Undercover- Steve Rogers

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

"Are you going to be this fidgety the whole time?" you asked gently and subtly, making sure to keep your cover. Something that was bound to be blown if your partner didn't relax.

"Sorry, I'm just...not usually undercover when I'm in the field," he replied, still shifting between his feet.

Your attention was tugged away from the crowd in front of you and to Steve beside you. "Are you nervous?" you asked with a hint of a smile. Seeing Captain America nervous was a rarity.

"N-No, not nervous," he fiddled with his leather jacket's zipper, "I just feel out of place." You grinned at his less than convincing delivery. He was still scoping out your surroundings, and even in the low blue and red light, you could tell how tense he was.

"What, not comfortable without a baseball cap?" you teased, and for a moment, his teeth shone through his lips in a smile.

"Ha ha," he mocked dryly.

"Look," you slid your hand over his bicep, "I'll be right here the whole time." You looked away before you could see his blush. You were used to undercover work, unlike Steve, so when you heard who your partner was for this op, you were eager to see how it would play out. You two were playing a couple in some dance club that was definitely not Steve's scene. Almost strobing lights, the smell of weed and booze, way too many people dancing and grinding. You usually wouldn't spot Captain America in a place like this. But, this was where your arms dealer was going to be. Plus inconspicuous was sort of the point.

You two were leaning against the bar, still scoping out the club, and starting to seem a bit stiff. And the arms dealer you were busting during a deal looked over to you guys.

"I think that's our guy," you discreetly informed, but you doubted Steve heard you. His fingers tapped repeatedly on his beer while his eyes stayed glued on the mass of people, jaw tensed. You sighed. After downing the rest of your drink, you grabbed his hand. "Come on, we're going to dance."

"We're what?" Steve asked as you practically peeled him away from the bar. He had a slightly panicked tone, and you remembered just who you were dealing with. "I can't dance you know that.." His voice was almost lost in the crowd as you pulled him through the mass of noise.

"I'll help you through it. You see the kind of dancing people are doing?" Steve glanced around at the grinding occurring all around you. "There's not much movement involved." You two stopped in the middle of the crowd, and you noticed the panic hadn't left his expression yet. A smile pulled gently at your lips. "Relax, we won't be doing it quite like that," you chuckled, and he nodded. "Okay, so it's not really the same as it was in the forties, but I think you can manage. So, put your hands on my hips," you gestured with your own hands, and he was hesitant.

Someone who was sloppily drunk bumped into Steve, and it was like he was shaken back to reality. His hands rested gently on your waist and yours traveled up his chest. You tried to ignore the sparks crackling from the contact of his hands on your body. Your own rested on his shoulders, and you noticed the foot wide distance between you two seemed a bit off considering the rest of these couples were each almost combining into one person.

You stepped toward his muscular chest and continued with the 21st century dance lesson. "And then just, sort of," you looked up into his intoxicating blue eyes, "move from side to side." He stared down to you with the same intensity as you started to sway your hips from side to side. It wasn't until that moment that you were aware of the goosebumps on your skin. Considering all the sweaty bodies around you, there was only one logical reason for your body to be speaking to you in such a way. He started to move side to side as well, though he was glancing down to his feet every few seconds. "See? You're a natural."

A grin cracked Steve's tense features and his eyes met yours again. "Thanks, I had a great teacher. It may not be swing dancing, but it does seem pretty fun." You smiled and went out onto a limb when your hips touched his to move in sync. There was a blush rising to his cheeks, but he continued to sway and twist despite the lower contact. With your arms draped over his shoulders, you studied his almost sculpted features in the low bluish light, and started to see him in a different way.

"Oh yeah? Can you show me any part of this swing dancing you speak of?" you teased with a smirk. Almost out of nowhere, Steve's confidence returned as he squared his shoulders and smiled to himself. And then, completely out of nowhere, he pulled you forward, one hand finding the small of your back and the other your left hand, and he dipped you.

An almost flirtatious laugh left your lips as he pulled you back into his chest. "I think I prefer swing dancing, it seems much more fun," you smiled as your laugh died down. Then you saw something that ripped you back into the situation of your mission; The arms dealer was having a hushed discussion with another shady individual. "Hold on," you said in a much more serious tone. Steve's shoulder provided cover as you peered over it, still pressed firmly into his chest. "There's our guy, 10 o'clock."

He discreetly glanced over his shoulder to see, and you were suddenly cheek to cheek. Steve almost seemed startled by the touch since he quickly turned back to meet your eyes. You two were far too close for rational thought, but your peripheral vision caught the arms dealer slipping into a side room.

"We should," your cleared your throat when the words got caught, "probably go check that out." Your eyes were still glued to his blue captivators peering down at you. Then, the part of you that was still focused on the mission heaved the starry-eyed version over it's shoulder to get back to the task at hand. Steve nodded, nose nudging yours accidentally as he did so. His hands slipped from your waist, and you realized instantly how much you missed the contact.


So I'm definitely doing a part two to this once I'm done with the countdown, but for now, it ends here! Next week is Bucky and Clint cause someone got behind and procrastinated. Who's to say who that was... Anyway, thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request!

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