Out of Control- Thor

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

You stared down at your trembling hands in mistrust. Four months into training and trying with all you had to control your abilities, and you'd made barely any progress. The reason they'd recruited you was because you could control electricity, and that was starting to feel untrue. Especially since you made the mistake you feared for the entirety of those four months; you had hurt one of your teammates, one of your friends, because you couldn't control your abilities.

The weight of the situation caused your legs to fail you, as you saw against the outside of the compound with your head in your hands. Tony's going to be okay, he's going to be okay. He'll forgive you, it'll be okay.. These words echoed in your head and you hoped you would start to believe it. Tears silently streaked down your cheeks when you heard a voice above you.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" You flicked your head up and met Thor's concerned eyes with yours, and just as quickly looked away to smear the tears from your eyes.

"Hey, Thor... Yeah, I'm okay..." Your voice gave away your lie, you were sure of it, and Thor sat beside you without hesitation.

"I'm not sure I believe you," he gently said, trying to make you feel better with a light tone. Though you knew he meant it. You continued to stare at the ground on the other side of your curled up knees, and saw him tilting his head to try to meet your eyes. "Y/N," he added with his tone shifting to a more serious note. "What happened? What's wrong?" Any composure you'd gained vanished when he asked you that.

A few tears started to well in your eyes again, and your shut your lids to prevent them from escaping. "I h-hurt Tony, today...It was an accident, but I was training and, I couldn't control my abilities..." Your voice gradually became less stable as you spoke. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Thor's hand hesitantly hovering near you, like he wasn't sure if he could comfort you. It wasn't until a sob escaped your lips that he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Stark will be alright...He knows it was an accident, and I hope you do too." You sprang to your feet in protest, causing the God to jump slightly.

"That's not the point! The point is it shouldn't have happened in the first place! I should be able to have control over this..." You resumed the staring contest with your shaking hands, though this time you wore a frustrated expression. You noticed Thor now matching your standing position, and then saw him carefully grab hold of your hands to steady them.

"Maybe I can help with that," he said optimistically, and you looked up to see a hopeful idea forming behind his eyes.


"Are you sure about this?" you hollered to Thor. He was standing a somewhat safe distance of fifty feet away, across the quad of the facility.

"Of course! I'm the God of Thunder, I'm sure I can handle a bit of electricity if need be. But I won't need to! I trust you!" he shouted with an unwavering smile. You, however, were far from smiling. You had reservations about dealing with your powers and your teammates one on one again, and though Thor could probably take it, the last thing you wanted was to hurt someone else. You sighed and nodded, and he saw that as a green light.

He conjured up some lightning with ease, and you tried not to be jealous at how effortless it seemed, and he looked to you for assurance. With your hands up and at the ready, you nodded again, and he sent an electrical current hurdling towards you.

Every muscle you had seemed to tense as you caught it, or attempted to. You could feel tendrils of electricity sparking past what you could control and the tension between your hands was stretching. Glaring at the orb of electricity irregularly pulsating in your grip, you could hear Thor telling you something, probably encouragement,but you were focused on your frustration and hopes. Then, as always, the electricity burst past the reaches of your control and dissipated in the air.

Starting to only feel anger and frustration, you let out a strangled cry, kicked the grass, and ran your hands through your hair. "Thor, I appreciate your help, but I can't do this! I'll never be able to control this!" you shouted and wrapped your arms around yourself insecurely.

Thor wasted no time before jogging over to where you stood. "Y/N," he started with his hands travelling up your arms. "Look at me." You dragged your eyes up from the ground. "Just, take some deep breaths and focus," he said quietly, a supportive smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "You're a lightning rod, just use it to your advantage and, focus on something that grounds you." The calmness in his blue eyes were enough to make you lean towards the control he was encouraging.

You let out a defeated sigh but were determined to not be defeated yourself. "Okay, let's try again."

He hesitated that time, but did his godly thing and called upon the lightning again. You forced calm breaths to enter and leave your lungs, and watched some electricity fly towards you again, but you felt more ready this time. Your hands caught it again, and it was already testing your strength. You felt your body tense yet again, and your brows furrowed while you tried to contain the fidgety energy. However, you knew this tried and true method would end the way it always does. Then you remembered what he'd said. Focus on something that grounds you.

Your eyes flicked up to see Thor standing closer to you and excitedly shouting encouragements at you. Then, your body relaxed. You felt a new wave of strength wash over you, and was able to push against the electricity's force with your own. You pushed your hands closer and closer, until the energy was subdued in your grasp.

"Oh my God..." you muttered. An ecstatic smile sprouted on your face and your stared down at your completely normal hands in amazement. "Oh my God!" you exclaimed, and you looked up to see Thor matching your expression. You sprinted over to him practically jumping up and down like a little kid, and he held your arms to steady you. "Thank you! Thank you so much! That was only a start but it's progress! Thank you so much, Thor!" Suddenly you felt yourself smash your lips onto his happily. "I have to go apologize to Tony, but thank you!" you hollered behind you as you ran back toward the compound.

It wasn't until you were jogging alone in a hallway that the past few minutes caught up with you. You had just kissed Thor, and ran from him without saying anything about it. Your pace slowed to a stop, and your eyes widened in horror. However, what you didn't know, was Thor was frozen in place, and with an excited rush still running through him.


Hello all! Thor down, Loki is next! Most likely later this week. This wasn't my favorite one I've written, maybe someday I'll edit it, but for right now, vote, comment, and request! Love you guys!

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