A Bit Ill Timed- Sam Wilson

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Warnings: Mild violence

"Hey babe," Sam called over to you, "you seen my goggles?"

You finished up lacing your boots to took a glance around the bathroom, and saw what he needed resting on the sink. Behind you, he was looking around the hotel room in full tact gear, well, minus the goggles. "Here you go, bird brain," you smiled, handing him the last bit of his gear.

"Thank you," he drew out the last syllable before pulling on the goggles. The two of you were in London on assignment, sent to take out a group of mercenaries who'd developed seismic weapons, and caused quite a bit of damage to the city already. Despite the nature of the mission, it was exciting to essentially be on vacation with your boyfriend of three years.

He pulled you in for a kiss that was meant to be quick, but lingered much longer anticipated. "You sure we have to go right now?" Sam said in a low voice, still pressing his forehead to yours. Though your eyes were still closed, you knew he wore an expression like a kid wanting to stay up past his bedtime. You couldn't help but smile through your frustrated groan.

"I wish we didn't have to, believe me." Sighing, you tried to move away from him, but Sam's hands caught yours.

"The mercenaries will still be tearing shit up in a few hours, won't they?" His eyes and smirk had something playful about them. You chuckled and felt his arms snake around your waist, confirming what you saw in his eyes.

"Willing to risk the safety of a highly populated city just for me? Wow, I'm so lucky." You gave into your temptation for only a moment and wrapped your arms behind his neck. Sam let out a chuckle and your stomach fluttered at the sound. You would never tire of hearing it.

"You are, the luckiest in the world," he grinned confidently. Then it was your turn to laugh.

With quite a lot of self control, you leaned up to give his lips a quick kiss before breaking away from him. "Come on, Falcon. We've got a job to do. It should be a quick one, anyway."

"Such a tease," he smirked, shaking his head. You both found it easier to risk your lives alongside each other when you weren't acting terribly loving. If you put the fact that your the man you loved could die on any mission at the back of your mind, it made it easier to do your job.

Sam groaned at the lack of contact and followed you to the vanity where your gauntlets rested. He wrapped his arms around your waist again, hands crossing over each other on your stomach, and nuzzled his chin into your neck. You tried to maintain responsibility as you pulled on your gauntlets, with your boyfriend knowing exactly how he was distracting you, but it was proving difficult. "Sam..." you said with a hint of warning in your voice, but it was buried under a content sigh.

"Hm?" Sam hummed innocently. He smirked against your neck and peppered some kisses to the skin your suit didn't cover. Your warning clearly wasn't stopping him.

"We really should go," you said, gentler that time, and laid your head back against his shoulder. His kisses only traveled further south. "And distracting me now will only discourage me from doing anything for you when we have enough time for it to matter." That made him stop cold. He sighed slowly against your neck but broke away from you. Begrudgingly.

"Hey, you know, I was thinking," he started, almost nervously from the sound of it, "what if after this mission," in the vanity mirror, you could see he was starting to pace, "we stayed here for a little while? We're overdue for some alone time, and it could be, you know, romantic." You spun around at that. It wasn't said with a suggestive tone, or even flirtatious. He sounded very sweet, and genuine.

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