Who Gave You that Black Eye?!- Spider-Man Part 2

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Mild violence

"Hey babe," he smiled in return after the quick kiss. When you pulled away from him, you saw something you hadn't noticed before.

"Oh my God, who gave you that black eye?!" you exclaimed, gripping his chin to get a better look at the bruise forming under his left eye. He laughed awkwardly, brushing off your hand. 

"It's no big deal," he said walking into your apartment, "it was just some guy at school." He flopped onto your couch, while you were still standing at the door in shock. He looked back and noticed your surprise. "Hey it's okay, I'm fine," he reassured as your shut the door. 

"You gotta stop getting into these fights, Peter," you sighed, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer. "You're making me worry about you," you joked, earning a laugh from him as you sat beside him and nudged his shoulder. "Seriously, Parker, you're gonna get a concussion one of these days or worse..." you said, holding his cheek and pressing the ice pack to his cheek. He sucked in a sharp breath at the contact, and you looked at him apologetically. 

"You're cute when you're protective," he smiled, looking up at you. 

"Yeah yeah..." you grinned, still looking at his bruise. But then you saw something. Moving the ice pack aside, your eyes focused in on some sort of...shape in his black eye. Looking even closer, and tilting your head, you saw a faded SB printed sideways on his cheek. 

Your eyes went wide. No he...he couldn't be...

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Peter asked, noticing the frozen look of shock on your face. You tore your gaze away from his cheek to look into his curious eyes, but couldn't say anything. No words came out of your mouth, and you just kept thinking my boyfriend is Spider-Man, my boyfriend is Spider-Man. Then you thought something else that was equally true. I gave my boyfriend a black eye... "Y/N?" he asked again, and you said something without even really thinking. 

"You didn't get in a fight at school, did you?" Peter looked equally as shocked by the question and furrowed his brows while awkwardly laughing.

"I don't, I don't uh know what you're talking about..I got in a fight at school..." You thought you owed it to him to tell him who you were, and dropped the ice pack as you went to your room. "Y/N?!" Peter called after you in confusion, but you grabbed what you were looking for in your room and went back to a disoriented Peter.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly sat beside him again. You looked down at your hand that held one of your knives and Peter followed your gaze, looking shocked that you had a knife to begin with. But then you shifted it in your grip and moved your finger over the SB bolded on the handle. Now it was Peter's turn to widen his eyes.

Your thoughts drifted to the night before and you knew he recognized it. 

You had been doing pretty well against the nine or ten bank robbers, until you came across one of them that was about 6'3" and built like a brick wall. He had thrown you against the wall, both of you struggling over your knife. He had turned it on you and you were struggling to keep it from stabbing into your throat. 

Then suddenly, a web came from your left and pulled the knife from both your grips. You both looked over in shock, seeing Spider-Man who had recovered and was now looking over your knife. "Oh, SB I get it, for Switchblade," he said lightheartedly and you rolled your eyes before kneeing the robber in crotch and jamming a different knife into his chest. 

"Yeah, you're a genius. Give me my knife back," you grumbled before he tossed the knife back to you and took care of a different robber himself.

"Y-You're, you're Switchblade?" he whispered after a few seconds, looking up at you.

You couldn't hide the guilty look on your face. "You're Spider-Man..." you whispered in shock. "I'm so sorry I punched you in the face," you added quickly, causing Peter to chuckle.

"Ha, it's it's um..okay... You're a badass," he said and you did not expect that to be the first thing he said. 

"What? I mean, thanks but...what?" you shook your head, baffled. "Aren't you mad I didn't tell you?"

"Well, in all honesty I didn't tell you I was-"

"A superhero?" you asked, fiddling with your knife. You thought about the reputation you've earned yourself as not particularly a good person. People don't like to think heroes take drastic measures to get results, and shed a little blood from time to time. 

"Yeah, so we're even. We both didn't tell each other we were superheroes in the same city," he laughed lightly at the irony of it.

"I'm not though..." you muttered, avoiding his eyes. 

"What? Of course you are, I've seen you work before, you're-"

"A vigilante. The people don't see me as a hero they see me as a knife wielding liability," you mumbled with a sigh. 

"Well, we're gonna change that," Peter said firmly and you looked up at him.

"What?" you questioned. 

"We're gonna be a team from now on. Whatever crime you find yourself stopping, I'll be there too. We'll have each-other's backs, alright? Cause God knows I'm not letting you around dangerous criminals on your own. N-not that you can't h-handle yourself, I mean you have already I just-" You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his to stop his adorable rambling and smiled against his lips. 

"I think I could get used to that..." you smiled, and Peter did too. "So," you cleared your throat, "any other superhero related things you wanna tell me?" you asked as a joke, but then Peter replied.

"Well, you know when I had that 'family emergency' a few months back?" You nodded apprehensively. "I uh," he smiled awkwardly, tapping his knee, "was in Germany helping Tony Stark fight Captain America.."

"You WHAT?!" 


Yayy part two hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request! 

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