Make it up to Me- Thor

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(Female Reader)

The twinkling, golden lights of Asgard were like no other. The enormous gold palace resting in the heart of the city gave a perfect vantage point to see over everything. The fantasy-like city, the dark water reflecting the city's lights, and even the lookout point where Heimdall stood watch. Millions of stars sparkled above you, and the beautiful view made the fact that he was late more tolerable.

You tapped your thumbs against the metal railing, wrapping your dark cloak tighter around you. Getting used to Asgard was a bit difficult at first, it was so different from earth, but you learned to love it. It was also worth it to stay for him. 

He should've been here a half hour ago, what was taking him so long? Even if there was a feast tonight, he said he would leave early. You started to get a strange, twisting feeling in your stomach. What if you were naive? What if you didn't take a second to think about this, and now he was just using you whenever he feels like it? What if-

Your thoughts were interrupted by two arms wrapping around your waist. A startled gasp escaped your lips, until you heard his voice. "I'm sorry I'm late, Lady Y/N," Thor's voice was quiet. He rested his head on your shoulder, brushing your hair away from your face with his chin. Soft lips press against your cheek in apology. Sighing, you turn around to face the man you're almost certain you love.

"It's alright, I guess," you reply sadly. This situation was difficult to deal with, and only becoming harder as the days go on. Thor brushes his thumb over your cheek, staring into your eyes with his brilliant blue ones. His hand goes under your chin, bringing your lips closer together, but you pull away abruptly. "Actually, now that I think about it," you slowly back away from Thor, letting the cloth of his cloak slip through your fingers. "It's not alright," you smirk at him teasingly. "And you'll have to do a lot more than apologize to get me to kiss you."

"And what's that?" Thor smiled back, not knowing what game you were playing.

You smirked again, raising an eyebrow mischievously. "Catch me." Before the Asgardian could respond, you swiftly turned around and sprinted down the huge balcony. Thunderous steps sounded behind you, and you knew Thor was playing along. You had some knowledge of how to navigate through the palace, but not nearly as much as Thor.

When only your footsteps were heard among the corridors, you turned around in search of him, only to see no one. You also failed to see the single step down in front of you. Your feet flew out from under you, and you are positive the floor is about to come in contact with your face. That is, until strong arms catch you from falling.

Your breathing is heavy and shocked, and you look up at Thor's smiling face. "Looks like you've truly fallen for me," Thor joked, steadying you.

"Only if you catch me," you smiled back, still standing very close to him. You felt his breath on your neck and it gave you chills.

"Every time," Thor basically whispered. This time, when he leaned in, you did too. Your lips connected and released fireworks surrounding the two of you. Yes, yes he is defiantly worth staying here.


Sorry this ones kinda short haha be sure to vote and comment! Thanks for reading!

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