Everyone Says You're the Bad Guy- Loki

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

The wall you were leaning against seemed to be made of glue. The task of talking to the prisoner had fallen to you, and for some reason, you couldn't conjure your usual confidence to actually talk to this guy. Your hands were shaking, your stomach was in knots...this was an entirely new feeling. And not to mention shocking, since the team chose you for this because of your usual courage. Maybe it had something to do with him being a murderous demigod.  

Absolutely done with your nerves, you pushed yourself from your hiding spot and stiffly walked through the doorway to the prisoner. The room his glass cell was in was huge, which held him with his back facing you, and it felt like there was a constant draft chilling your spine.

He seemed to hear your footsteps approaching him, because he turned towards you as you neared the cell. Swiping any uncertainty from your face, you walked up the few steps to face him fully and took an unnoticeable breath. You grabbed the explanatory file in front of the cell and glanced over it, but still felt the prisoners eyes wandered over you.

"Are you ever going to look at me?" he asked coolly, making you aware to how long you'd been staring at the same phrase. Still given the fact that the phrase said "killed 80 people in two days", it made sense that it caught your attention.

Swallowing briefly, you turned to face so called Loki, conjuring any of your evaporated confidence. He was taller than you expected, and you didn't really account for his gorgeous blue eyes... Focus Y/N you thought.

"So, the infamous Loki. Funny, I had the impression I'd be intimidated by you," you said smoothly back, even though you felt the exact opposite. 

An almost untraceable smirk formed on his features, and he seemed to be sizing you up. "Now why would you say that? Did my reputation precede me?" he replied with such nonchalance it was frightening. 

"You could say that," you answered, crossing your arms to hide your shaking hands. "Plus everyone says you're the bad guy. And this is from very trustworthy sources."

"Well, then I better introduce myself. Clear the air of any predispositions," he said with a quirk in his eyebrow. "I am Loki of Asgard, and I think I know who you are already."

"Great, so I don't have to introduce myself then? That would've been a waste of both our time," you sighed, pulling up a chair and sitting backwards with the back between your legs. 

"You've got fire. I like fire. And might I say that you have confirmed my suspicions of who you are." The fact that he was now looking down at you sent weak feeling through you, but hell if you were going to let him know that. 

"Oh yeah? Well then spill. Tell me who I am. It's so expensive going to a psychic these days, might as well ask the murderer from another planet. Both are crazy anyway," you sighed again, finding it hard to keep staring into his intense eyes but also impossible to look away.  

This time his smirk was more noticeable, and he too took a seat in the chair placed inside his cell. "Well, Y/N, it would be my pleasure. Although, I don't think you want me to spend too much time on your childhood. Since I for one wouldn't want to relive the pain of being neglected so much by your own family they gave you up when you were...what, nine? I suppose they just couldn't make it to an even ten years hmm?"

You felt a slight twitch in your solid exterior, but kept a straight face. 

"The next chapter of your life seemed dark as well. Depression, alcohol, drugs. Even crime eventually. It took you quite a while to realize you wanted to help people. I could keep going, but I can also say that you're extremely nervous." This made your face tense. "I have to say you've been doing an excellent job at hiding it. I also have to mention, that we're not unlike each other." 

You chuckled a little before stopping yourself. "I'm like you? Really?"

He nodded matter-of-factly. "We both know what it's like to fall short, to simply not be good enough." For once you actually saw something genuine in his eyes, and couldn't help but wonder if he was being serious. But you couldn't afford to wait any longer to find out, because if you stayed in this room any longer you'd let something valuable slip. 

"Yeah, well," you said standing up, "with criminal and adoption records, really anyone could sift through my past, and as for us being alike..." you looked at him, and he stared back gently. "I've never heard a bigger lie." You walked back towards the exit, but he called something after you.

"I'm the God of Mischief, love. If you want lies you should stick around." You wish you could say you didn't grin at his playful tone. 

"Talk to me if you get out," you yelled back, not bothering to turn around. Although you were out of the room before you could hear his response. 

"I'll be sure to."


What's goin on guys, thanks for reading! There's still a few more prompt imagines I have to do but eh procrastination is my greatest skill. Remember to vote, comment, and request! 

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