Really? Now?- Loki

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

"Watch where you throw those things, asshole!" you shouted as yet another small blade narrowly missed your arm. In the blur of battle there are bound to be some occasional close calls, but seven? He was definitely trying to push your buttons. It was in his nature, God of Mischief and everything.

"Terribly sorry," he slyly replied from somewhere to your left. You only scoffed. 

"I'm sure you are..." you grumbled while swinging your axe through another rock creature trying to kill all of you. While you were thrilled to travel the literal universe with your friend and teammate Thor and kick alien ass, some people weren't as excited. 

As you brushed some sweat off your brow, you decided to do the same with the person bothering you. You fought your way through whatever alien race had invaded an innocent farming planet, rock creatures falling apart around you with every swing of your axe. The amount of enemies surrounding you was starting to dwindle, and you couldn't help but feel proud of yourself for taking out so many after straying away from the rest of your group. 

You wedged your weapon out of the chest of a fallen enemy and heard rocks crumble to the ground behind you. After spinning to see what had caused the noise, you saw Loki smugly catching his breath and twirling a blade in his hand. 

"You're welcome," he sighed, scoping out the temporarily quiet surroundings. 

"I don't remember saying thank you," you snap back while catching your breath yourself. 

"I don't remember inviting you to tag along..." Loki muttered. He turned to walk back to Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three when your shout tugged his attention back. 

"What the hell is your problem?!" You'd had enough of his constant badgering.

"I beg your pardon?" he asked, some might say aggressively, with his hands on his hips. 

"Oh, I think you heard me correctly Tommy Wiseau," you huffed as his face contorted in confusion at your earthly reference. 

"You don't belong here," as he stepped back towards you, Loki's glare on you intensified, "despite what my brother may think. He is no stranger to naivety, and clearly you aren't either."

"Oh, god! You've insulted me! Whatever shall I do? I'll be mentally and emotionally scarred for years!" You held a hand over your chest in mock offence. The more he spoke, the more you wanted to piss him off. He'd been doubting and mocking you since you met, and it was for no reason that you could see. It was unfair, and you sure as hell wanted to get back at him.

Loki scoffed at your sarcasm, tongue sliding  over his bottom lip. "That's not funny, mortal," he then said through his teeth.

"That's where we disagree." You returned his icy glare as your arms crossed over your chest. The fight waged between your little group and the alien race terrorizing this planet was nothing compared to the argument sparking between you two.

"Believe me that's not the only place we differ," he laughed dryly. It was until he leaned forward to make his point that you realized the two of you were properly in each other's faces.

"After all you've done, you still think you're better than humans? You think you're better than me?" You firmly held your ground, and noticed that the sunlight was catching his striking eyes in an annoyingly attractive way. 

His brow cocked in an amused way. "Is that even a question? Of course I'm better than you." You noticed that he was staring back at you with just as much intensity. 

"Well, looking around, I don't see the throne or loyal subjects you were so sure you'd have so I'd say yeah," you smirked. That struck a chord in the God of Mischief, and you saw his face twitch subtly. 

"Why do you insist on disrespecting me?" he responded, and you could've sworn his eyes traveled over you after he spoke. And you ignored the fact that your skin was on fire. Well, tried to ignore it. 

"Why do you insist on pissing me off? And you know what, you're not one to talk to me about respect. Because honestly, there's no part of you I see worth respecting," you challenged. He was only inches from you now, like you both had been facing each other in a slowly closing vice. 

"And you're saying I should return the gesture? You're in over your head. You're just a human, a mortal who's playing god when in reality, you can't keep up," he pressed his shoulders back arrogantly, and you had a thought. He was a douche but damn he was attractive

You hurriedly gathered his top in your fists and yanked his lips down to yours. A heated and angry kiss greeted your lips, and he wasn't expecting anything less. Loki's hands held your hips tightly, and anything in your surroundings blurred into an afterthought. 

"Really? Now?" Sif's words pushed their way to the forefront of your minds. You two reluctantly broke the argument-fueled kiss, and a breath shakily left your lungs while you tried to maintain your dignity. Your eyes were still caught on his blue irises while Thor continued the commentary.

"This is fantastic! One of my best friends and my brother, making out in the middle of a battle. Well, come on you two. You can continue the ill-timed kissing later," he trailed off and your peripheral vision caught the rest of the group walking away. You and Loki stayed put, though he seemed less composed than you, surprisingly. 

"Come on, Loki. Better keep up," you winked. You didn't wait to see his reaction, as you already followed the rest of your teammates and left Loki behind to contemplate what just happened. Though there was a blush rising to your cheeks. 


This one was sorta short in comparison to some of the recent chapters lol anyway, thanks for reading! Next will be Steve, and speaking of Steve, DID YOU GUYS SEE THE NEW INFINITY WAR TRAILER!??!? I HAVE A BAD FEELING STEVE ISN'T GONNA MAKE IT AND I AM CONCERNED. 

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