Unfair- Pietro Maximoff

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Mention of death

Apart from Wanda, you had taken Pietro's death the hardest. You had grown up with them, and  through their self-decided experimentation, you were by their side the whole time. Even now, you were accepted into the Avengers with Wanda due to your healing abilities. You could heal most everything a human could physically go through, but you could never bend the line between life and death. You found that out the hard way.

You had been unreachable since it happened. Any attempt to connect on anything that wasn't surface level was unsuccessful. Even as you wandered through the woods outside the compound, you barely remembered how you got there. You were in some version of a trance since you lost him. Your mind was strictly occupied by Pietro, and how much you missed him. By your regret in not telling him how you felt. 

Light staggered through the tree line, but you still felt cold despite the sun's warmth. You were taking your time in telling him because you wanted to do it right. You'd been friends your whole life, and telling him you loved him would have changed that. You couldn't screw it up. You thought you had all the time in the world.

Leaning against a fir tree for some sort of support, the bark against your skin barely even registered. Like you were numb. Though through your dull senses, you felt a lone gust of wind brush past your left side. You knew that feeling, but it wasn't possible. Your eyes scanned the tree line in a 180 around you, but failed to see anything out of the ordinary. You must have been imagining things...right?

Then you felt it again, but this time right in front of you. You even saw a flash of silver this time. That silver figure was still in your peripheral vision, but you were frozen. Fear kept your gaze locked on the dirt under your feet, kept your lungs trying to take deep breaths. You were afraid it was just a trick of the light, or seeing things...It couldn't be him.

"Are you going to even acknowledge me Princessa?" You just about collapsed when he spoke. Your entire body softened and a shocked gasp left your lips. That smooth voice could make even your coldest moods thaw no matter what. You spun to your right and saw his smug ass leaning against a tree with his arms crossed like this was a casual encounter. 

No time was wasted before you sprinted over to him to trap him in your arms. You basically launched yourself into him, but he luckily caught you with ease. You never thought you would hold him again, or that he would hold you. His chin nuzzled into your shoulder and he chuckled at your behavior. You, on the other hand, were sobbing into his chest. 

Pietro pulled back after hearing a few sniffles to ease your frazzled emotions. "Hey, hey, look at me," he said gently, to which you complied, and saw the same softness in his eyes. "I'm here." He squeezed your shoulders to reassure you what he was saying was true. All you could muster was a nod in return. If you tried to speak, you feared your voice would betray you. 

It was when he leaned forward to kiss your forehead that your feelings skyrocketed back to the surface of your thoughts. Now was when you had to tell him, it just had to be now. There was no reason to wait anymore. 

"I'm sorry." You balled up his shirt in your fists to ground yourself to him. "I-I tried to save you but I..I couldn't- I tried-" Cries started to strangle your words again and Pietro took it upon himself to brush his hand over your hair comfortingly. 

"Don't worry about that now," he stared lovingly into your eyes and you felt the need to pinch yourself, "I'm right here."

"I love you," you heard yourself blurt out, and a playful expression shown on his face. "Sorry, for just blurting it out, but it's true. Embarrassingly so, and I should have told you before...all this, I know that. I just didn't want to screw it up. You meant so much to me, I didn't want to freak you out so I waited for the 'right moment' but then... Then you died, and..." you paused a moment to blink away tears. "But now you're back," you trailed your hands up his arms to carefully hold his face. "And you're here with me, and I love you."

He took his sweet time in giving a response, keeping you in suspense as long as possible. But what else could you expect from him? Sunlight was catching his light hair and contrasting eyes in a delicate way, displaying him in a less smug way than usual. He was almost angelic. Finally, Pietro allowed you to breathe with a response. 

"Well, I'm glad it's not just me." It was a perfect response, completely perfect for him. The corners of your mouth turned up involuntarily as you leaned forward to close the gap between his and your lips. While you always hoped he felt the same, and a small part of you even thought it may be true, but to hear him say it? That sent you over the moon. And a bigger part of you always wanted to know what it would be like to kiss him, and as many sparks as you hoped danced across your skin. 

When the need for air separated you two, everything seemed to fall into place. Your eyes were still closed in what felt like a perfect moment. Until, Pietro spoke again. 

From the moment he started talking, you could hear it in his voice that something was off. He sounded almost in pain. "I-I'm sorry, Y/N..." Your eyes popped open to see the color draining from his face. Then, you looked down to see blossoms of red blooming all over his chest and arms. 

You instantly started to panic. This was just how it happened before. Exactly how it happened, and you could not go through it again. "Pietro...?" you asked feverishly with an alarmed crack in your voice, and he fell to his knees with a firm grip on your forearms. He looked up at you with all the fear and panic that could possibly be contained in a person's eyes and said something that would haunt you.

"Y/N, please help me...Please, Princessa please help me," Pietro struggled to even say the words as his wounds brought his back colliding with the dirt and you knelt beside him. Your hands were up and ready to heal him, but nothing was happening. No matter how hard you tried, you were helpless. 

"No no no no, come on..." you whispered angrily at your hands, like that would help. "Come on!" you screamed, but that was when his grip slipped from your arm. This time, no matter how much sunlight streamed through the air, there was no light in his eyes. "PIETRO!"

You screamed his name over and over, but looking around, you only saw your darkened bedroom. Sweat had collected on the back of your neck and limbs and your blankets were thrown off your bed at some point, and you knew it as just another nightmare. "NO! NO! IT'S NOT FAIR!" you screamed as tears started to mix with the tiny droplets of sweat on your skin. "It's not fair..." you now whispered through the tears and sank yourself back into your pillow, hoping to silence some of your cries. It's not fair...


Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading! I'm officially back on track for these, so next is Antman and I promise it'll break the sad imagine streak I've had the last few chapters. Anywho, vote, comment, and request!

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