I'll Do it...If You Do Something for Me- Bucky Barnes Part 2

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(Female Reader)

You smiled warmly again. "I'll do it...if you do something for me," you said with a cocked eyebrow.

"Anything," he said, curiosity etched on his face, but still purely smiling.

"Would you..." you suddenly became nervous to ask, a lump forming in your throat. "Would you mind if I-I maybe, experiment on your arm a bit more? I-It's really interesting to me so I was just wondering..." you trailed off a bit, not knowing where you wanted the sentence to go. You felt the lump in your throat rise before Bucky replied.

"Yeah," he nodded with hint of a smile, "yeah, of course."


That conversation, in fact that entire afternoon yesterday, kept playing over in your mind. You were glad Bucky agreed to let you check out his arm in more depth, and the night after you talked about it was certainly good timing. But you were nervous. You denied your nerves at first, but since your hand was shaking as you applied some mascara, you couldn't ignore your concern.

After the black on your lashes effectively made your e/c eyes pop, you pulled your hand back and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your finger was tapping against your thigh, and suddenly you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. "This is stupid.." you uttered under your breath. It's not like this is a date, this is just..science. You thought to yourself, hoping the bubble of nerves in your chest wasn't a crush.

Glancing at your clock, you saw that it was a few minutes past the time Bucky was going to come back by the lab. Your hurried out of your room, throwing on your lab coat, and quickly walking toward your and Tony's lab. Through the glass doors, you saw Bucky with his hands in his pockets, wandering around the lab.

"Hey," you said as you yanked open the door, startling Bucky, "sorry I'm late. I hope you weren't waiting long."

"Not at all," Bucky smiled genuinely, walking towards you. You couldn't help but smile back while you pulled at your fingers.

"You can, uh take a seat," you gestured to the seats the two of were sitting in yesterday, and he took you up on your suggestion.

He unzipped his hoodie before tossing it on the back of his chair. "Do you need me to take my shirt off again?" he asked in a light tone, like he wanted to joke around with you but was serious.

"Well I wouldn't be complaining if you did," you said before you could stop yourself, and your eyes went wide before snapping tightly shut. "I-I mean, y-yeah you um..I need you to, uh t-take your shirt off..." You mentally slapped yourself for speaking before thinking. Bucky would certainly think you were crazy...

You looked down at your different tools, avoiding his eyes, but out of your peripheral vision you saw him pull his shirt over his head. However what you didn't see, was Bucky smiling with a blush on his cheeks.

He sat opposite you and set his arm in front of you like the day before, and you went to tinker with his arm, still avoiding eye contact. Your hands hovered above his at first, but after a glance through your eyelashes at him, you rested your left hand on his to inspect his metallic bicep.

"Thanks again, for letting me do this," you said after a few quiet minutes.

"Really, it's no problem. I don't really know much about my arm so it'll be good to see what you find out." You smiled briefly, though still staring a hole into his arm and not his eyes. But, out of the corner of your eye (and due to the general feeling you get when someone's watching you) you saw Bucky staring at you.

"What?" you asked lightly, glancing up at him.

"N-nothing you just..have really pretty eyes.." he muttered, probably not aware he was staring, or that he would get caught.

The feeling of nervousness burning your cheeks seemed to be becoming a recurring one around him. His remark finally drew your gaze to his, and his blue eyes met yours. "Thanks...I could say the same about you, Barnes," you smiled, turning your focus back down to your work.

After about a half hour of working on his arm, and being utterly fascinated with the anatomy of his arm, you got swept up in the moment. A smile was plastered on your face and Bucky noticed.

"What?" he asked, looking between you and his arm.

"The structure of your arm is...incredible. Just the biology of it, or really the mechanics of it is..just incredible. Modern technology shouldn't be advanced enough to create a prosthesis compatible with human brain waves, not to mention adapts well enough to avoid infection at the site of attachment it's just, really- what? Was I rambling again?" you chuckled, heat climbing your neck to your cheeks.

"No, it's cute," Bucky laughed, and you looked up to see the same look of terror on his face as you had no too long ago. But the look on his face softened when you smiled back. The both of you found yourselves staring, but neither of you looked away.

Your tongue swiped over your bottom lip, and you saw Bucky's eyes flicker down to it, before meeting your eyes again. Both of you couldn't decide where to look, each other's lips or eyes, but you both leaned forward. There were butterflies overflowing in your stomach as you two inched toward each other, both of you feeling a bit unsure. Your lips would get closer to his, then one of you would pull back ever so slightly before gravitating toward the other person again. Suddenly, a feeling of worry and nerves returned in your chest, and you stopped your lips about four inches from his.

You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and pulled away abruptly. "I, uh... Everything seems fine with your arm, you sh-shouldn't have any more problems with it," you said with intermittent eye contact with him.

"G-Great that's...great," Bucky replied, awkwardly standing up and putting his shirt back on. He ran his hand through his hair before looking around with his hands in his back pockets. "Okay, so uh, I'm gonna go. Thanks for, taking a look at my arm.." He smiled quickly before heading toward the door.

"Yeah, no problem Bucky," you said quietly, not sure he heard you before the door shut. You sighed, feeling like you blew it. You could've kissed him, but you don't know what came over you. You wanted to kiss him, you did, but your nerves overpowered your want.

You got to your feet, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed and forget your missed opportunity, when you saw Bucky's hoodie out of the corner of your eye. Grabbing the gray item of clothing, you turned back toward the door just as Bucky was coming back inside. The two of you were shocked at each other, and you were standing almost chest to chest in the sudden encounter.

"I forgot my, hoodie," he said, swallowing mid sentence, not breaking eye contact with you.

"Right," you said through a breath, your gaze seeming to be frozen on his. Then, you both didn't hesitate. This time you and him leaned forward hastily.

Your senses were overloaded, what with the tingling in your lips, your heart beating out of your chest, and the yelling in your head for not kissing him earlier. You were so glad you didn't miss out on this one.


Hey guys! Sorry this one's long again but part 2! I'm glad you guys gave suggestions because honestly I had no idea how to continue this one but yeah anyway thanks for reading! Vote. comment, and request!

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