Who Gave You that Black Eye?!- Spider-Man

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Mild violence

Fighting crime in New York City wasn't as much as a rarity ever since superheros started making appearances. People were inspired by heroes like the Avengers and some people were inspired enough to help others. You were one of these people. You may only be a high schooler, but age didn't stop you. Although others didn't exactly call you a hero. You worked, let's just say, around the law at times, despite still doing the right thing. This earned a title of 'vigilante.'

So in true vigilante stature, you were sat on some roof top in the middle of the night, dressed in all black of course, and waiting for some criminals to slip up. Surprisingly enough, some nights were quiet and void of any purpose for your knife specialized help. There were other nights where you were successful in helping people, of course, but sometimes there was a certain red and blue clad spider boy who would steal your thunder.

He would just swing in and take over a situation you had under your control, and it pissed you off. There was plenty of crime to go around in this city, surely he could keep to himself. The fact that you didn't always bide by the law got to him too, so you weren't his favorite person either. But luckily you hadn't run into the spider-ling in a while. If you two met in real life, it definitely wouldn't be pretty.

You sighed in boredom, shivering from the occasional night chill that ran through you. You twiddled one of your knives in your hand, running your thumb over your bold initials in the bottom of the handle. Well, not your initials per say. Your vigilante name; Switchblade. After grazing the raised SB for the hundredth time, you heard gun shots from a few blocks over.

Holstering the knife, you sprung off the roof, the fire escape rattling at your landing. You flipped and sprinted your away across roof tops towards the shooting, no stranger to the parkour aspect of crime fighting.

When you were a few buildings away from the bank that seemed to be getting robbed, you grabbed the bottom rung of a ladder before someone swung past you and effectively scared the hell out of you.

"You gotta keep up!" a voice yelled at you and you saw a flash of red and blue swinging past the buildings.

"This doesn't concern you Spider Boy!" you yelled back, swinging onto the next roof. You heard him laugh as he landed on the same one.

"Spider-Man," he corrected you.

"I don't care," you mocked, jumping over the side and landing on the fire escape. You jumped to the bank building and volleyed up the side of it, seeing Spider-Man swinging above you. You flipped onto the roof and was met by the Spider-Boy waiting there, arms crossed.

"You gonna mind your own business or am I going to have to make you?" you said shoving past him.

"Wow, intimidating...they call you Switchblade right?" he asked, for some reason wanting to make conversation.

You turned back toward him. "What gave it away?" you asked sarcastically, gesturing to your belt and holsters full of knives. You had walked backwards enough to be at the roof's edge before vaulting over the side of it and sticking the landing on the fire escape.

Spider-Man followed you down, swinging on a web toward the ground, and you thought you'd help him out. Smirking, you reached out toward the web that was dangling in front of you and severed it with a knife. He yelled in surprise before hitting the ground. You hopped off the fire escape, landing beside him on the ground. "My bad, just trying to help," you winked through your black mask, sprinting into the building.

Well, until he grabbed your ankle and sent you flying toward the ground, falling onto your stomach. He swiftly tried to get to his feet and run past you, but you rammed your hand backward. The end of your knife's handle still in your hand came into contact with his cheek and knocked him back. You gathered yourself and ran toward the bank before Spider Boy could catch you again.


You groaned when you woke up the next morning. You did kick the bank robbers' asses last night, (although you would never admit the Spiderling's help made it possible) but not without a few bumps and bruises. Well, bumps and bruises was a little bit of an under exaggeration...you wouldn't be surprised if you cracked a few ribs. Luckily it was a Saturday otherwise school would've killed you.

A knock on your door had woken you up, and you took your time getting up. You knew who it was, and that they wouldn't care if you took a second before answering the door. You hadn't even bothered to fully change, still dressed in your black jeans and tank top, and you tried not limp once you got up.

You knew your boyfriend would freak if he thought you were hurt, and you couldn't exactly tell him you fought crime almost every night. Stupid secret identity...

Walking through your apartment, you tried to conceal your limp and seem totally okay. Luckily without any bruises on your face, the attempt to seem fine appeared possible. You opened your front door revealing your boyfriend, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Peter," you smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

"Hey babe," he smiled in return after the quick kiss.


Hello hello cliffhanger, dun dun dun.. Next part should be out soon, but thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request!

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