Undercover- Steve Rogers Part 2

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Warnings: Implied smut

You mindlessly chewed your lip while washing your face after tonight's mission. It was ultimately successful, but you were distracted the rest of time in the club. The tingling on your waist where Steve's hands were a few hours ago distracted from the soapy water dripping into your eyes. It was even your idea to dance and blend in, and now it was you who was still reeling from it hours later. Maybe he was too...

No, don't think like that, you thought as you dried your face off. You guys are great as friends. Friends. You don't have feelings for him, he doesn't have them for you just... drop it, you tried to convince yourself. Except all you did was think about it. And him. And his eyes..his effortlessly bulging muscles that could sweep you off your feet with ease..his lips.. What would it be like to kiss him? You found your mind stuck on the question. You shook your fingers through your hair and headed for your bathroom. You needed a cold shower before your thoughts reached a place that would definitely ruin your friendship. 

Why was it now that you felt like this? After years of working together, of being friends, this mission is the one plaguing you with an unraveling curiosity? Even as you turned on the water on, your mind strongly suggested what it would be like to shower with him. 

A soft knock broke you out of your thoughts as they started to get graphic. You jogged to the door, expecting Wanda or Bruce coming to catch up after their own mission, but that wasn't the case. Steve stood on the other side of the door as it swung open. You hoped he couldn't hear your rising heartbeat.

"Uh, hey Steve..what's up?" you asked while moving to the side to let him in, though you were still distracted by your growing attraction towards him. Enough so that your eyes trailed over him as he walked past and sparked an urge to jump on him. Steve chuckled nervously at your question, scratching the back of his neck only looking at the floor. 

"Not much, just...wanted to see how you were after the mission," he muttered with sporadic glances up to your eyes. There was an anxiety radiating off and a part of you hoped he was having a similar inner conflict to you in that moment. "It was really great to work a mission just the two of us." 

You were thankful you were facing the door as it shut when he said that, because he couldn't see the embarrassment coloring your cheeks and ears. "Y-Yeah, um I'm doing fine," you lied, turning to face him. "Totally fine. How, how are you?" You silently cringed at how awkward this small talk was. You had to both be dancing around the same thing, right?

Steve scoffed ironically, squaring his shoulders back and shaking his head. "I don't know. Can I, ask you something?" he asked, meeting your gaze that had been glued to him. You only nodded, leaning against the door to keep a respectable distance between you two. "Do you feel any different after that mission?"

"Uh-Um I-I..." you started to stutter, but your throat felt like it was starting to close. 

"Because," your stomach fluttered as he started taking teasingly slow steps toward you, "I think I do."

"You think?" you asked, though it was barely a whisper, and he nodded through his intense, almost awe-struck stare. 

"I mean, I know that I haven't stopped thinking about dancing with you. About your hands on me," his voice was getting lower and softer with each step, until he was inches from you. "I know that I haven't stopped thinking about you," he whispered and you were desperately fighting the magnet pulling your chest to his. 

"I-I've been thinking about you too," you said in the same dangerously low volume. Steve's brow quirked at that response. He also seemed to only look at your lips now, and your heart was hammering in your ears when you noticed that. 

"Is that right?" There was suddenly almost a cockiness in his voice as a confident smirk played on his features.

"Mmhm," you hummed, gaining some confidence yourself. "And what it would be like to kiss you." Despite the tension between the two of you getting stronger and stronger, you didn't want to divulge too much yet. 

His smirk grew into a more genuine smile but Steve's eyes were still swirling with anticipation. "I think I can give you an answer." You were thankful you were leaning against a wall, because the kiss he planted on your lips made your head spin.

His lips moved roughly and passionately against yours, and you reciprocated without hesitation. Your hands slid up his chest and behind his neck, pulling him closer to you, and Steve's arms enveloped you as he clung onto your waist. The sparks on your tongue were almost enough to silence the logical side of your brain telling you this complicated so much. Almost. 

You pushed his chest away from you and your lips screamed at you for losing contact with his. "Wait, hold on, this..is complicated," you said breathily. Steve nodded as he caught his breath himself. "We work together," you sighed, pushing past him to pace in your room, "and we're friends. We're friends. This, changes things, right?" Your voice was starting to lose some of its confidence. While making out with him was all you were thinking about the past few hours, it could cause problems if you weren't smart about it. 

"Right," he confirmed and tugged your attention back to him. However, when you spun back around, you didn't expect him to be so close. The breath caught in your lungs as the far less logical side of you fought to pull him back to you. 

"And we should," you gulped when your throat dried up suddenly, "talk about it, before doing anything..."

"Right. We don't want to screw up what we already have." Steve must've had a magnet in his chest too, since he was gravitating closer to you with each passing second. You were about to nod in agreement again, but a different thought crossed your mind. 

"Oh fuck it..." you whispered and pulled him by the shirt until your lips reintroduced themselves. Sparks crackled from your lips down the rest of your body, especially at your hips with Steve's fingers gripped them harshly. It seemed out of character for him, but it was exciting to see him like this. It only rose when his hands dipped down to grab your thighs and lift you off the ground. You were right about him able to hoist you up with ease. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and just as you were deepening the kiss, he pulled back again.  

"We can talk about it later," he said quickly. You barely had time to reply before he attacked your lips again. 


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