If It's So Easy, You Try- Clint Barton

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(Female Reader)

Exercising sucked. I mean, of course it keeps you healthy, but was it really worth it? You'd tried some different methods to stay "SHIELD Agent Fit"; running, boxing, plenty of others. Your current approach was yoga, which didn't seem so hard at first, but you were mistaken. You had fallen on your ass more times than you could count, and it wasn't getting any easier. 

You had been attempting yoga for almost two hours in your room in the Stark Tower, when you slipped from yet another pose. Groaning, you sat up and threw your hair into a ponytail so it would cease to stick to your sweat covered neck. You're barely moving in yoga, how can you sweat so much? 

A slight knock sounded on your door before your boyfriend let himself in. "Hey babe, I have some debriefing for the next mission," Clint said lightheartedly, tossing a file onto your bed.

"Great..thanks..." you sighed, falling onto your back. 

"You alright?" Clint almost chuckled at your defeated appearance. 

"No," you groaned from the floor. "Yoga has beaten me." Clint obstructed your view of the ceiling, with a cheeky smile on his face. 

"Really? Yoga? Doesn't seem that hard," he said coolly, holding out a hand to help you up. You scoffed, taking him up on the gesture and allowing your boyfriend to pull you up. 

"Oh yeah? If it's so easy, why don't you try it?" you asked, earning a raised eyebrow from Clint. 

"You know what? I think I will. It has become a hobby of mine to prove you wrong," he smirked, pecking your lips.

You chuckled through a sneer, knowing this ought to be good. "Alright Hawkeye, be my guest." You flipped through some poses you'd been attempting, finding the perfect one. You saw Clint stretching out of the corner of your eye and held back a laugh. "Here we go, tree pose."

"Tree pose?" Clint looked confused. 

"I could call it vriksasana if you want but for now," you turned the laptop towards him, "it's tree pose. You still up for it? I mean it's pretty tough," you added sarcastically. This time it was his turn to scoff as he looked at the pose. 

"Seems simple enough," he grinned, moving back onto your yoga mat. You crossed your arms and suppressed a laugh while watching him adjust and readjust his position. He was struggling with standing on one foot, which was both surprising and expected. On the one hand, he was an archer so balance was in the job description, and on the other hand, he was clumsy Clint. "See... not that hard..." Clint tried to mask his struggle, to no avail. 

You laughed a bit, and was about to reprimand him for mocking the difficulty of it, when Clint went tumbling down to the floor. This made you laugh even harder. You were going to try and stop, but seeing him looking up at you with such adoration, you just let it die down naturally. 

"Alright, alright. I admit it's harder than it looks..." he muttered almost inaudibly. 

"What?" you asked with a grin, getting up from the spot you'd been sitting on your bed, and knelt beside him. "I'm sorry I didn't quite hear what you said."

He groaned, turning to look at you. His stormy blue gray eyes were illuminated in the sunlight and hard to ignore. "You were right, it's harder than it looks," he said more clearly. You smiled, and shifted so your head was rested on his chest, and you curled up into his side. 

"Exercise sucks," you sighed. Clint laughed, running his fingers through your hair. 

"I know babe. Hey, what if we worked out together? Misery does love company." You laughed at that. "Plus seeing you in work out clothes wouldn't exactly be a downside."

"Ha," you 'laughed,' standing from your guys' collapsed position on the floor. "Only if you go shirtless," you wiggled your eyebrows and held out a hand for him. 

"Deal," he smirked, pulling himself up and meeting your lips with his. Maybe working out wasn't so bad.


Hey guys I'm back from the dead. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've had lots and LOTS of crap going on but I will be updating more soon! It was my spring break and I had a chance to reread the Death Cure so I'm kinda inspired to write something sad. Vote, comment, and request! Thanks for reading!

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