Please Believe Me-Pietro Maximoff Part 2

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Injuries

"It's been quite some time, hasn't it?" he sneered, and you definitely didn't miss hearing his voice.

"Y/N?" Pietro mumbled as he was regaining consciousness and you were trying to conceal your nervous breathing.

"It seems you've made quite the life for yourself since we last spoke. Went off the grid, fell for an Avenger. I guess you took 'blend in' a little too seriously." You had never been as frantic as you were in that moment, not knowing exactly what he'd do along the lines of torture, but knowing your relationship with Pietro was at serious risk.

"Who the hell are you?" Pietro asked, trying to break free of the seemingly ordinary ropes binding him to an ordinary chair, confused at how he couldn't just run out of the situation.

"Mr. Maximoff, do you think of me as an idiot?" he sighed, spinning coolly on his heel to face your boyfriend while Pietro seemed caught off guard by the question. "I do my research, and even if I didn't, your ability isn't the most subtle of things. And quite interesting, might I add. Looking at the biology of it, courtesy of Strucker, that is. He also had some helpful information on how to subdue said ability. For some time." You could see Pietro's face drop, then rise to anger. "And as for who I am, I'd ask your little girlfriend here."

Your eyes shut when he said that, as if receiving a painful blow. You didn't want to see the pain in his eyes, or the betrayal.

"Y/N...?" he asked, voice on the verge of breaking, and you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. Then you felt something cool and sharp against your neck. Your eyes sprung open to see a knife held to your neck.

"Yes Y/N, do tell, because I have little patience for ex-assassins of mine who betray me," he sighed, and you sent a glare his way. You still didn't dare look to Pietro, but he was still trying to escape his binds.

Your contemplation must've been frustrating, or simply too lengthy, because you felt the knife leave your neck and plunge into your thigh.

You cried out in pain, and couldn't ignore Pietro thrashing at the rope around his torso, yelling and threatening your ex-boss. Your head hung low after being stabbed, your left hand trying its hardest to reach the knife's handle, to no avail. Then, a hand yanked your head back by your hair, and he kept talking.

"Y/N, you've never been one to protect anyone but yourself, and I don't expect now to be an exception," he then knelt down and lowered his voice. "After three years of working for me, you know how highly I value loyalty. And how severely violators receive retribution. So I personally would love to see you self destruct your new found life." He stood again, releasing his grip. "So, anything you want to share?"

"This is Killian Graves..." you started, hoping your voice would lose the shake in it. "I used to be a part of his 'assassin task force,' and part of job description included infiltration..." you paused, still staring down at the knife in your left thigh to avoid staring at the man you loved while telling him you betrayed him. "The last mission I did for him, I..." It seemed you couldn't bring yourself to finish that sentence. Graves decided to "help," taking it upon himself to twist the knife embedded in your leg. You screamed through your teeth and continued, fearing more emotional pain than physical. "I-I had to infiltrate the Avengers, by means of that party, six months ago... I had to blend in, and get any information I could..." Tears dripped onto your bloody leg, and you finally had the strength to look up at Pietro.

Your eyes were greeted in an unwelcome fashion by the anger and confusion in his. A part of you wanted him to say something, the other part was overwhelmingly worried at what that would be. "You've been lying to me, this whole time?"

"No, no Pietro, not the whole time just... the beginning..." you sighed, knowing that wasn't making things better. "But-"

"So a relationship based on lies is better than one full of them?" Pietro spat sarcastically, and you could feel your heartbeat rising. He shook his head, looking away from you, and you could see he was subtly still trying to wriggle free.

"Pietro, please listen to me, a week after I met you, I cut every tie I had to this son of a bitch, and I put it all behind me. I wanted to get out of that life for a long time but I didn't have..." you paused. "I didn't have anything to leave it for besides myself. Not until that party." Pietro flicked his eyes up to yours again. "I love you, you know that, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you why I was there that night. And I'm not asking you to forgive me, I don't know if I would if the roles were reversed, but you just need to know that I love you, I'm sorry, and I have no connection to this bastard anymore." The look in Pietro's eyes softened, and the small spark of hope you had started to grow. Then Graves interrupted.

"Well, that's all I needed to hear." Almost in the blink of an eye, the knife was pulled from your thigh and jammed in your stomach. You gasped at the sudden explosion of pain in your stomach, too shocked to scream.

"Y/N!" Pietro yelled, pulling forward against the ropes. Yours hands instinctively reached for the knife's handle while you lost even more blood, but couldn't even touch the handle with your fingertips.

"Well," Graves said calmly, yanking the knife out, "I think I'll leave you two to it." With that, he turned on his heel and left the (what appeared to be) abandoned office building.

You stared down at your very red shirt, hearing Pietro simultaneously calming you down and still trying to get free. Your thudding heartbeat was starting to mask every other sound, and you didn't know how much time had passed until you heard someone's voice clearer than earlier. "Y/N, Y/N please look at me." You dragged your eyes up to Pietro's, and he was free from his binds and untying yours. "I'm going to pick you up, okay?"

Nodding, you prepared yourself for another wave of pain. Sure enough, the pain of your stomach pulled a strangled scream from your lips as Pietro picked you up bridal style.

"I can feel the sedative wearing off, but you still need to hang on," he said quickly, and you gripped his shirt as tight as your diminishing strength would allow. Pietro had ran with his super speed with you before, so though your eyes were closed, you still knew the feeling of him running as fast as he could. The world came back to normal speed a few times, and due to the unfamiliar yells you heard, you had a feeling there were other people in the building who wanted you dead.

Finally, the air was colder and you felt some light rain washing over your face, giving you the impression you were outside. Pietro coming to a stop lead you to believe you two were safe for the time being. This comfort pried your eyes open, and you saw Pietro in the dim streetlight of the alley you now stood in. He gently set you down on your feet, but the second your feet touched the ground, you knew it wouldn't last long.

"Pietro," you muttered before collapsing into his arms again. Neither of you had realized how much blood you lost, with the stab wound in you leg and your stomach, and you knew Pietro's shock was reflecting in your face as he carefully laid you down to analyze your injuries. With just a glance to you stomach, you had an irretrievable bad feeling. The world was starting to get even darker even quicker, and you reached up to his sleeve. "Pietro," you repeated, his eyes now greeting yours while he cradled your face in his hands. Your breathing was labored and fast paced, and everything was starting to look like a melting oil painting. "I-I..." You saw his eyes intently staring at yours, but that was the last you saw. That you would ever see.

Pietro's POV

"Princessa? Princessa?!" I cried out. I denied that I had just seen the life leave her eyes, and tried to shake her awake. "Please, please Princessa don't leave me..." Tears were starting to leak from my eyes, and I collapsed as I pulled her into the last hug we'd ever share. "I forgive you..." I choked out, tightening my grip like it would somehow bring her back.


Wooo boy that was a long one. I wanted to upload this sooner, but I was having some writer's block despite knowing what I wanted to write. Anyway, thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and request! Who should I do next???

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