Thief - Pietro Maximoff Part 2

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(Female Reader)

The dark sky and surroundings was useful in concealing your escape from Stark Tower, but not the furious blush on your cheeks. You slipped out of the same hidden alley you took at the start of this job, and couldn't ignore your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Flipping up your hood and shoving the flash drive in your pocket, you noticed your hands were shaking. Huh. You thought, I never get nervous... Even with your heartbeat hammering against your chest, and your unsteady hands, you refused to believe this was because of that... guy. That very cute guy...

Shaking the speedy stranger from your mind, you tried to focus enough to make your way home. Snow started drifting from the sky, and given the almost abandoned streets, it was quite surreal. Your breath made clouds in front of you, and you could feel the cold air numbing your nose.

You didn't mind much, it wasn't like you've never been in the cold before, but you did mind being followed. Someone was behind you, you were sure of it. You kept walking as if you were clueless, knowing if the follower made them self known, you could very well defend yourself. Although, that didn't seem to be needed.

"You know, it's rude to kiss and run, Princessa," a voice said from behind you, and you stopped in your tracks instantly. Rolling your eyes, you turned to face the man from the Stark Tower, who was leaning against a lamp post.

"Why are you following me, Speed Racer?" You asked bluntly. He chuckled at the nickname and took a few steps toward you, snow crunching under his feet in the otherwise silent air.

"I'd like an apology for running out on me," he replied coolly, his eyes somehow brighter out here. They'd be visible from a mile away, let alone the two feet he was from you.

"Look Sonic, you're wasting your time because that won't happen," you smirked, turning to continue home, until his grip on your wrist stopped you. The stranger twirled you around, and you saw that his face was a lot closer now.

"I have a name, you know," he said smoothly, staring so deeply into your eyes your knees we weak.

"N-not in my head, you don't." You wished your voice sounded more confident, but the close proximity to this man seemed to fog your mind. He smiled, licking his lips while his gaze looked elsewhere for a second, then back to you.

"It's Pietro, Maximoff," the stranger said. Well, now you couldn't really call him a stranger. You twisted your wrist, and waited until his grip barely held you.

"Well, it doesn't matter much now, does it?" You said, gaining some of your dropped confidence. Completely freeing your wrist from his fingers, you turned again, determined to at least get some steps in before he caught you again. You were relieved when only your feet crunched through the snow, but that didn't last forever.

"Alright, maybe I didn't follow you in hopes of an apology." You laughed lightly and turned to face him.

"Really? I would've never guessed," you sighed sarcastically, finding amusement in teasing him.

"I have a proposition for you," he replied through an eye roll.

This time it was your turn to step towards him. "You sure? Considering what happened the last deal we made, I'm not so sure that'd be in your best interest." You couldn't stop the smile that came with that memory.

"I did not say a deal, I said proposition. Bottom line, I have an offer for you." This, though difficult to admit, intrigued you. You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrows in anticipation of what his offer was. "The other people who inhabit that Tower, my team so to speak, know about you. Know what you can do. Stark is particularly impressed you were able to hack past his firewalls, or whatever he said." This made your stomach drop. "They sent me to ask you to be a part of the Avengers Initiative." This made you laugh.

"Me? You sure you have the right person here?" He seemed confused. "Look, I'm no hero, alright? Trust me, you want me on that freak show team about as much as I want to be on it. So if that's all I'd love to be going."

"You don't want to help people with what you can do then?" He asked, catching you a bit off guard.

"Excuse me?"

"I've been in a position similar to yours, and I hated the Avengers. But, I realized they help people. They really do, and you could too. I don't want to pressure you at all, because this is a big decision, but I think you would be at home here. And, if you said yes," he walked closer to you, shrinking the gap, "you could see me all the time," he winked, and you scoffed.

"Well if that's the case, then I should say yes right now." By his side smile you could tell he loved your returning sarcasm.

"I don't see any reason not to," he whispered, considering now how small the gap had become between the two of you. You saw his eyes fall down to your lips, and he leaned forward, but you took a step back. Unfortunately, the step backwards brought your back to a tree, so Pietro was still inches from you, now with a confused look. "Something wrong?"

That sadly familiar feeling of your heart pounding in your chest returned, and an apparent breath you'd been holding escaped your lips in a cloud. "You make me nervous," you replied, surprising yourself with the sudden honesty. He smiled sweetly down at you and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear.

"I must say, honesty looks good on you." You felt the blush erupt on your cheeks and avoided eye contact with Pietro. "Could you promise me something?" Your gaze was brought back up to his, which was even more enchanting with the falling snow. "At least think about it?"

"I can do that," you breathed. "It is a tempting offer, considering I'd get to see you all the time, Speed Racer." He laughed, and the sound was like music to your ears. The offer was very tempting...


I got some requests to do a part 2 so I thought, might as well. Thanks for reading guys! Vote, comment, and request!

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