Brave or Stupid?- Bruce Banner

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Warnings: Gunshot wound, minor blood mention

"Y/L/N!" Fury shouted at you as all of the Avengers filtered back into the upstate New York facility, but you froze when you heard your name. You all just got back from a mission, and in all honesty it could've gone better.

"I know what you're gonna say, and it wasn't that big a deal," you said, trying to ignore the stinging pain from the gash in your side.

"Charging into enemy fire without any means of an escape?!" Fury yelled, walking angrily towards the group.

"I had it under control!" You tried to reassure as the rest of the group awkwardly disbanded. They knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

"You got shot!" He yelled, standing right in front of you which didn't help with the volume of his voice.

"I got grazed, alright? And honestly you're over reacting. We needed the information, I got it," you said through a clenched jaw.

"It doesn't matter! The rest of the team was in danger because you blew your cover! That was reckless and stupid, and you're on probation," Nick said bitterly. You scoffed, about to refute, but you knew it was no use. And it would most likely make things worse.

"Fine..." you grumbled, heading off towards your room in hopes of patching yourself up.

Back in your room, you grabbed gauze, alcohol, and bandages from the medicine cabinet and stood in front of the mirror. Gripping the hem of your shirt, you took a breath before lifting it, knowing it would sting. The entire process of stripping off your bloodstained shirt was painful, and a strangled cry escaped your lips. Looking at your reflection, you sighed in exhaustion. It was slightly more than a graze.

There was a bullet wound on your side, luckily a through and through, but still an actual hole in your side nonetheless. You were about to patch yourself up when there was a gentle knock at the door. Sighing, you went to greet who ever was paying you a visit, expecting it to be someone else to scold you. However, when you opened the door, a kind face with a soft smile greeted you.

"Hey," Bruce grinned while you moved partially behind the door.

"Hey, what's up?" You asked, blushing slightly when his eyes flickered down your body for a split second.

"Well, not much but I couldn't help but notice that nasty graze you got back there. Maybe you need some help getting fixed up?" He asked with a bashful, but hopeful, look on his face. You smiled a bit to yourself and nodded, opening the door wide enough for him to walk in.

With the door shutting behind the two of you, you turned back to Bruce as he checked over your injury. He stepped closer to you, inspecting the bullet wound more thoroughly.

"Well, luckily it's through and through but I'm guessing it hurts like hell?" He looked up towards you and you let out chuckle.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Here, why don't you take a seat," Bruce motioned towards the foot of your bed and you took the suggestion willingly. It was a relief to actually sit down after the few hours running around getting shot at. Bruce sat beside you and dampened some gauze with rubbing alcohol. He hovered the cloth over your side, looking at you for some assurance, knowing it would hurt. Begrudgingly nodding, you inhaled a sharp breath when the alcohol stung your skin. "Sorry, sorry. It should be numb in a few minutes," he reassured, a blush still evident on his cheeks.

"It's alright, I mean this is what I get for being reckless right?" You sighed, regretting your decision on the mission in retrospect.

"I don't think it was reckless..." Bruce said. So quietly it would've been inaudible if you weren't so close.

"What?" You asked hopefully.

"I don't think it was reckless. I think it was brave," he replied, looking up to meet your eyes. "Really brave."

"Well I have to say that's new," you practically whispered. He smiled softly at that, and started leaning towards you. You couldn't ignore the flutter in your stomach when your lips touched. It was soft at first, typical Bruce only thinking of your safety with him. Your hand instinctively curved around his cheek, and his on your side, until you squealed a bit in painful surprise.

Bruce pulled away quickly, looking you over in worry. "What? Are you okay? What did I do?"

You smiled and gently grabbed the side of his face to calm him. "It was just my bullet wound, okay? It was nothing you did." His blush darkened in embarrassment, but your touch did calm him down. He even smiled too.


Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you all had a great New Year's and I wish you all luck in 2016! Vote, comment, and request!

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