For the Love of God- Thor

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(Female Reader)

"Alright, who's gonna fill in Blondie on this weeks spiel?" Tony asked as the group stood from getting debriefed. The team let out a groan. "Eenie meenie miney Y/N! You're this week's winner!" Tony said and you rolled your eyes.

"Lucky me..." you muttered, walking towards the living area. You strolled through the halls of Stark Tower looking for one demigod who failed, yet again, to show up to a team meeting. It seemed to be a pattern of his to not show up, considering this was about the fourth week in a row.

Knocking on his door, you let yourself into Thor's room at the Tower. "Hey, Thor you mi- seriously? Seriously?" You started your sentence but was interrupted by opening the door to see Thor shirtless. "Is it difficult for you to wear shirts? Is that it?"

"My apologies, Lady Y/N," he said oh so courteously, but then he noticed the slight blush on your cheeks. "Does this...bother you?" He smirked innocently, knowing the answer.

You rolled your eyes subtly. "Of course not. Look, I just- I was... Okay could you, could you stop flexing? It's very distracting," you tried to ignore the blush in your cheeks getting darker, but couldn't really ignore his very prominent muscles.

Thor chuckled and dropped his flexed arms. "I thought it didn't bother you..."

You tried to suppress an embarrassed smile. "Will you just let me debrief you for the next mission? Is that too much to ask?"

"I would not think Y/N Y/L/N would be so flustered by exposed skin..." he almost taunted, with a playful spark in his eyes. You glared at him a second, when an idea popped into your head. It may have not been the smartest, but it could have some very promising results.

"Fine, two can play at this game...if you think it's so easy," you paused, lifting your t-shirt over your head to expose your tank top underneath. Thor raised an eyebrow in interest, and took a step towards you.

"Very intriguing, Lady Y/N. But, that is not quite the same thing." You exhaled sharply, looking slightly up since he was basically fourteen feet tall. Then you stripped off your black tank top, leaving you in a gray sports bra. Thor's confident look faltered slightly when his eyes flashed down your body.

"Well...I don't exactly see..what the um..big d-deal is..." Thor stumbled a bit over his words, and honestly you felt a little joy.

"What? It's just some exposed skin..." you raised an eyebrow at the irony, and saw that now his cheeks were tinted pink. You chuckled a little bit, his blue eyes finally meeting yours.

"Maybe it's not the exposed skin, but who it belongs to," he said honestly, which shocked you a little bit. You two always teased each other back and forth, but this was different. He seemed fully sincere.

Before you knew it, his hand was ghostly running over your exposed hipbone, coaxing goosebumps from your skin. You didn't remember when the gap between the two of you shrunk, but it now it was practically nonexistent.

"Uhm..." you involuntarily stuttered, highlighting your nerves and causing Thor to chuckle again.

"Hey what's tak- Oh I see how it is!" A voice said from the doorway, and you both turned to see Natasha in the doorway smirking. "Have you even filled him in on what we talked about?"

"I got a little...preoccupied," you grinned awkwardly, earning an assuming look from Natasha.

"Hey, hey. That's none of my business. Just, please put some clothes on for the love of God..."


Sup guys, it's been a few days hope you've all been well. I have a few more prompts to do then eh I'll wing it I guess idk anyway hope you guys had a great leap year and happy birthday to anyone born today. Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request!

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