You Know What Would Fix This? - Tony Stark

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Implied smut

"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." you said with a roll of your eyes.

"Sorry Y/N, but the tech expensive. We need a good cover to get into the auction, and everyone knows Tony Stark is good for the money," Natasha tried to explain, in an attempt to tone down your aggravation. There was some tech made from a stolen Ultron bot in an upcoming auction, and the Avengers felt responsible for repossessing the possibly dangerous AI.

"So why can't he go alone?! Why do I, out of all of us, have to go with?" you asked, spinning angrily in one of the lab's office chairs.

"Because I need some arm candy," another voice, the topic of conversation in fact, said while stopping your spinning chair. "And you'll be more than convincing." You looked up with a glare at Tony, who had a hand on the back of your chair.

"I'm actually just worried it wouldn't be. Everyone would know I'm way out of your league." You push up past him to resume your conversation with Nat. "If I kill him on this mission, will you judge me?" Natasha laughed in response, and you didn't have to look at Tony to know he had the opposite expression.

"I'm surprised you haven't done it yet," she smiled. You, on the other hand, deflated in response.


"If you even think about moving your hand below my waist, I'm cutting it off," you said with a fake smile before a long sip of champagne. It had only been fifteen minutes, but you were even more convinced it'd be a difficult evening to get through. Tony was making sure of that.

"Fine, fine, but if people don't believe our cover, I'll be pointing a finger at you," Tony replied, grip still firm on your waist almost subconsciously as he surveyed your luxurious surroundings.

"So, grabbing my ass is the only way you can think of to convince people we're together?" you smirked. You took your own gaze off the auctioneers and dragged it up to Tony's face. Which was still facing forward, but in a way where it seemed difficult for him to avoid looking at you. You noticed his lips even fighting against a flustered smile.

Suddenly, deep brown eyes were staring back into yours. "You think I can't convince everyone that we're crazy for each other?" His cologne was mingling with your lungs and it was starting to become intoxicating. Sure, everyone joked you two should "get a room already" whenever you'd bicker, but every now and then, a moment would come along that would open your mind to the idea.

Right then was one of those moments.

"I'd like to see you try." There was a want in your tone that may have been embarrassing if Tony wasn't basically undressing you with his eyes.

He leaned closer, not as close as you would've liked, but close enough for his lips to brush your ear. "I'd think long and hard about that. You wouldn't stand a chance if I brought out the big guns." His breath tickled your ear and sent a shiver down your neck. You wanted to drag him into the nearest broom closet and relieve all the built-up tension, you really did, but he wasn't getting off that easy.

You gravitated ever so slightly toward him, your lips almost grazing his. "Your 'big gun' isn't as impressive as you think," you said with a quirk of your eyebrow. As swiftly as your moment of weakness came, it left, as did you.

You made your way through the tables and people, fairly positive that Tony was trailing behind you. Your suspicions were confirmed when a voice materialized over your shoulder. "You're really gonna leave me hanging like that?" Tony asked, funnily enough like he was losing his cool.

A confident smile spread across your red painted lips. "Is the great Tony Stark not able to handle losing the upper hand? Or is it just you can't handle being blue balled?" He was probably thankful the two of you had made your way away from everyone else at the auction, but you continued walking through the marble hallway.

"You know what would fix this? Angry sex," he half-joked. You chuckled at that.

"Hah, speak for yourself. I'm perfectly focused," you said with a look over your shoulder.

Out of nowhere, Tony pulled you into a dark (what you could only assume to be) storage closet. The low hum of people in the ballroom down the hall turned into silence once the door shut. A tiny window at the top of the back wall barely lit up both of your faces, but Tony looked cockier than ever.

Neither of you seemed to want to speak first. You just stared at each other, waiting for the other to set the tone. Eventually, Tony took the burden upon himself.

"You think you're focused? That I won't be able to distract you?" he said smoothly, slowly taking a few steps toward you. You retaliated by stepping away from him until the wall stopped you.

"I know that you can't." Every ounce of confidence he had, you mirrored.

Tony wore a self-assured grin at your comment. Like he took it as a challenge. "Alright Y/N. Since you seem so confident," he said in a low voice, a finger ghostly running over your shoulder, "why don't you tell me how I make you feel."

Admittedly, you were caught off guard at that. But you would never let him know that. "What?" you asked, but your voice was dangerously close to a sigh as his finger trailing down your arm. With the months of unsatisfied tension, even a tiny touch was enough to relieve some of the strain.

He leaned even closer, a mere inch or two away from you, and whispered in your ear yet again. "It's a valid question given our history. And, since you're so focused, I'm sure I couldn't do anything to distract you, could I?" Your head involuntarily leaned back, and you unknowingly allowed for him to pepper small kisses along your neck.

Not fair, not fucking fair at all you thought as more and more tingles spread over your body. "I...I uh..." You wanted to put coherent thoughts together, you really did want to prove him wrong, but it was proving difficult.

"Yes?" You felt him grin into your neck triumphantly.

"M-My body is very attracted to your body, but when you speak my mind gets angry." That was all you could put together in the moment. Better than nothing, but still...

Tony pulled away with a myriad of different expressions on his face. There was still that same old confidence, but there appeared to be some surprise or even confusion as well. But you were just focused on that fact that you missed the physical contact.

"Is that so?" he asked, and his eyes hungrily trailed over your body, as if they were a surrogate for his hands. "Then maybe I should stop talking."

"Brilliant idea," you breathed and lunged towards him. Your lips finally met his after months of wondering what it might be like. And it was as passionate and fast paced as you would expect, with hands eagerly grabbing at both your bodies in the process. He backed you up against the wall again, and you were thankful for it, because you otherwise would've collapsed. Your lips moved with his in tandem, and you couldn't even focus on how everyone else might tease you for this. You couldn't focus on anything besides him, not in that moment.


Hey guys! So yes, it's been a while, but I actually sort of have an excuse! I'm now in college! I've been dealing with college shit for the last month so that's why I've been MIA. Anyway, no idea how regular I'll be with uploading but I'll do my best. I love you guys so much! Thanks for reading, vote, comment, and request!

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