Reunited- Thor Part Two

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The ride to Nidavellir was tensely silent. The corner of your eye picked up Rocket nervously fidgeting as he piloted the pod, like he wanted to ask but also really did not. You were painfully aware of Thor's presence at the back of the pod. He hadn't said anything since you all left, but you could tell he was suppressing questions himself. It seemed everyone on the pod had that in common. Except maybe Groot. 

You tapped your foot relentlessly against the pod's floor while gnawing on your lip. It didn't take more than a few deep breaths before you couldn't take the silence anymore. You unbuckled your harness and patted Rocket on the shoulder before shuffling back to where Thor stood. His back was facing you, but the eggshells you were walking on must've alerted him that you were approaching. His head cocked ever so slightly as you got closer to him, and your chest effectively tightened. You'd been ignoring that voice in your head the past few years to go back to Asgard just for him, but now that voice had to be front and center. 

Lingering a few feet behind him, you decided that was a safe enough distance to engage in what could only be a tough conversation. "Thor-" you started, crossing your arms over your chest, but he interrupted you.

"Where have you been?" he asked, but it wasn't angry or impatient. He sounded sad, and tired. That only increased when he turned to meet your eyes, and the exhaustion was just as evident. "We didn't hear from you...none of us did. We thought...I thought, you were dead," he said with cracks starting to form in his voice, and your eyes threatened to betray you with tears forming in the corners. "You just dropped off the radar, with no warning," Thor's voice was starting to rise now, which was to be expected, "and you never even thought to let your friends, your family, know you were alright? For years?"

"Do you want me to say it was a mistake? Because it was! One that I've never forgotten," your voice ranged from a whisper to a yell in merely three sentences as you stepped closer to him. "I was ashamed! And embarrassed! I got scared so I bailed, and I wanted to go back. I did. But I was embarrassed about how I left things! Especially with you!" you yelled. It was almost entirely out of frustration at your younger self and the mistakes you'd made. 

"You were scared of me admitting that I loved you?" Your eyes closed so you wouldn't have to see the hurt on his face. It was already hard enough to hear his voice full of betrayal. "Did you really leave Asgard to avoid me?"

"Of course not," you sighed. Your eyes drifted open again and saw he was even closer to you now.

"Then why did you?" Thor asked with tears starting to brim his eye. 

"I didn't want to be trapped, Thor. You knew that. And when you told me... There was no way that wouldn't be long term. And the thought of being trapped in the throne...It scared me enough to-"

"To leave everyone who cared about you behind?" he interjected with a bitterness starting to fill his words. 

"I regret how I left. But I don't regret the life I made after I did," you said strongly, though your voice was still barely above a whisper. You squared your shoulders back, and looked up at him through watery eyes yourself.

"I'm glad it was easy for you to abandon you whole life," he all but spat, and your mouth fell open with a hurt sigh. Did he really think it was easy for you to leave him behind?

"Sorry to interrupt, but we're here," Rocket awkwardly said. Thor pushed past you, and you were thankful he didn't see you start to deflate with how uncharacteristically harsh his words were.


You watched with numb limbs as Thor held open a gate for a literal star, and wished with everything you had that he would be alright. That could not be the last conversation you had with him. You at least had to tell him you loved him too. That was one thing you failed to mention. It was another deterrent against you returning to Asgard, since you had a feeling that after you left the way you did, he wouldn't exactly welcome you back like nothing had happened. 

Your eyes were glossy with tears as he fell from the gate. Your lungs and breathing suddenly became strangers as Rocket did his best to intercept him with the pod, but he wasn't going to catch him in time. Thor was headed straight for you, and fast. 

Thinking as quickly as you could, you darted to your left where old mining gear stood dormant. You scrambled up the side of it, jumping and pulling yourself as high as possible, before throwing yourself from it. Luckily, you were able to time it well enough to intercept Thor as he flew unconscious through the air. It was a sloppy interception, but you clung onto him as you both hurdled to the floor. 

No matter how much you braced for it, clattering to the metal floor was still painful. 

You two tumbled to a stop, with half of Thor's weight on top of you via outstretched limbs. Rocket and Groot all but crashed the pod near you two before scrambling out. The only thought racing through your mind while you sat up to kneel beside him was Please be alive, please be alive...

Most of his body was burned, and you couldn't imagine the pain and grief he'd been through. Physical or otherwise. Thor didn't deserve everything that's happened to him. He's lost everyone he cared about, everyone, and you were going to be damned if he lost you too. Not again. 

Your breathing was starting to quicken as Thor was still unresponsive. You shakily traced your hand over his chest, and didn't bother to dam up the tears this time. You felt Rocket rest a paw on your shoulder as he knelt beside you, but you refused to let it be out of condolence. 

"Come on, wake up," you said firmly, moving to hold his face in your hands. He was not doing to die without getting revenge on Thanos. "Come on!" you shouted through gritted teeth. "Come on!" you yelled again, this time hitting his chest with your fist. 

Suddenly, Thor heaved a breath out of his lungs, ultimately ending in a cough. You let out a raggedly relieved breath yourself and his eye drifted open. 

"I'm sorry," he muttered, and you were caught off guard by the fact he was speaking so soon after almost dying. Thor tiredly picked his head up to look into your eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said-"

"I love you too." You didn't want to interrupt, but it left your lips before you could stop yourself. A shade of relief covered his face as Thor gently sat up. "I should've said it then, but I'm saying it now," you sighed, like a weight had just been lifted off your shoulders. Somehow, after all he's been through, he still cracked that smile that embodied pure happiness. 

"I had to almost die for you to admit that?" he teased. His resilience never ceased to amaze you. Feeling drained yourself, you had no witty response. You opted for leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips with years of passion in the making. Despite him being the God of Thunder, the sparks on your lips were still surprising, yet expected at the same time. 


Alright, part two is done! I'm so happy Ragnarok and Infinity War added so much depth to Thor's character because he's one of my faves now. He deserved to be more complex, and Chris Hemsworth is amazing. Side note, Thor has been through so fucking much, give this sweet boy a break. Anyway, thanks for reading. Vote, comment, and request!

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