You're Alright, Parker- Peter Parker

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Warnings: Injury description

"Happy to finally have someone your own age on the team?" Wanda asked lightly, making small talk as you stitched up a cut on her thigh. 

You only chuckled. "I don't think it's quite the same. He's a web-slinging superhero and I'm just the medic who stitches you up after missions. Which, by the way, I'm still confused as to why you guys trust me to do so. I'm still studying from textbooks every night..." you trailed off, still very focused on the sutures you were giving. 

"Well, you haven't killed us yet, kiddo," your dad said from the doorway. 

"One of the few times that you have a point, Stark," Wanda agreed cheekily. 

You smiled at the exchange. Suddenly, a slight wobble spread over your left hand. This had happened before, but it was becoming less frequent. You made a fist a few times, shaking the wobble out and tried not to get frustrated by it. After cutting and tying off the stitch on Wanda's leg, you leaned back and looked over to see your dad in his full Iron Man suit. "Who's all going on this mission?"

"And why do you want to know, young lady?" he asked in his "dad voice."

"Oh please, you know I just want to know what injuries to expect when you all get back." You stretched your arms over your head and side to side, and Wanda pushed off your table to carefully limp back to her room. 

"It's Rhodey, the Human Spider, and yours truly," your dad replied and you could hear the clinking of his iron suit getting closer to you. 

"Alright," you yawned, "make sure you watch each other's backs? I don't know that I have the energy to stitch up Peter today." You glanced up and saw your dad's very parental look. "And I want you all to be safe, of course." 

He chuckled, and wrapped his arms around you in a loving hug. "I know what you mean, kid. But a little optimism never hurt anyone, right?" 

"That's funny coming from you," you teased. 

"Hey, hey. I'm a changed man. And sure Peter's a little excitable, but you know he's a good kid," he said firmly, and pulled back to be sure you heard what he was saying. 

"A little excitable? He's like a puppy walking around the compound," you said which earned an amused smile from Tony. 

"You do realize you're the same age, right? You sound like you're 60," he teased in return. You only rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the entertained smile. 

"Hey guys!" You heard an enthusiastic voice from the medical bay doorway, and looked over to see none other than Peter in his Spiderman suit. "Hey Y/N. Ready to go Mr. Stark?" he asked with just as much enthusiasm. 

"Hey, Parker," you said, flatly in comparison, and shot your dad an "I told you so" look. 

"You bet, Pete." He leaned down to kiss your forehead before walking back over to Peter. "Love you," he said quietly.

"Love you too, dad," you said, turning back to the textbook you were occupied with before Wanda showed up earlier. "Be careful, please!" you shouted after them out of habit and concern. They grumbled an "Of course" behind them and set off to get Rhodey for whatever mission they were going on.


Your dragged your finger over the rim of your tea mug over and over again as you struggled to focus on the sentence in front of you. It was about two a.m., and after seven hours of studying and killing time, Tony, Peter, and Rhodey hadn't come back yet. You always waited up when your dad went on a mission, and though your eyes were getting heavy, you were still adamant on seeing that through. 

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