Have You Lost Your Damn Mind?!- Sam Wilson

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Warnings: Explosions

In retrospect, splitting up from your teammates on an Avengers mission was probably a bad idea. Actions like that could lead to, oh I don't know, volunteering to obtain the information the team needed by yourself. Oh and the part of the base where said information is, is rigged with explosives because the the inhabitants of this base are paranoid as hell. Sounds like a death wish, right? Well, good thing you would never do that. Never...

"Y/N, are you crazy? That entire floor is rigged to blow in ten minutes, you'll never get the intel in time!" Steve said frantically over the com in your ear. 

Despite the entire situation scaring you, someone had to get what the team came for. "Thanks for the confidence boost, Cap," you almost joked through the com, dashing up the another flight of stairs. Immediately after, all of the Avengers filled your ear, yelling at you to not do something so stupid, or to wait for back up, etc. But you heard one voice clearer than the others; Sam's. 

"I can't let you do that Y/N!" he had said, quickly and frantically before correcting himself. "Er, we..we can't let you do that." 

"Don't worry guys, I got this totally under control," you said through rushed breathing as you bolted down the last hallway toward your destination. 

Bursting into the communications room, an unnerving silence fell through the air. You were on the opposite side of the massive HYDRA base than your teammates, and the lack of any guards or soldiers worried you. Unfortunately, you didn't have time to worry because now you had about six minutes to download any HYDRA intel you could before the place went up.

With your team still shouting in your ear, and seeing packs of explosives stuck randomly to parts of the walls, you warily made your way to the made computer. The technology was a step up from ancient, and you were a bit shocked until you remembered this base was in the middle of Russia. Shaking your head and cracking your knuckles, you started to work as fast as you could. 

The dim lighting was less than helpful in this situation, and the fact that you could see your breath didn't help the stress of it all either. You were so focused on the task at hand, you had almost tuned out the worried yelling in your ear. But after hearing Sam's voice again, panicked and frantic, you couldn't focus. Your hand quickly darted up to take out the ear piece before gathering more intel. The furious clacking of your fingers on the keys was the only thing you could hear now. 

Sweat was beading on your forehead despite the freezing temperatures, and you actually missed hearing your teammates in your ear rather than you thudding heartbeat. Throughout the whole process, you couldn't help but feel watched, yet you didn't have the time to thoroughly check your surroundings. A quick glance at one of the timed C4 packs, you saw you only had a two minutes and eleven seconds.

Minutes felt like hours due to the stress of the situation, but you finally finished. You grabbed the flash drive and your ear piece, cramming the latter back into your ear.

"It's done, I'm done," you said loudly enough for them all to hear as you ran from the room, and back toward the stairwell you took up here. Your team was audibly relieved, as they told you to get your ass back to where it was safe as soon as possible. They definitely didn't have to tell you twice. 

However, once you reached the stairwell door, a soldier stood on the other side of the door's window. And he was holding a key in front of his masked face. Panic coursed through you again, trying to open the door as quickly and strongly as you could, but it wouldn't budge. 

Knowing you couldn't waste any time, you sprinted away from the door. In a distressed attempt to find another way away from this ticking time bomb, you darted down the dim hallways and told your team through the com what just happened. 

"The only way I knew out of here is a no go," you said breathlessly as you found a balcony looking over the snowy woods that concealed this base. You were debating jumping it, but it was so high up, there was no guarantee you'd make it. "I-I'm trying to find another way out but," you checked your watch, and your stomach sank. "I-I'm out of time." Almost instantly after you spoke, the explosives, well, exploded

They explosion ripped through the entire floor, and you felt as if you were in slow motion. You felt yourself being propelled from the balcony by the explosion, you felt the heat from the walls that were already licked with fire. Then, right as you saw the trees below getting a lot closer, something, either the force or the debris, knocked you unconscious.  


Through an immense ringing in your ears, you knew you were dead. You had to be. You were freezing, in pain, and knew you just fell about eighty feet into trees. Wait...you felt something warm too. And weren't you supposed to be at peace if you were dead? Not in pain? Then you heard something clearer than the ringing. 

"Don't you leave me, don't you dare leave me Y/N..." You knew that voice... "Come on, just open your eyes, please..." Although you'd never heard it so pained before. Your eyes painfully, and reluctantly, pried themselves open to see a pale white sky, snow dusted trees, and one very worried Avenger. 

"H-Have something, to confess Wilson?" you said dryly, seeing his head snap up from it's previously low state. Instead of responding to your frankly dire timing to be lighthearted, he excitedly pressed his lips to yours, and you could feel how glad he was to see you okay. Then he leaned back quickly, and instead of looking shocked or worried at what he just did, he just looked pissed. 

"Have you lost your damn mind?! Do you have a death wish?! Why the hell couldn't you have waited for backup? We could've got you out of there instead of you being blown nine stories through the air?!" he sternly yelled, but you had a smile on your face. 

"But you caught me..." you beamed, though your voice was only a whisper. He took a breath, visibly calming down as he looked your features over intently. 

"Of course I caught you," Sam said steadily, and you could've sworn you saw tears in his eyes through the red tint of his mask. 

You were then hugged closely to his chest, wings still broad across his back, and you could tell he didn't have any intent on letting you go. 


Heyyyyy so I'm not dead! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long guys, life just decided to throw me a whole bunch of shit recently with a job, relationship stuff, end of relationship stuff, school I just haven't had the time to update :/ I have a bunch of stories I want to do though so I'll be updating more soon. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it, thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request! Love you guys!

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