Spiderman, huh?- Peter Parker Part 2

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

Warnings: Minor blood mention

"He was unconscious when I found him, I swear," you said quickly. The group in front of you exchanged some looks, seeming to be very unsure of you.

"And you are?" you were pretty sure Tony Stark asked you. Part of you was incredibly geeking out that Tony Stark was standing in front of you. 

"Y-Y/N," You mentally scolded yourself for stuttering. 

"Yeah, we know that, FRIDAY told us when you got here," Tony said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, how do you know who he- wait... Y/N..." he squinted at you like he was piecing together something. Then he leaned to Black Widow who was standing to his left. "It can't be the Y/N, right?"

"The one the kid couldn't shut up about?" she responded, and you felt yourself blush a bit. They has tried to lower their voices, but it didn't help much. "How do you know him?" She directed the question towards you.

"School, we've um, known each other since uh...freshman year," you were nervous standing in front of these people and it showed in the stumbling of your words. Black Widow nodded a bit after that, a smirk on her face. 

"So, you found him like this?" Captain America said from behind you, as the tension in the room was lifting. 

"Yes s-sir I um..didn't want to take him to a hospital-"

"No, you did the right thing bringing him here...How'd you know to bring him here, by the way?" Tony asked, lowering the hand that had an Iron Man gauntlet protecting it. 

"I saw some papers with the Stark letterhead on them in his bag so I... I assumed you would at least know who he is..." you said uneasily, adjusting your hold on Peter. "Can I uh, put him down somewhere?" 

"Yeah, yeah of course. Follow me," Tony said, walking across the floor, and as you followed him, you saw his lab coming into view. The others talked among themselves as they went back to bed presumably, since it was well past midnight. 

The lights illuminated the lab as Mr. Stark walked in ahead of you, and you suppressed the fangirl-like scream inside you. "You can set him over there," Tony gestured to a cleared off table top as he went to grab something. 

You gladly took him up on that and set, or more accurately dropped him onto the table top. Your shirt was covered in blood, but it seemed the source of it had stopped bleeding. It was actually a relief to see. This was all a strange set of circumstances. You would've never expected yourself to care this much about someone who you compete with constantly. 

Looking up at his face, which was covered in blood, sweat, and dirt, you brushed back some of his hair from his forehead, seeing that the cut above his eye had stopped bleeding as well. You didn't really notice how attractive he was until now...

"You wanna stitch him up?" You looked up at the sound of a voice, and saw Tony standing a few feet from you with a smirk on his face. 

"I uh if you teach me I-I wouldn't mind..." you mumbled, looking between Peter and Tony. 

"From the way you're lookin' at him I'd say you really wouldn't..." Tony muttered, walking over and handing you the first aid supplies. 


"Nothing, look kid, you know how to sew?" You nodded warily. "It's like that just with skin. It's late but I trust you because you know him. Plus I have FRIDAY as my eyes and ears so, don't try anything. I'm gonna go," Tony gestured behind him, out the door, and nodded before turning and leaving you alone with Peter. 

"I guess that just leaves you and me..." you smiled sadly, looking at his face again. "And I'm talking to someone who's out cold. I should totally expect a reply... Okay, let's see here..." You inspected the gash on his right side, but couldn't see much through the red of his suit. Hesitating, you grabbed his suit by his shoulders and gently pushed it down. You pulled his Spider-Man suit down to right above his waist so you could get a better look at his wound, and found it difficult to look anywhere but his toned upper body. There were some bruises here and there, and obviously the cut on his rib cage, but other than that he looked good. Honestly, better than good...

Shaking some sense into yourself, you got back to the task at hand.


Tony was pretty much right; just like sewing. After almost an hour, you had stitched up the wound on his side (the best you could) and you were thankful for the fact that he hadn't woken up. If he did, it would've definitely been extremely painful. Not to mention you hardly knew what you were doing in the first place.

You had moved on to the cut on his forehead, cleaning off some of the dried blood that had run down Peter's face when he moved. You bounced back a bit, startled by the movement since he'd been still for the past hour. 

His eyes started to flutter open, but when he caught sight of you, his eyes widened with shock. He tried to sit up, but gasped when pain presumably shot through him. "Y-Y/N, what, uh..what are you doing, here?" He stuttered, trying to gauge the situation. 

"I, um, found you in an alley. You were passed out and hurt, and I remembered the Stark paperwork you had so I brought you here... He said I should clean you up so..." you trailed off, knowing it was obvious from there on.

"O-oh okay." He seemed more at ease after the explanation, so you went back to tending to the cut on his forehead. 

"Do you mind if..."

"Oh, no of course not," he said abruptly and you smiled as a thank you. While you cleaned up his cheek and forehead, you could feel him staring at you. Both of you wanted to engage in some sort of conversation, but neither of you knew what to say. You opted for the elephant in the room.

"So... Spider-Man, huh?" His face reddened at the comment and he laughed uneasily. It seemed he forgot he was still half in his super suit. 

"Uh, yeah um...i-it just kinda, happened...a few months ago, and I.. uh didn't really tell anybody the whole...secret identity thing," he watched you move across the lab to grab some more bandages and you laughed lightly at his nerves. 

"Don't worry Peter," you said calmly, sitting beside him again, "I won't tell anybody. As long as you don't get yourself killed, or anything..." He smiled slightly at that, looking up at you again. Like you putting a bandage on his forehead was just so intriguing. 

"Were you...worried about me?" He asked, cheekily knowing the answer.

"O-of course not..." you said quickly, turning to throw away the bloody cotton balls and gauze you used to clean him up. "It's just... I mean who else would I have to compete with at school?" He saw right through the attempt at hiding your worry and smiled at you. "Plus, I wouldn't want to have your death on my hands, since I know and all... I couldn't have that on my conscious. So no I'm not worried I'm just-" He cut off your rambling in a surprising way; with a kiss. 

You were certainly shocked at first, but more by the action than the feeling. It seemed his lips fit yours perfectly. The sparks that ran across your lips certainly did suggest that...

He pulled away all too soon with a smile still plastered on his face. "You were worried about me..."

"Shut up..." you teased, pulling his lips back towards yours.


Woohoo part two...that rhymed alright here you guys go, part two. I literally just posted part one but eh I couldn't really wait. I'll probably add Spider-Man to my list of characters now cause he's great and I kinda love Tom Holland so look out for those and thanks for reading! You know the drill; vote, comment, request. 

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