May I Have This Dance?- Steve Rogers

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

"Son of a..." you muttered, shaking your hand after the flame of the lighter burned your thumb. Looking around your and Steve's apartment, you were proud of yourself. You had filled the small living room of your place with candles as a surprise for his birthday. He always got a bit sad and nostalgic at his birthday, and you wanted him to be nostalgic for a good reason this time.

Knowing Steve would be home soon, you looked through the extensive collection of vintage records the two of you shared. Flipping through dozens of albums, you found one of Steve's favorites and put it on the player. Hearing the sound of Nat King Cole fill your ears and seeing the dozens of candles, you smiled to yourself, excited for Steve to come home. 

Heading towards your bedroom to change, you heard a key turn in the lock. A slight panicked feeling rushed over you, knowing you looked like crap, but you stood still and smiled as he came in anyway. 

There was a brief look of surprise on his face, followed by pure adoration. "What's all this?" he asked through a smile.

"This is my way of saying happy birthday," you said, looking at your work briefly.

"Wow this is... incredible," he grinned, walking over to you. He lovingly brushed a thumb over your cheek, and wrapped his arms around your waist, with yours around his neck. "Thank you," he whispered before pecking your lips. You leaned your forehead against his, watching as his eyes lingered on your lips. "Great song..." he hummed, swaying slightly. 

Your smile widened at that. "I'm glad you think so." Pulling yourself away from him, you let your fingers intertwine with his and pull him into the center of the room. "May I have this dance?" You asked hopefully, but still nervously, knowing his history with Peggy. The look of surprise appeared on his face again, and his grip stiffened a bit.

"You know I can't dance Y/N..." he said uneasily.

"Come on, you're practically dancing already," you smiled sweetly, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. After a second, he smiled too, licking his lip subtly. 

"Fine. Only because I can't resist that face," he said, be it a little begrudgingly. You smiled in victory and felt his hand back on your waist, with the other gripping your hand again. Steve spent half the time staring at his feet, making sure to not step on yours, and you were glad when his eyes met yours again. He sighed in content, and you couldn't help but hope the lingering thoughts from his past weren't causing a storm behind those blue eyes. "You're so beautiful..." he said suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts.

Glancing down at yourself, blushing in embarrassment. "I'm really not right now, but thanks for the flattery...I mean I'm all gross and sweaty, didn't even have time to clean myself up..." you chuckled.

"I didn't even notice," he said completely honestly. You looked back up at him, and he looked at you like no one ever had. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you more," you grinned back.

"Not possible," he smiled, tapping your nose with his, then capturing your lips with his own again. 


Alright ladies and gents, this was my first of many prompt requested imagines, so lemme know what you think! Should I give prompts again in the future? Or not?

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