Emergency Contact- Peter Quill Part Two

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(Female Reader)

3rd Person POV

"Y/N...?" Peter asked, too urgently than he'd like to admit. But Y/N's voice faded too quickly for his liking. "Y/N?!" No response. 

"Everything okay?" Gamora asked from his left but he hardly registered it. 

"We need to get to earth. Now." Peter simultaneously brought up the location of Y/N's communicator and pushed Rocket out of the pilot's seat. 

"Hey, hey! What gives Quill?" the raccoon impatiently asked as Quill inputted Y/N's location. Since Peter gave no response, and had a wildly concerned look in his eye, the rest of the Guardians exchanged a skeptical look. 

Gamora quietly approached him. "Peter? What's wrong with Y/N?"

"I don't know...Something's off, I can feel it," he replied in an attempt at a monotone voice, but emotion easily slipped through. "Call Stark. Tell him to get to where ever they sent Y/N, and that we'll meet them there." Gamora was going to question it, but had a feeling Peter's hunch was going to be right. The Milano was speeding through space, and Peter was only thinking about one thing; Y/N. 


Surprisingly, the Guardians got to Y/N before the Avengers did. That's what travelling at light speed will do, evidently. 

Peter was the first off the ship, and the first to sprint to where Y/N was laying motionless on the forest floor. Peter faltered slightly at the sight of all the blood, but he dropped to his knees beside Y/N anyway, tears filling his eyes. Holy shit...wait how could she not tell me? With a shaking hand, he cradled her cheek so gently, he could hardly feel it. Gamora appeared on the opposite side of Y/N's body, checking for a pulse and assessing her injuries, but it was all just background noise.

Peter never wanted to see Y/N like this. He never wanted Y/N to see him like this. This was never apart of their, friendship. Relationship. Whatever they wanted to call it. He wasn't prepared to deal with this kind of pain. He wasn't even ready to deal with the knots tangling in his stomach and climbing up his chest. Everything was fine, we were fine. She was fine...

"Is...Is she alive?" he choked out, unable to look away from Y/N's pale face. 

"Barely," Gamora replied, and gently put an arm under Y/N's arms. She looked to Peter for some assistance, but got nothing. "Peter," she said sternly, but he failed to snap out of it. "Peter, she can make it through this but we need to get her out of here," she told him, almost harshly, but he had to hear it. Luckily, that was enough to break him from his trance. He put his arm under Y/N's other arm and the two of them lifted her bloody, barely alive body up toward their ship. 

Once Y/N was safely laying inside, they didn't waste any time before speeding off for the Avengers compound. 

Peter brushed a finger over Y/N's forehead and cheek in a, surprisingly, loving way. "We got you, okay? So just, hold on..." he whispered. 



Everything was dark. The first thing you were aware of was pain. Your whole body was sore, especially your abdomen. When you die, aren't you not supposed to feel pain? Despite your confusion, it felt like you were being dragged closer and closer to consciousness. But that couldn't be...you died?And still, you felt you could open your eyes. 

There was a soft glow illuminating the room you were in, which appeared to be the Avengers' med-bay. You dragged your gaze over the room and saw something that honestly surprised you, but still filled your chest with warmth immediately; Peter Quill, pacing in the hallway outside your room. However, that warm comfort was gradually consumed by the guilt. You'd lied to him...He must've found out one way or another, because as soon as he saw you awake, you knew he was pissed. 

"Y/N?" Peter said as he basically stormed in your room. "You're okay," he said in an unidentifiable tone. 

"Yeah, I feel like it...Feel like I could run a marathon," you hoarsely, uneasily, joked. 

"Don't do that," Peter said, quiet but harsh. Your brows furrowed in worry as he started to pace your room. "You didn't tell me...How could you not tell me?!" You couldn't help but flinch. Your guilt went straight to your already injured stomach. 

"I'm sorry..." you croaked out, clearing your throat. Peter evidently didn't hear you. 

"You were dying! And you were talking to me like nothing was wrong! Do you know how messed up that is?!" Peter continued to shout, but he had yet to look at you as he paced. "It's like you didn't care if you lived or died! But guess what Y/N? We all care! Your team cares if you die! But you just gave up! It was selfish!"

Tears pricked your eyes, your lip started wobbling, and you felt like a student getting scolded in school. "I'm sorry," you repeated tearfully. 

"I just can't believe you! You think you know someone... How could you call me while you're dying and not tell me?! I would've wanted to know Y/N! And we were..." He suddenly faltered. "You and me, we..." Peter's tone softened for a moment. "You should have told me!" A brief moment. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," you repeated again, officially distraught given you were still recovering, and Peter noticed. 

He finally looked toward you, and his aggressive demeanor started to melt. Quickly. Peter stopped his pacing, and dragged his feet over to you, tentatively sitting on your bed. As you sniffled, he hesitantly grasped your hand between his. "Why didn't you tell me?"

You closed your eyes and forced a deep breath in and out of your lungs. "I couldn't," you said simply, and opened your eyes to see Peter's concerned but confused and expression. "After your mom, after Yondu..." It seemed realization was dawning on Peter. "I couldn't. And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you-"

"No, it's...it's okay. I'm glad you did." Peter squeezed your hand without thinking. "I'm really glad you're okay."

"I thought I wouldn't be," you said before thinking. Though it was true. "I just wanted to hear your voice..." As your voice started to wobble again, Peter pushed up towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Guess I just thought we'd been wasting our time."

Suddenly nervous, you pulled away slightly and looked up to his hazel eyes. He seemed to be as aware of the minuscule gap between you two as you were. Your lips were only an inch from his, and you could easily study the stubble on his chin and flecks of green in his eyes. You felt his eyes studying you too and your breath was frozen in your lungs. Then suddenly, the two of you remembered that this had been building up since you met each other. 

And your lips finally touched his. It was much gentler than expected, but honestly, very Peter. Just not the Peter he always shows the rest of the world. You couldn't help but smile as you pulled away.

"So it took a near death experience for us to finally do something about this?" you joked, halfheartedly, but it felt like the old Y/N and Peter. 

Peter laughed, but held your closer to his chest. "We're really doing great, aren't we? Perfect couple."


Pretty much every comment on the first part was to have a part 2, so I caved lol. But thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request!

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