A Queen Through and Through- Valkyrie

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

*So I know Valkyrie's actual name in the comics is Brunhilde, but since they haven't used that in the MCU yet, I'm just gonna use Valkyrie*

You'd had a good day. The weekly supplies shipment came in to New Asgard without many problems, and you got them distributed to the right businesses and homes, so work was easy. And you actually got home at a reasonable hour, also a plus. Though you were only greeted by an empty house. Valkyrie wasn't home yet. You expected she wouldn't be, since being the queen of New Asgard wasn't exactly a nine to five. Still, you missed her. You were in a somber mood despite your good day. 

Only several hours after you got home did Val actually walk through the door. Rather loudly. 

"Y/N!" you heard her shout from the doorway, and looked up from your book to the front door. 

"Yes, darling? How was your day?" you asked jokingly. You had a feeling her answer was going to be far from pleasant. She stalked through the kitchen and grabbed the first bottle she saw before dragging her feet over to you. Given how distraught she looked, you dropped some of the joking edge to your voice. "What's happened?" you asked, concerned. 

Valkyrie fell beside you on the couch with her bottle of booze in hand, shimmied towards you so her back was against your chest, and huffed in annoyance. "I can't do this, Y/N."

You wrapped your arms comfortingly around your girlfriend, resting your chin on her shoulder. "Can you need to be a little more specific, Val?" you whispered. 

She only sighed again. "I can't, do this. I can't run Asgard. I honestly don't know what Thor was thinking, leaving me in charge," she rambled angrily. The fact that it sounded like was angry at herself only weighed down your chest even more. You placed a gentle kiss to her cheek. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Of course you can do this... And Thor knows you, he knows that you've got what it takes to be the queen of Asgard. What can I do so you see that too?" you asked gently. 

She took a long pull from the bottle in her hand. "You can run Asgard for me?" she half-joked after finishing half the bottle. A chuckle vibrated from your chest against her back. 

"I'm afraid that job was left to you..." Valkyrie groaned at that. "A few days ago you were excited about this?" In an attempt to comfort her, and out of habit, you traced your fingers over her forearms.

"That was before it really set in," she said with a sigh. Suddenly, you felt Valkyrie shaking her head. "Who am I kidding? I'm not cut out for this. I don't know why I thought I would be."

"Did something happen today?" you asked, followed by a few kisses on her cheek. 

"Nothing has to happen for me to fail miserably," Valkyrie said flatly, and finished the second half of the bottle with ease. The guilt and anxiety in her voice was saddening to say the least. 

"Hey, don't say that," you said, grabbing her hands with yours. 

"But it's true. I can't do this, I just... I can't," she said with some finality, but you weren't going to stop there and let her think this poorly of herself. 

"Okay, and why do you think that is?" It was awfully clinical sounding, but you wanted to help your girlfriend as much as possible. She pushed herself up to sit across from you. 

"Because," she grumbled stubbornly, eyes glued to the carpet rather than to your own. 

"Val..." You lightly placed a finger under her chin, and ever so slightly pulled her gaze up to yours so she could see the sincerity in your eyes. You, however, saw some tears glistening in her eyes.

"I was a warrior, not a leader," she sniffled, and quickly got to her feet. She never wanted you to see her cry. "What the hell qualifies me to be a queen?" Valkyrie's tone shifted quickly back into defensive and angry.  You got to your feet as she started to pace in your shared living room. "I have no business running an entire community of people who've been through hell! I'm just not qualified..."

You studied her face as she paced, frazzled and guilty, and you had a feeling there was more to this. Your hands found hers again to steady her. "Hey, hey," your voice was a quite calming contrast to Val's. "Is that all?" 

Valkyrie finally looked up at you with begrudging tears in her eyes. 

"I've already abandoned Asgard once," she whispered painfully. "They needed me, they needed a Valkyrie, and I abandoned them..." Tears gathered in your own eyes as your hands cradled her cheeks. "What gives me the right to rule them now?" She searched your eyes for answers that you weren't sure how to convey. "What if I mess up Y/N? This is all that's left of Asgard, and I've abandoned them before what if I let them down again?" Val was legitimately crying now, which was a rarity, and you didn't stop yourself from wrapping your arms around her. 

Valkyrie's arms wrapped around you just as tightly. You ran a hand over her hair as you felt tears hit your shoulder. "Do you want the best for New Asgard? Do you want the people to be happy?"

"Of course," she sniffled. 

"Do you want to help to make that happen?" Now her sobbing was starting to subside as you ran a hand over her back. 

"Yes..." Val said, having an idea as to where you were going. You pulled back to meet her eyes and make sure she heard what you were saying, and your hands found her cheeks again. 

"Then you are cut out for this," you said sternly. "You are passionate, you are intelligent, and you are the fiercest woman I know. You can do this." She leaned her cheek further into your touch. "And hey, just because you haven't been a leader before and don't have the 'qualifications' to be queen doesn't mean you can't still be a great one. No one knows what they're doing in any job, they just figure it out as they go along." She chuckled at that. It was a relief to see a genuine smile, so much so that it caused one to bloom on your face as well. Leaning forward, you lightly touched your lips to hers in a reassuring kiss. "You are going to be a great queen, Val. And I'm going to be by your side the whole time, I promise."

Valkyrie captured your lips with hers passionately, gratefully by the feel of it. She leaned her forehead against yours. "I love you so much, thank you..." she whispered. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," Val repeated, kissing you in between each repetition, causing a giggle to leave your lips. When the laughter died down, your eyes met her warm brown ones. "Promise me you'll talk some sense into my ass whenever I start to doubt myself like that?"

"I promise," you smiled, leaning in to kiss her again. "I love you too."


Hello all! I've been wanting to do a Valkyrie chapter for a while now, so I hope you guys like it! Vote, comment, and request! Also just an fyi, the next chapter I have in mind may or may not be hella sad.

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