Come Over Here and Make Me- Bucky Barnes

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Repeatedly hitting the punching bag in front of you was starting to sting your fists, but you kept going. It was well past midnight, and you'd been training for hours. Given the lateness of the hour, you didn't expect anyone else to be in the Avengers Tower gym so late. Boy were you wrong.

"Whoever taught you to punch was an idiot," a voice said from behind you, causing you to jump, and internally groan. You wished you could say you didn't recognize the voice.

"What do you want Barnes?" You sighed, adjusting your boxing gloves and catching a breath.

"Well I was gonna come down here to work out, but now that I'm here," his voice had gotten louder and now he was right beside you, "I think I'll teach you how to punch." You glanced over at him with an "are you serious?" look, being temporarily distracted by the sight of him in a black muscle shirt, his silver arm glinting in the light.

"What makes you think I need you to teach me?" you scoffed, going back to punching the bag.

"Well I-" he was about to make another comment when the lights flickered above you. "What was that?" he wondered out loud.

"Stark is messing with some technological shit I don't understand," you mumbled, hoping he would leave you alone soon.

"Anyway, you could use a decent teacher when it comes to self defense," he added, crossing his arms and inspecting your technique closer. This time you laughed a little more noticeably.

"Ha, you? Really? I really. Don't. Need. Your. Help," you said through ragged breathing, throwing punches a little harder each time. Bucky didn't say anything, but he did move his hand in front of yours, effectively grabbing your fist mid punch.

You flinched in surprise at contact, and flashed your eyes up to his, which were captivating. "I could be a great teacher, you never know. I mean, even before I was an assassin I was in the military. Knocked some guys on their asses..." he smirked. You were about to say something, when the lights around you two completely went out, followed by some notable swearing down the hall. "You know, if you wanted to dim the lights, you could've just said so," he chuckled, which was like music to your ears, you hated to admit.

You felt a blush creep up your cheeks and were thankful the only light in the gym was from the lights of buildings outside. "It's pitch black in here and I can see you're blushing," he whispered almost victoriously. You rolled your eyes, ignoring the sound of your heart beating in your ears, and twisted your hand from his.

"Shut up, Barnes..." you muttered as you walked across the mat, unwrapping your gloves. He chuckled again, turning to the direction you walked.

"Why don't you come over here and make me?" he asked suggestively, and you suddenly had the urge to wipe off the smirk you knew had to be on his face. Gnawing on your lip thinking, you got an idea.

Turning back to where Bucky was still standing, you made your way back, gliding over the mat.

"You know, that's a great idea," you said, standing only inches from him. In the low light, you could see his confident exterior show shock for a split second. Swaying a bit towards him, you could tell he was leaning closer to you, but you had a different plan.

When his lips were centimeters from yours, you slipped behind him, grabbing his left arm in the process. You twisted it behind him and kicked the back of his knees, sending his chest to the ground. Kneeling on his back, you felt him chuckling under you. Then you leaned down beside his ear, and whispered "I guess The Winter Soldier met his match." It was oddly entertaining to see him like putty in your hands after so many times of him doing the same to you.

Suddenly, he bucked you off his back and decided to pin you on your back. You let out a huff of surprise, and were greeted by his familiar smirk. "Met my match, huh?" Before you could protest, you felt his lips on yours. You could hardly ignore the sparks capturing your lips, and knew you could get used to this.


Hey guys so this was the second of the prompt imagines, hope you liked it I will be doing many more of these over the next week or so since I have no school for the upcoming week (thank God) So be on the look out, vote, comment, and request!

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