Don't Say You Love Me- Pietro Maximoff Part 2

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"Y/N... Y/N!" Tony was yelling your name, but it wasn't enough to snap you out of your deep thoughts. You were in the lab with him all day, but your mind was completely elsewhere all day.

"Hm?" you hummed absentmindedly, still zoning out and staring at the counter.

"What the hell's the matter with you? You've been spacey all day," Tony said, but with still no reply, he tried a different method. Tony took the rubber ball he had in the lab for "scientific reasons", and threw it full force at the wall beside you.

The loud and abrupt thud knocked you out of your zoned out state, and you looked back to Tony. "What the hell was that?" you asked, but he looked as if he did nothing wrong.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you in the middle of working?" he asked sarcastically, causing you to slump down a bit. "What's up with you today? Trouble in paradise?" he added casually, not seeing you tense up. You gnawed on your lip and tried to sort out a way of asking for advice about a relationship that was supposed to be a secret.

"Tony can I ask you something?" you asked hesitantly, looking up at him again.

"If it's about you and the Speedster, you'd probably want to ask Nat or Clint. Somebody better at relationships," Tony said casually, not looking up from the chemicals he was working on.

"Wait, what?" you asked, surprise very evident in your voice. This caused him to glance up at you and meet your shocked gaze with his calm one. "You know?"

"Yeah," he said slowly, sounding more like a question. "We all know...We have for a while, we thought you knew that," Tony added almost matter of factly, and your shocked expression remained for a few moments.

You shook your head slightly, circling back to the problem at hand. "Still, I need some advice...Please?" Tony glanced up, hearing your desperate tone, and sighed when he saw your sad expression.

"No, no don't give me that," Tony said accusing your guilt tripping demeanor.

"Please Tony? You're my friend right?" you asked, ignoring his accusation. He looked away, briefly shaking his head, and sighed again before muttering his reply.

"Fine..." he turned toward you before gesturing his hand as an invitation to continue. So you spilled the whole situation, right down to him admitting feelings to you just a few days ago.

"Sounds like you love him," Tony said bluntly after a few moments.

"Yeah I do but it..." you sighed, tapping the table top with your fingertips. "It's too complicated. All the reasons I said are still valid concerns!" You didn't expect yourself to yell in this conversation, but you were just so frustrated. Standing from your stool, you started to pace a bit. "He almost died not too long ago, and I was upset as his friend! Can you imagine the kind of pain we'd go through if the other died and we were in a relationship?! In our position, it... It's too possible for us to lose each other...I care about him too much to lose him like that..I love him too much to lose him..." you muttered, looking down at the floor and leaning your hands against the counter.

"Y/N, why can't you just tell him how you feel and be happy?" Tony inquired as though it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Were you not listening? God I just wish... I wish both of us lived normal lives. I wish we weren't harm's way the majority of our lives. I wish I could tell him I love him without being terrified..."

"Do you mean that Princessa?" Every inch of you froze when you heard his voice. Your eyes widened and you slowly spun around to see the man of the hour standing in the doorway.

"H-How did um...what are you doing here?" you stuttered, awkwardly crossing your arms.

"Stark texted me a few minutes ago...said he needed me in the lab," Pietro responded, looking as shocked as you. Meanwhile you aimed to give Tony a death glare over your shoulder, but saw him slipping out the second door into the lab.

"How long have you been standing there?" you asked, too quiet and unsteady for your liking, as you turned back toward Pietro.

"Since Stark said 'sounds like you love him'.." He was staring intently into your eyes, looking more relieved than anything. A breath leaked from your lungs slowly, as you tried to gather yourself out of the nerves that plagued your thoughts. "You haven't answered my question..." he said, stepping toward you until you were almost chest to chest. "Did you mean all that?"

Your eyes seemed to be locked onto his as he gazed down at you. "Yeah," you whispered with a slight nod. "Yeah I do. Pietro, I-" you were about to take Tony's advice and just tell him, when he cheekily interrupted you.

"Don't say you love me," he smirked, loving the way he made you smile when he joked around.

"Seriously?" you laughed as he rested his forehead on yours. His arms had wrapped around your waist and you felt more at ease. "I love you, you asshole," you smiled in the dying spark of laughter, and felt his lips on yours. Despite it being something you'd done dozens of times before, this kiss was the sweetest yet.


Alright part 2! I actually wanted to upload this like last week but eh you know how it is. Anyway thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request! Also, I was wondering if you guys wanted me to add people like Sam Wilson, Scott Lang etc to my list of characters I write for?? Let me know in the comments!

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