I'll Do it...If You Do Something for Me- Bucky Barnes

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Bucky always hated when his arm started acting up. It meant he had to rely on new friends of his to fix something put there by past enemies. That kind of thing messes with someone's insecurities. He even tried to ignore the problem when it first arose, saying he could push through his metal appendage locking up a few times. Even when it became more constant, Bucky was still insistent that it was no big deal. But when his left arm locked all together, with him not able to move it in any way no matter how hard he tried, he knew he needed help.

Despite only having movement in his right arm, Bucky was still hesitant because the person who he had to ask to fix it was Tony. Aka the person he was on opposite sides of a literal Civil War with no too long ago.

So, with his head hanging a bit lower than usual and a hoodie covering his stiff left arm, Bucky dragged his feet into Tony's lab. Tony was working on some sort of technological..something that frankly confused Bucky, but this wasn't surprising. Although, he was a bit caught off guard when he saw a girl in the lab too.

She seemed to be organizing files on the huge computer screen, and Bucky felt a curiosity towards her. He'd never seen her before but she just seemed so...welcoming. Her face didn't scrunch up while she worked like Tony's did, but she ever so slightly bit her bottom lip as she focused. He also couldn't ignore the fact that you were beautiful. How could he have been walking around the Avengers facility and not know who you were?

You looked up from your work briefly, doing a taken aback double take when you saw Bucky in the doorway, distracted by his stunning blue eyes staring back at you. Well, briefly staring back at you.

"Whad'ya need Tin Man?" Tony's voice pulled Bucky's attention, and you quickly looked down to your work again.

"My uh, arm's acting up. It's just kinda gone stiff...I was wondering if you could take a look at it Stark," he muttered, looking down toward his hand before glancing back up to the quiet girl in the lab with them.

"Take a seat," Tony gestured to a stool on the opposite side of his work table, pushing aside the motherboard he had been working on. Bucky glanced at you again, the same time you subtly looked to him, and both of you looked away quickly in shyness.

Tony sighed in preparation as Bucky rolled up his left sleeve and took a seat. Bucky watched as Stark tinkered with a screwdriver in the under forearm of his metal limb, but kept glancing over his shoulder at you. You were doing your best to not look up at him, despite feeling utterly fascinated with him.

You'd obviously heard about him, The Winter Soldier, and everything about him piqued your interest. Not just the science behind his arm, but his backstory, whatever tweaked super soldier serum was running through his veins. Everything. You were technically a quantum mechanical physicist but all kinds of science interested you, so Bucky fascinated you. It was a similar curiosity with Steve, but after only being there two weeks, you didn't think you knew him well enough to ask to experiment on his blood.

"Would you sit still?" You heard Tony say and it snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to people..touching my arm, it feels weird..." You almost didn't hear Bucky speak he trailed off so quietly. You looked to him again, and saw his head and shoulders hanging low.

"Well, I can't tell what's going on if you don't stop fidgeting," Tony muttered angrily. He started messing with Bucky's arm again, but you saw Bucky trying (and failing) not to move against the touch of the tools. But you couldn't see as much as you wanted since Bucky was blocking most of your view of his arm.

You leaned to the side, curiosity getting the better of you, trying to get a better look. The mechanics of his metal arm was something you wanted to know more about, but you never were able to get a close enough look. Then you felt something that made you panic.

"Fine, if you can't let me fix it maybe you'll let Y/N help," Tony pushed back from Bucky's arm and they looked over to you, just as the stool underneath you leaned too far and you went flying to the ground.

The stool clattered to the ground, as did you, and you looked up at them with a blush reddening your cheeks. They both gave you looks, Bucky actually looking worried while Tony looked at you with suspicion. "Are you okay?" Bucky asked.

"I'm uh, I'm good," you stuttered, pushing yourself off the ground, "I'll um take a look i-if you want." You smoothed out your lab coat and caught Tony's very knowing look between the two of you, seeing as Bucky had a bit of a blush on his cheeks as well.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea..." Tony said, "I'll just leave you two to it." He smirked at you before vacating the lab, leaving you and Bucky alone.

You found yourself nervous to walk over to him, pulling at your fingers and hearing your heartbeat pounding in your ears. But then Bucky glimpsing at you again, and knew you had to break the tension and walk over to the super soldier.

"So, what's the uh problem?" you asked tediously, sitting where Tony just was.

"A few days ago it just sorta...locked up," he said, stealing glances at your e/c eyes. He found himself almost entranced by them because he started staring.

"Okay.." you replied, your fingers ever so lightly brushing over his metal hand and arm. "I'm Y/N, by the way..we haven't met yet so..."

"I'm Bucky. Well, technically James but I prefer Bucky," he exchanged the introduction, although you already knew.

"Nice to meet you, Bucky," you smiled lightly, although still looking at his arm. "And you don't know why? It was just out of nowhere?" you asked, looking up at him and already being greeted by his eyes. He nodded, almost in a trance. Looking back down to his arm, you realized you needed to see more of his arm to see the problem. "Could you um...I need to uh see m-more of your arm could, you take off your shirt?" you asked, the epitome of awkwardness in your voice. You felt the blush creeping up your neck as he cleared his throat, feeling awkward as well.

"Uh, no problem," he muttered, standing to do as you asked. The blush was certainly covering your entire face by now, seeing as he was ripped like a marble statue. You couldn't stop your eyes from being locked on his shirtless torso. He sat in front of you again and your concentration was broken.

You tried to calm your shaky hands, and inspected his metal shoulder. You bit you lip in concentration, and you saw Bucky staring at you out of the corner of your eye.

"So, you're not..afraid of this? Of my arm?" Bucky asked suddenly, and you turned your attention to him.

"What? Why would I be afraid of you?"

"Well, what I've done I-" Bucky started, but you didn't want him to think of himself like that.

"That was your past, Bucky. It wouldn't be fair for me to judge you by something you couldn't control.." you murmured, adjusting something on his metal bicep. "And anyway, I find it really fascinating. I am a scientist so the science of it all is really intriguing..."

Bucky might've wanted to reply, but suddenly, his metal hand made a fist. He looked down in surprise, and continued to move his fingers and arm. "That'll do it," you smiled, setting the screwdriver on the table, and Bucky had a similar smile.

"Wow, thank you," he breathed, still shaking out his hand. "So you must be really smart then, if you could solve a problem Stark couldn't."

You laughed a bit at that. "Well, I don't know about that...I'm just here as a temp basically, until Dr. Banner comes back."

"Still, thank you so much...Hey, can I ask you something?" He switched his focus from his arm to you, and you nodded. "Can you fix my arm whenever it acts up?"

You smiled warmly again. "I'll do it...if you do something for me," you said with a cocked eyebrow.

"Anything," he said, curiosity etched on his face, but still purely smiling.



Holy shit this one was hella long sorry guys, so really thanks for reading! What should you ask Bucky?? Leave a comment for what the next part should be about!

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