Please Don't Go- Captain America

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Injuries, mild action

Chaos stormed around you, weapons shot, and screams filled the air. One of the countless battles the Avengers faced, and you were in it. You hadn't really considered yourself an "Avenger" until now, fighting alongside your friends for the greater good. You had done your best to fend off members of whatever alien race you were fighting with handguns, but your ammo had run out. An enemy had taken advantage of that, resulting in a long slash to your abdomen.

An alien approached the overturned taxi you hid behind, and you felt your stomach tie into knots. The only thing stopping you from bleeding out was pressure applied by your own hand, and that wouldn't hold forever. Hearing the enemy getting closer, you grabbed the first thing you could see to fend it off. A broken car bumper was held as tight as your right hand would let it, and when the enemy hopped over the taxi, its face was greeted by the bumper.

Tossing the broken metal to the side, you remembered that actually letting a team member know you were hurt would probably be best. "I'm hit..." you said through your teeth, looking down at your bloodied stomach. The pain was becoming unbearable, and when nobody replied, your nerves skyrocketed. "Anyone copy?" You moved your free hand up to your right ear, to find nothing. "Great..." you sighed, knowing no contact when you're injured is not good.

The pain was getting worse, so you dragged yourself underneath the hood of the overturned car. The battle was dying down around you, luckily, but your vision was becoming blurry. Blood still poured from the wound, and you realized it was deeper than you thought. Your breath was getting more shallow, and it was difficult to keep your eyes open. Then you heard his voice.

"Has anyone seen Y/N?" Cap's voice came from some where, but you couldn't tell where. There was a prominent ringing in your ears making any input difficult to hear. Looking around, you saw the speaker that should have been in your ear sitting on the cement. Steve asked the question again, but before you could respond, darkness flooded your vision.

Darkness was all you saw, but you could still hear to an extent. Your surroundings were intermittently received through your weakened state, forcing you to piece together what was happening around you. "How much blood has she lost?" That sounded like Steve. A very nervous Steve.

"Too much." Was that Bruce? The same voice said some medical information to someone else before speaking to Steve again. "We're going to give her blood and IV fluids now, but if we don't get it into her system fast enough..."

"What? Banner, don't tell me she could die... Don't you dare say she could die." Steve sounded teary eyed, and it broke your heart. He was your best friend, but it seemed like this was more than just friendship that was worrying him.

"Steve, several of her major organs were damaged from the laceration. I don't know how well those can be healed," Bruce sounded sad too, and you were starting to think this was it. That was your last mission, your last...everything. There were still so many things you wanted to do, so many things you wanted to say...

"Please! Please, do everything you can!" Steve yelled through tears. You wanted nothing more than to tell him it would be okay, but suddenly, your hearing became foggy. The previously steady beeping that had been surrounding you started to quicken in pace, becoming dangerously fast.

"Her heart stopped! Someone get the paddles!" Bruce yelled, but it sounded quiet through clouded hearing. The darkness became lighter as it became harder to hear, but your nerves weren't an issue anymore. You didn't feel any worry or discomfort, just...peace "Charge to 200. Clear!" Bruce said and you felt a jolt run through you. This happened twice more, then it was quiet. Until Steve's voice cracked through the air.

"No! No Y/N please! I can't lose you! I love you... I love you so much, and I am so stupid for waiting until now to tell you..." Steve was crying and you wanted to cry with him. Truth was, you loved him too. And now he would never know. "I don't even know if you can hear me b-but I love you..."

Then you could almost feel his hand on yours, shaking it violently. "Steve, Steve you have... you have to let her go." Bruce's words were almost lost in silence. The shaking in your hand slowed, before the contact of Steve's hand was lost completely, leading you to believe Bruce was holding him back.

"Please, please don't go..." This was the last thing you heard before everything was gone. No feeling, no hearing, just...light.


Sorry, this one's a bit sad ha ha... anyway thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request!

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