Without Him- Bucky Barnes

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Pregnancy

You walked down the halls of the Avengers compound overflowing with nerves and excitement. You were looking for Bucky with some huge news. It was pretty unexpected, but you had talked about it, and it was something both of you wanted. Sure, it was unconventional; you weren't married, you both were constantly in harms way, but you both still were open minded to having kids. Somewhere down the line was always the intention, but that turned out to be right now. 

"Hey Steve!" you called out to him down the hall, knowing he'd know where your boyfriend was. "Have you seen Bucky? I wanted to talk to him about something before he left." 

"Oh, Fury called him out early, he left a half hour ago," Steve explained, and you deflated a bit. Steve noticed, and gave you a reassuring pat on your shoulder. "He'll be back in a few days. Three tops." Steve continued down the hallway and left you with your thoughts. 

Three days, that's not too bad. It gives you time to figure out a way to tell him. Just outright tell him? Leave a little note saying "you're going to be a dad"? No, that's too cheesy...Or is it? Well, you had time to figure it out. Just three days.

The first two days came and went, and they brought with them more anxiety and excitement. Part of the feeling might have been morning sickness...but hey, the excitement was still there. You didn't want to tell the rest of the team until you told Bucky, so keeping the secret was killing you. You had figured out how you were going to tell him too. You were going to give him a change of clothes after his mission, including a World's Best Dad t-shirt. Sure it was corny, but given the situation, a little corny would make this all feel more normal. 

Then three days passed. No Bucky, but he got in contact to say there was some complications with the mission. It was a short and frighteningly choppy phone call, and you didn't want to break the news over the phone. So you had to wait a few more days. 

But then five days passed. Then six, then seven. With each passing day without contact, and without him, there was a pit growing in your stomach. You had to keep telling yourself he'd be okay, that he'd make it back and you'd be an unconventional little family. He had to be okay. 

You tapped your fingers against the handle of the fridge in compound's kitchen. Apparently cravings can start as early as three weeks into pregnancy, so experiencing them at six was no surprise. All you wanted was a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Maybe that would help take your mind off your boyfriend being god knows where getting shot at by god knows who. 

"Hey," Steve's voice pulled you back to chilling reality. You shut the fridge to see him standing a few feet away, with a solemn look on his face that sent your heart through the floor. 

"What happened?" you whispered, blinking away tears in your eyes. 

"The organization he was sent to investigate captured him, and they have no intention of giving him back. No demands, nothing. They just want him," Steve said quietly, glumly. Your chest started to tighten, constricting any flow of oxygen, and you gripped onto the counter for stability. He continued his explanation, but it was all noise to you at that point. The thought of Bucky, your Bucky, possibly becoming a weapon against his will again... You suddenly felt a wave of nausea hit you like a truck. 

You spun on your heel and sprinted to the sink, before harshly emptying the contents of your stomach into it. It was unfortunately something you had been getting used to the past week, but it still was nowhere near pleasant. 

Through some coughing and deep breaths, you pushed your hair away from your face, and felt Steve's hand comfortingly rubbing your back. "It's gonna be okay Y/N," he said warily, "we'll get him back. We will." There was a sadness in his voice too, though he was only letting a bit of it trickle through. It was Steve, of course he was trying to stay strong. 

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