "Here. Chow time." 

He said as he offered me a snack tablet he took from the box in his hand. I took the snack tablet and looked at it. 

Wrecker: "Ah finally!" 

He said as he came to us with a big smile. Hunter gave him his snack tablet and Wrecker quickly ate it. 

Wrecker: "Hit me again." 

Hunter: "Well, that's all for now. Rations are low." 

Wrecker groaned. I could see that he was still hungry and he needed more. I approached him and offered him my tablet. 

Me: "You can have my Wrecker." 

He looked at me and a smile grew on his face. 

Hunter: "Wrec-" 

Me: "It's fine." 

I said as I quickly looked at him stopping him from stopping Wrecker. Wrecker took my snack tablet and ate it. 

Wrecker: "Thank you Lunar. I own you." 

Me: "You're welcome." 

He turned around and went to the control room. I looked at Hunter because I felt his eyes on me. 

Me: "He was hungry." 

I said quietly so only he could hear me. 

Hunter: "But you need to eat as well." 

Me: "I'm not really hungry so I don't mind." 

Suddenly the power cut off for a few seconds. 

Hunter: "Echo. Lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it." 

He said as he looked past me at Echo in the control room. 

Echo: "Yeah, add it to the list. The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami. Several systems have been glitching ever since. Repairs would go faster if I would have some help." 

He said as she took a seat and looked at Tech who was working on some other stuff. 

Tech: "As soon as I finish building this scanner. Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence." 

Echo: "But I thought you said they were defective." 

Tech: "A theory this device will be able to prove. Besides, the ship-wide diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised." 

Just then the ship began to shake and it went dark again. I quickly placed my hands against the wall trying to stay on my legs. 

Me: "What's happening?" 

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