Falling for the Enemy- Peter Parker

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Implied smut

3rd Person POV

Peter wasn't very used to going on solo missions. Sure, he was out of high school now and it felt great to seem important to the team, but he was still nervous. Still, he was sent to find a thorn in the Avengers' side, on his own, without much to expect except that she was dangerous and hard to find. She seemed to be working on her own, he'd been following her around the world enough to assume as much. She'd been written off as some bored teenager, at first.

She was only known as Phantom, a new player but a powerful one in tech warfare, and pissed off Tony specifically since she found ways to get past his security and into his mainframes with ease. They never really saw her coming, and she never seemed to screw things up, she just did it because she could. And of course, she left her mark every time; a small ghost as a form of a signature. Fitting, for her name. And she built up to breaking into the Avengers' databases, of course. She started as a lower level hacker, getting information from shady corporations and exposing their criminal activity, and worked her way up. Sometimes she was a vigilante, sometimes she just fucked with the 1% because she could. It was never legal, either way.

A few of them admired her in a way. Nat and Peter being a few, and she did have a begrudging respect from Tony. Not that he often showed it. But she could too easily be a threat so they decided to bring her in. They tracked her the best they could, and almost had her a few times, but she was smart. She slipped through their fingers more than once. But once they got a solid lead, they thought Spiderman would be an unsuspecting apprehender. So here Peter was, doing his best to be subtle as he followed a seemingly harmless girl, around his age, into an abandoned warehouse.

He had a feeling this was a trap. Phantom was smart, and she must've known he'd been following her through the streets of Toronto. She was pretty much leading him where she wanted, but Peter wasn't stupid. He knew he could handle himself, and it seemed she was the only one in the building. Plus, Peter was curious to finally meet her face to face, if that were where this situation was going.

Peter paused before stepping into the warehouse, a few minutes after Phantom had, and pulled off his hood in order to pull his mask over his head. He took a breath, trying to push past the nervous twisting in his stomach, and stepped out of the drizzling rain into the abandoned building.

Silence and dusty crates surrounded him as he carefully walked through. His suit scanned the building and only detected one heat signature, which gave him some relief. Some. But that also made him aware of the fact that he knew she was in there, but didn't know where.

Until suddenly, a voice echoed through the lofty warehouse. "Spiderman... It's an honor to meet you," she said with confidence, and Peter craned his neck around to look for the source of the voice. "So much better than just admiring you from afar." If Peter didn't know any better, he'd say there was a flirtatious tone in her voice.

"Admiring?" he asked simply. He wanted to keep conversation to a minimum. His job was to bring in her, that's it.

He heard a hint of a chuckle from wherever she was. "Have you seen your ass in that suit?" Focus, focus Peter...

"I'm here to bring you in," Peter mustered all the confidence he could into steadying his voice. He was glad she couldn't see the blush warming his cheeks as he walked further into the patchily lit room.

"Yeah, yeah. I expected as much." Suddenly, her voice sounded closer. Her footsteps had been nonexistent, as much as Peter's were. "Can't we at least have a little fun first? You're capable of that, aren't you Spidey? Oh, sorry. I mean Peter," she said in a taunting voice, but Peter's heart practically stopped.

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