If Only She Knew- Natasha Romanoff

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A/N: This is geared towards a female reader, just fyi, and it's also part of the prompt imagines

Natasha's POV:
God, what the hell is wrong with me? I can't get her out of my head... I swish my drink around in my glass, wondering how I got here. Not the bar, I know all too well how I got here. I'm talkin' about the full on, head over heels, kiss in the rain in love with the new girl on the team. Well, "new girl" is a bit incorrect; Y/N's been a part of the Avengers for five months and she's had my heart for every second.

What the hell is going on with me? I've never been affected by "love" like this before. If you can even call it that... This is all so overwhelming and new I just... I'm not used to it. But now, she's all I think about. And the worst part of it is, she's with Steve. They're happy and she likes him, a lot. It's understandable, I mean just look at him... He makes her feel the same way she does me. I could never take that away from her and tell her how I feel. Damn it, what the hell is wrong with me? I do love her. Shit. If only I could-

"Oh thank God you're here," a voice I knew all to well said behind me. I felt my heart drop before I turned to face none other than the girl on my mind. "I need advice," she sighed, sitting in the bar stool beside me. I muster a smile to seem unassuming and study her panicked face as she ordered a beer. Damn she's beautiful... No, nope, focus Nat.

"What's wrong?" I ask, staring at my hands to avoid looking into her e/c eyes.

"I'm having a crisis," Y/N started, exasperated. "I used to never think I would be afraid to tell a guy how I feel, but it's like I freeze up whenever it comes up!"

"I'm sorry what crisis is this?" I ask for more specificity. It's most likely about Steve and, as brutal as it was, I needed to know all the information to help her.

She took a breath after a sip of beer, immediately putting me on edge a bit. "I want to tell Steve I'm in love with him, but I'm pretty much scared shitless..." My stomach twisted into more knots than I could count, but I refused to let my calm face fall.

"So, you're in love with Steve? That's a big step," I say as low key as possible.

"At least I think I am... Should I tell him? He may not even feel the same yet, and I mean, what would I even say?"

"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified..." I said before I could say anything else, but luckily the truth didn't completely backfire. The sound of her amazing laugh filled my ears and I was glad to see she took it as a joke.

"Ha, yeah, sure." Y/N's smile died down again and I could see the internal conflict she was having clearly. "You know how I usually am with feelings; sure of myself and unafraid. Am I crazy? Should it be easier to tell him?" She turned to me with her beautiful eyes, looking to me for an answer I wasn't sure how to give. I knew exactly how she felt, exactly, and I knew it was frustrating as hell. So, painfully, I gave her the advice I would tell myself.

"Look, the reason it's difficult is because you care about him so much. Maybe it's not like anyone else you've been in love with, because it's real this time," I say, looking at her for the first time. She was still distraught but maybe it was dying down.

"But how could I know what the difference between like him a lot and love?" Her flustered tone suggested that it was not dying down.

"Trust me Y/N you just, you know. You can't get him out of your head, you pretend to like his taste in music. You want to cuddle with him when you're sick, you think about making...pancakes on Sunday mornings... It's not just wanting to hang out with him, it's not wanting to be with anyone else. And trust me, he feels the same. If he didn't love you he'd be crazy," I smiled, trying to blink away any tears forming in my eyes. Every word I said was true, but she would never know. She couldn't know.

A small smile formed on her lips and I couldn't help but do the same at the sight of it. "You're right Tasha. You're so right. You're a genius!" she said quickly, throwing down some money and whisking out of her seat. "Thank you!" Y/N turned towards the door, and I felt a tear work it's way down my cheek.

"You're welcome..." my voice broke when I said it, and I was just thankful I was able to keep it together while she was here. Damn I'm so screwed.


Hey guys so I'm not dead just the wooorrrrsssttt sorry I haven't updated lately I promise I'll try to update more regularly. Hope you guys enjoyed, vote, comment, and request! I might do a Spider-Man imagine next??? Idk?? If I did I would probably do use one of the prompts I previously listed to let me know which one you guys would want to see

Also this week I had to read a two person poem thing with a friend about drunk driving for my school and another high school's auto safety week (it was like 2000 people at each school so fucking terrifying) so I just want to say like don't be stupid when you're driving alright? Good talk, don't drink and drive

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